Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
You threatened a sitting president of the United States as you work in the government. Take the honourable action and resign.

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens on Friday demanded the removal of a state senator who called for President Trump's assassination in a now-deleted Facebook post. Those remarks prompted an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service.

Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democrat, wrote on her personal Facebook page Thursday, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She later deleted the post.

Chapelle-Nadal has balked at calls for her resignation.

"I am not resigning," she tweeted Thursday. "When POC [people of color] are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I'll sit down with them. People are traumatized!"

So Gov. Greitens and Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, both Republicans, on Friday called for Chapelle-Nadal's colleagues to oust her.

"If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should," Greitens tweeted.

The Republican governor previously tweeted, "Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign ... Her response: 'Hell no.' Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize -— twice."
Amazing that she hasn't been driven out yet. But then, she is lack, and a Demonrat. They always circle the wagons and protect their own, no matter how vile they are. They are the people and the Party without morals.
You threatened a sitting president of the United States as you work in the government. Take the honourable action and resign.

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens on Friday demanded the removal of a state senator who called for President Trump's assassination in a now-deleted Facebook post. Those remarks prompted an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service.

Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democrat, wrote on her personal Facebook page Thursday, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She later deleted the post.

Chapelle-Nadal has balked at calls for her resignation.

"I am not resigning," she tweeted Thursday. "When POC [people of color] are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I'll sit down with them. People are traumatized!"

So Gov. Greitens and Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, both Republicans, on Friday called for Chapelle-Nadal's colleagues to oust her.

"If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should," Greitens tweeted.

The Republican governor previously tweeted, "Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign ... Her response: 'Hell no.' Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize -— twice."

Why can't the feral bitch just be arrested?
You threatened a sitting president of the United States as you work in the government. Take the honourable action and resign.

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens on Friday demanded the removal of a state senator who called for President Trump's assassination in a now-deleted Facebook post. Those remarks prompted an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service.

Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democrat, wrote on her personal Facebook page Thursday, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She later deleted the post.

Chapelle-Nadal has balked at calls for her resignation.

"I am not resigning," she tweeted Thursday. "When POC [people of color] are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I'll sit down with them. People are traumatized!"

So Gov. Greitens and Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, both Republicans, on Friday called for Chapelle-Nadal's colleagues to oust her.

"If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should," Greitens tweeted.

The Republican governor previously tweeted, "Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign ... Her response: 'Hell no.' Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize -— twice."
Can't blame him....she was WAY out of line there.
Meh, it's Missouri, they're nuts in Missouri. Always have been since they were admitted to the union. It's a schizophrenic state.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................

EXCLUSIVE: Former Trump Adviser Says He Will ‘Blow’ McMaster, Drudge ‘The F**k Out’ If Bannon Is Ousted

A rally in Virginia on Saturday intended to “Unite the Right” ended in chaos and bloodshed. The way events unfolded suggests that the main battle plan for the powers that be in America has nothing to do with illusions such as “left” and “right”—nah, instead, their primary goal appears to be Dividing the White.

The rally was organized to protest the ongoing erasure of Confederate monuments throughout the South, specifically the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, VA. It was scheduled to launch at noon and featured speakers such as Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Matthew Heimbach, and Christopher Cantwell. A rather visually fetching poster advertising the rally shows Confederate statues silhouetted in the back as a squadron of Rebel-flag-waving Civil War soldiers, half with Pepe the Frog’s face, stand guard and defend the statues’ honor. What appear to be some sort of German eagles fly above the soldiers. I’m not exactly up to date on my Nazi/eagle iconography, but it’s fair to say the average brainwashed American observer could be forgiven if they thought the poster invoked Nazi and Confederate imagery. I don’t think the organizers would try (or even wish) to deny it, either.

The rally’s planners had jumped through every possible legal hoop to ensure that the rally would commence without a hitch. Once they were issued a permit, it was revoked by the coffee-bean-colored Wes Bellamy, Vice-Mayor of Charlottesville. Wes never seems to miss an opportunity to remind you of his blackness. Among the groups he has joined (and even led) include 100 Black Men of Central Virginia, Young Black Professional Network of Charlottesville, and Charlottesville/Albemarle Alliance of Black School Educators. In case you missed it, Wes Bellamy wants you to know he’s black.

