Mississippi Establ. Repub to get teaparty challenge

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
I love tea party challenges :eusa_drool:

Sen. Thad Cochran Gears Up for GOP Old Guard vs. Tea Party Contest - ABC News
Mississippi is a solidly red state, but the race between a nearly 36-year veteran of the Senate and the tea party-backed newcomer will become one of the most closely watched Republican races in the country.

McDaniel, 41, entered the race in October and quickly was endorsed by the Senate Conservatives Fund and Club for Growth, who reiterated its support for McDaniel today.
Will the teapartier lose because the Repub business lobbies will no longer back them?

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No, it is not. But I would vote if I could in Mississippi for the TeaP in the primary because I am against all incumbents this year.
the prob is that 60% of the politicians time is spent fundraising in the current system but repub- voters seem to be ok w/that.

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