Mit tells businesses to "encourage" the way their employees vote

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney Encouraged Business Owners To Advise Employees How To Vote

There is absolutely nothing that is too low and too corrupt for this man to do.

Worse, I believe that many voters don't even understand why is this is WRONG. Its legal, but its certainly not what our founding fathers would have allowed.

But what the hell, the rw's don't give a crap about that. All they care about is putting money in the pockets of the wealthy.
Mitt Romney Encouraged Business Owners To Advise Employees How To Vote

There is absolutely nothing that is too low and too corrupt for this man to do.

Worse, I believe that many voters don't even understand why is this is WRONG. Its legal, but its certainly not what our founding fathers would have allowed.

But what the hell, the rw's don't give a crap about that. All they care about is putting money in the pockets of the wealthy.
Like the Obama DOJ that STILL hasn't indicted ANY Bankers! :D
"I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections," Romney said. "And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope, I hope you pass those along to your employees."

He continued: "Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I think that will figure into their election decision, their voting decision, and of course doing that with your family and your kids as well. I particularly think our young kids ... they need to understand that American runs on a strong and vibrant business and we need businesses growing and thriving this country."

odd, nowhere in Romney's comments does he 'encourage' employers to tell employees how to vote.

The thread title, and the Op, are liars.
Mitt Romney Encouraged Business Owners To Advise Employees How To Vote

There is absolutely nothing that is too low and too corrupt for this man to do.

Worse, I believe that many voters don't even understand why is this is WRONG. Its legal, but its certainly not what our founding fathers would have allowed.

But what the hell, the rw's don't give a crap about that. All they care about is putting money in the pockets of the wealthy.

So basically you dont want Romney actually campaigning for president.

There is ZERO corrupt about this, you worthless partisan hack.
Mitt Romney Encouraged Business Owners To Advise Employees How To Vote

There is absolutely nothing that is too low and too corrupt for this man to do.

Worse, I believe that many voters don't even understand why is this is WRONG. Its legal, but its certainly not what our founding fathers would have allowed.

But what the hell, the rw's don't give a crap about that. All they care about is putting money in the pockets of the wealthy.
Like the Obama DOJ that STILL hasn't indicted ANY Bankers! :D

You hide behind changing the subject while the two rw comments make excuses for Mittens' lack of integrity.
Here is Michelle Obama telling kids they should 'convince wrong people' to vote for Obama.

Where was your FAUXRAGE then, ludd???

dumb ass

“I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country,” she said.

“You can get out there with your parents. You guys can knock on doors. I had one young lady who brought me a petition — she’s already working. You can convince wrong people. Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves, but we will listen to our children.”
Mitt Romney Encouraged Business Owners To Advise Employees How To Vote

There is absolutely nothing that is too low and too corrupt for this man to do.

Worse, I believe that many voters don't even understand why is this is WRONG. Its legal, but its certainly not what our founding fathers would have allowed.

But what the hell, the rw's don't give a crap about that. All they care about is putting money in the pockets of the wealthy.
Like the Obama DOJ that STILL hasn't indicted ANY Bankers! :D

You hide behind changing the subject while the two rw comments make excuses for Mittens' lack of integrity.

you ignore the fazct you're a lying sack of shit.

Nowhere in Romney's comments does he 'encourage' employers to tell employees how to vote.

The thread title, and the Op, are liars.
Here is Michelle Obama telling kids they should 'convince wrong people' to vote for Obama.

Where was your FAUXRAGE then, ludd???

dumb ass

“I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country,” she said.

“You can get out there with your parents. You guys can knock on doors. I had one young lady who brought me a petition — she’s already working. You can convince wrong people. Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves, but we will listen to our children.”

What a stupid comparison. Its apples and oranges. It would be like saying that Mittens should not say, right out loud, "I want your vote". Not a damn thing wrong with that.

Where is the threat, real or implied, that people will be fired if they don't vote for the person who only wants to increase income inequality?

Maybe you ignorant rw's don't know about the letters that ceo's are sending out. If not, you need to read them because having your job threatened by lies is indeed corrupt.

Its always the same. The r does something that is way over the top, just barely legal and certainly immoral and unethical. Or the 533 lies from Mittens. You rw's would not put up with that from a Dem. And, you shouldn't. But, you will make excuses for the corrupt pubpots.

If we learned that Mitt had dead children stacked in his basement, you'd find a way to excuse it.
Here is Michelle Obama telling kids they should 'convince wrong people' to vote for Obama.

Where was your FAUXRAGE then, ludd???

dumb ass

“I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country,” she said.

“You can get out there with your parents. You guys can knock on doors. I had one young lady who brought me a petition — she’s already working. You can convince wrong people. Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves, but we will listen to our children.”

What a stupid comparison. Its apples and oranges. It would be like saying that Mittens should not say, right out loud, "I want your vote". Not a damn thing wrong with that.

Where is the threat, real or implied, that people will be fired if they don't vote for the person who only wants to increase income inequality?

Maybe you ignorant rw's don't know about the letters that ceo's are sending out. If not, you need to read them because having your job threatened by lies is indeed corrupt.

Its always the same. The r does something that is way over the top, just barely legal and certainly immoral and unethical. Or the 533 lies from Mittens. You rw's would not put up with that from a Dem. And, you shouldn't. But, you will make excuses for the corrupt pubpots.

If we learned that Mitt had dead children stacked in his basement, you'd find a way to excuse it.

the only stupid thing here is you.

Romney 'supposedly' telling employers to tell employees how to vote (which your article disproves, dumb ass)
Michelle Obama 'actually' telling kids "You can convince wrong people" to vote for Obama.

dumb ass.
And when the employees are told they must shop only in the company store (plastic shit from China at WalMart), you'll make up excuses for that as well.
And when the employees are told they must shop only in the company store (plastic shit from China at WalMart), you'll make up excuses for that as well.

Typically you dont buy items via secret shopping.

So what if a company takes a position on who they want you to vote for? If they ask you who you voted for, thats different, but saying " I think you should vote for X" is not even close to any form of harm.
And when the employees are told they must shop only in the company store (plastic shit from China at WalMart), you'll make up excuses for that as well.

Typically you dont buy items via secret shopping.

So what if a company takes a position on who they want you to vote for? If they ask you who you voted for, thats different, but saying " I think you should vote for X" is not even close to any form of harm.

I'm still waiting for the dimwit to link to a story where an employer told employees they have to shop at a particular place only.

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