In tandem with his love of being black, Bellamy appears to hate white people. Over the years, Charlottesville, VA’s current Vice-Mayor has posted the following gems on Twitter (republished unedited and uncorrected):

I always feel sorry for the black kid growing up around alooooot of white people…

white chicks the devil

Lol funniest thing about being down south is seeing little white men and the look on their faces when they have to look up to you.

I hate seeing white people in Orangeburg


White women=Devil

Mind you, this is the guy who initially revoked a legal permit to hold a rally in Charlottesville on the premise that the attendees were hatemongers. I’ve searched and have been unable to find evidence of any of the scheduled speakers for the “Unite the Right” rally saying something quite on the Hate Level of “black women are the devil” or “I hate seeing black people in Arlington” or “I DON’T LIKE BLACK PEOPLE SO I HATE LICORICE!!!!!” Actually, I’d like to see any white politician in America who’s said equivalent things and still has their job.

The point is that Wes Bellamy is vocally pro-black and anti-white, still has his job, and he tried to use government power to squash a pro-white rally. And I haven’t seen anyone in the mainstream media even question whether there might be something even a tiny bit wrong with that scenario—some sort of, you know, insanely hypocritical double standard that might cause, or may even be engineered to cause, racial conflict rather than racial harmony.

To their credit, the ACLU stepped in and was able to reinstate the permit. On Friday night—on the eve of the rally—members of this coalition of neo-Confederates, white nationalists, Alt-Righters, and European traditionalists lit tiki torches and gathered beneath the Lee monument. Marchers chanted things such as “BLOOD AND SOIL” and “YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US.” The most amusing footage from that night rally involves a trans dude who calls himself Emily Gorcenski freaking out that his side was severely outnumbered.

But his side—aided and abetted by the police, government officials, and nearly all of the media—would show up in full force the next day.

I did not attend the event, but from what I can piece together from firsthand accounts, this is roughly what happened:

On Saturday morning, rally attendees headed toward Lee Park, where the event was scheduled to launch at noon. En route, they were met by the usual ragtag patchwork coalition of bused-in masked white anarchists, shirtless local black males with homemade flamethrowers, and shrieking obese transgender wallabies from the nearby college. As is their habit, the Antifa types began screaming and taunting and poking. They allegedly spat at anyone suspected of being a “Nazi,” also flinging urine, feces, rocks, and even cement-filled bottles at them.

Shortly before noon, police announced that a state of emergency had been declared and that the entire event therefore suddenly constituted an unlawful assembly. Pro-black Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy’s wish had been granted: There would be no pro-white rally in Charlottesville.

Everyone was ordered to leave Lee Park immediately or face arrest. Whether or not the police—or, more likely, the people who were pulling their strings—were aware of it, this is the tactical situation they were setting up: They were forcing a large crowd of easily identifiable pro-white activists to disperse straight into the maws of the BLM and Antifa fanatics who consider it their highest moral calling to bloody and kill any white person who publicly declares it’s OK to be white.

I can see why the Black Lives Matter dudes, however knuckleheaded they are, would have problems with a pro-white rally. That’s simply how phenotypical racial tribalism works. What’s curious is the keening, unhinged hatred that the “anti-racist” whites have for their genetic cohorts who refuse to join them in their creepy, ethnomasochistic psychological self-cleansing rituals.

It’s hard to argue against the contention that in the current climate, any white person who doesn’t go out of their way to apologize for being a white person is Public Enemy Number One. What’s sociologically fascinating is this intra-racial tribal war among what are called the goodwhites and the badwhites. In case you couldn’t figure it out, the “goodwhites” are the ones that are constantly apologizing.

Shortly after being told that Lee Park was off-limits, police announced that the entire city of Charlottesville was an unlawful-assembly zone. The rally-goers were thus forbidden from holding smaller events in nearby parks. So as they dispersed, they were sent into the hands of bat-wielding local blacks, who persistently taunted them as they quietly tried walking to their cars.

I watched about twenty minutes of a livestream in Charlottesville where a lone white guy with a shaved head and sunglasses had a prolonged standoff with dozens of local blacks and a smattering of communist white weirdlings who mostly stood back and let their more muscular black allies do most of the taunting. I also watched another livestream where Alt-Right types were walking away from the event were screamed at by blacks leaning out of passing cars. According to accounts, many of the blacks who roamed the streets of Charlottesville couldn’t tell the difference between white nationalists and white anti-racists, so they harassed them all indiscriminately. This is funny to me for reasons that should be obvious.

What quickly became evident to me was that the authorities completely shut down an event where the organizers had a permit, but they didn’t touch the roaming mobs of BLM and Antifa goons who hadn’t bothered to obtain permits. Police allowed them to chant “WE HAVE REPLACED YOU” and “WE’RE HERE, WE’RE GAY, WE FIGHT THE KKK” despite that alleged order about all public assemblies being temporarily banned.

I watched the day’s most infamous event, and the one that will be milked of every last drop for political purposes, right as it livestreamed—the car-plowing incident that resulted in the death of one woman and injuries to dozens of others. I watched a person get killed as it happened, and even though I wasn’t there, it’s a feeling you can’t quite ever scrub from your mind. Plenty of evidence has emerged—and it will be suppressed—that before plowing into the crowd, murder suspect James Alex Fields, Jr.’s car had been repeatedly attacked by bat-wielding rioters.

Would this have happened if the event had gone on undisturbed and the police had provided adequate protection—like they’re supposed to do when someone has a legal permit and has yet to break any laws?

Would it have happened if, after declaring the entire city a no-assembly zone, the police also forcibly dispersed the BLM and Antifa mobs rather than let them block streets throughout downtown?

Most importantly, would this have happened if the current cultural diktat wasn’t that the worst person on earth, probably even worse than a murderer or a child molester, is a white person who says there’s nothing wrong with being white?

Answers to those questions: no, no, and NO.

Naturally, the mainstream media is blaming “white supremacists,” and ONLY “white supremacists,” for the violence and bloodshed in Charlottesville on Saturday. Then again, the media has been rancidly dishonest about leftist violence for years now. And politicians across the spectrum are singling out the pro-white folks for what happened. To his credit, Donald Trump blamed “all sides” for what happened, only to be called a Nazi.

I hate to break it to whomever thinks that politics in a multiracial society can ever be totally non-racial, but this eternally morphing movement known as “the right” will never be united while whites remain so divided. Y’all crackers need to work some shit out.
You threatened a sitting president of the United States as you work in the government. Take the honourable action and resign.

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens on Friday demanded the removal of a state senator who called for President Trump's assassination in a now-deleted Facebook post. Those remarks prompted an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service.

Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democrat, wrote on her personal Facebook page Thursday, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She later deleted the post.

Chapelle-Nadal has balked at calls for her resignation.

"I am not resigning," she tweeted Thursday. "When POC [people of color] are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I'll sit down with them. People are traumatized!"

So Gov. Greitens and Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, both Republicans, on Friday called for Chapelle-Nadal's colleagues to oust her.

"If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should," Greitens tweeted.

The Republican governor previously tweeted, "Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign ... Her response: 'Hell no.' Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize -— twice."

Why can't the feral bitch just be arrested?

It's after 1865.
You threatened a sitting president of the United States as you work in the government. Take the honourable action and resign.

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens on Friday demanded the removal of a state senator who called for President Trump's assassination in a now-deleted Facebook post. Those remarks prompted an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service.

Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democrat, wrote on her personal Facebook page Thursday, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She later deleted the post.

Chapelle-Nadal has balked at calls for her resignation.

"I am not resigning," she tweeted Thursday. "When POC [people of color] are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I'll sit down with them. People are traumatized!"

So Gov. Greitens and Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, both Republicans, on Friday called for Chapelle-Nadal's colleagues to oust her.

"If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should," Greitens tweeted.

The Republican governor previously tweeted, "Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign ... Her response: 'Hell no.' Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize -— twice."

Are you kidding? The Democrats are NEVER wrong, they NEVER resign, they never jump out to slam one of their own. Only the GOP: McCain, Lindsey, Romney, Collins, Rand Paul, and the like. It is as if the GOP really doesn't want to win and when they do, it is almost an accident. When Nixon was caught doing what many have done, he resigned for the good of the country. Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED! And still he did not resign! He held fast because he know his democrats in the Congress would protect him. He was getting blow jobs in the White House and suborning others to purger themselves for him, and they didn't have one ten-millionth the outrage about that as over the way Trump condemned a bunch of Nazi protesters that he's condemned for decades, including about a dozen times JUST LAST YEAR!

Over and over Obama and his various cabinet members were caught in a whole spectrum of high crimes. Nothing. The DNC is like a heart valve that flows in only one direction. There is Trump trying to clean up this corruption and where is his own party? Bailing on him left and right. The very same political scandal that has a way of rolling off Trump's back always sticks to them and they run in fear of their lives that they might have to leave Congress and go out and get a REAL job. Likewise, this woman now will never resign! Democrats have no sense of justice, no shame, and no understanding of right and wrong. Only political power, aims, goals and control.

Her and the VERY SAME PEOPLE who claim OUTRAGE that on the 33rd time Trump condemned Nazi's and their ilk, he chose to point out that NOT ONLY THEY contributed to the chaos in Charlottesville, will be the EXACT SAME PEOPLE that will defend this woman calling for the assassination of a sitting President! That is how bad and hypocritical they are. And the Democratic party and their supporters will NEVER concede this, I don't think they are even capable; they truly believe in their hearts that whatever they do, ANYTHING they do, THE ENDS ALWAYS JUSTIFY THE MEANS. They are the epitome of LAWLESSNESS, lacking all ethical behavior and morality. They are for law ONLY when it suits their ends. And because it would take a 2/3rds Senate vote to oust her, you can bet that few if any Democrats would go along with it. They will never get the votes to remove her for terrorist threats against a sitting President but they would can Trump in a SECOND just because they didn't like Trump's candor that as bad as Nazis are, it was the Antifas who came to THEM looking to start a war.

The Democrats cannot possibly be that united in lock step by accident: all of their actions, aims, talking points and goals MUST be shared amongst them regularly. Yet you will never hear a leak about that because just as many democrats work within the intelligence agency; about 96% of DC is all democrats; like a virus, once they get into a seat of power, they try to take it over. The hapless GOP might have legal control of Washington but they still allow the democrats, like children, to have anything they want. I fear that once again, despite having Trump to support them and control of every aspect of government, that the GOP will once again blow it, fail to do the people's work and hand the biggest win in 100 years right back to the Democrats.

One look at the face of McConnell and all you see is failure, a man who before he even sets out, is already resigned to losing.

He said it himself: When Trump pressed him on keeping his promises to the American people, what was his reply? The President had unrealistic expectations. For a man who never likes to lose and only hires winners in business who get the job done whatever the cost, he is stuck with the Republican Party; that must be very frustrating to him.
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You threatened a sitting president of the United States as you work in the government. Take the honourable action and resign.

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens demands removal of state senator over Trump assassination remark

Missouri Governor Eric Greitens on Friday demanded the removal of a state senator who called for President Trump's assassination in a now-deleted Facebook post. Those remarks prompted an investigation by the U.S. Secret Service.

Sen. Maria Chapelle-Nadal, a Democrat, wrote on her personal Facebook page Thursday, "I hope Trump is assassinated!" She later deleted the post.

Chapelle-Nadal has balked at calls for her resignation.

"I am not resigning," she tweeted Thursday. "When POC [people of color] are respected by this WH & they are willing to do real work, I'll sit down with them. People are traumatized!"

So Gov. Greitens and Lt. Gov. Mike Parson, both Republicans, on Friday called for Chapelle-Nadal's colleagues to oust her.

"If she will not resign, the Senate can vote to remove her. I believe they should," Greitens tweeted.

The Republican governor previously tweeted, "Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hopes the President is killed. Republicans and Democrats have called on her to resign ... Her response: 'Hell no.' Last night, in an interview, she refused to apologize -— twice."

Why can't the feral bitch just be arrested?

Hey there is a Free Speech Rally going on in Boston. I guess that is included as Free Speech, they are right nationalist and T supporters. Go figure. Hate speech is allowed I guess.

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