Mishandling of Top Secret materials...Including proper storage.


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Storage of TOP SECRET material

Domestically, the executive director of each bureau or major organizational element will designate in writing a bureau TSCO and an alternate to exercise control and maintain accountability records of material classified Top Secret in the custody of the bureau. The designated bureau TSCO will be a senior grade officer of the bureau who can control the dissemination and storage of the material.

Their duties:

a. a, Maintain strict accountability over Top Secret materia
l while under their jurisdiction

b. b. Receive, store, issue, copy, and destroy all Top Secret material within their jurisdiction.

c. c. Maintain a permanent register to account for all Top Secret material either originated in or received in the area using form OF-116, Record of Top Secret Material. (See Form OF-116 and form DS-1902, Top Secret Access Control Sheet.)

d. d. Maintain records of outgoing or destroyed Top Secret material on Form DS-112, Classified Material Receipt, or Form DS-1902, Top Secret Access Control Sheet, as appropriate, for five years. (See12 FAM Exhibit 535.1- 3(B).)

e. e. Review and change classification on Top Secret documents as directed by regulation or markings.

f. f. Destroy or arrange for retirement of Top Secret material as required by regulation or document markings.

g. g. Complete annual inventories using Form OF-123, Top Secret Document Inventory Record no later than October 31 and submit the report to the cognizant RSO for posts and DS/SI/APD for domestic offices. The RSO will notify DS/SI /APD of any inventory discrepancies. In USAID, submit reports to the central TSCO with a copy to the Office of Security.

h. h. Assign appropriate Top Secret control numbers to Top Secret documents originating in or received within their area without a State control number. In USAID, the central TSCO assigns all control numbers.

i. i. Allow no copy of a Top Secret document to be made without the permission of the originating office/agency, unless specifically authorized in the document.

j. j.

k. k. Ensure that each individual who has access to the Top Secret document signs the Top Secret Access Control Sheet access section.

l. l. Review each Top Secret document during the inventory period with a view toward possible destruction, downgrading, declassification, or retirement of the document.

m. m. Ensure that no individual within their area of jurisdiction transmits Top Secret documents to another individual or section without the knowledge and consent of the TSCO and the completion of Form DS-112.

n. n. Ensure compliance with automation security policies governing the control and protection of Top Secret information resident on automated information systems.

I did not read in this directive that any Top Secret material was to be kept in an unsecure server in a bathroom. I don’t see that documents were allowed to be arbitrarily “wiped off a server either. All correspondence was to be archived in the National Archives.

Who was Hillary’s TSCO senior grade officer o f the bureau who can control the dissemination and storage of the material? I don’t think that was talked about.


This represents just one aspect of Hillary's problems. The mishandling of Top Secret material. There are just so many more problematic situations she put herself in.

Either she was not aware of the rules;
Or for some reason she did not want her emails scrutinized by others for whatever reasons;
Or she was incompetent.

And why did she attempt to erase emails and important documents that were supposed to be stored in the National Archives...
Storage of TOP SECRET material

Domestically, the executive director of each bureau or major organizational element will designate in writing a bureau TSCO and an alternate to exercise control and maintain accountability records of material classified Top Secret in the custody of the bureau. The designated bureau TSCO will be a senior grade officer of the bureau who can control the dissemination and storage of the material.

Their duties:

a. a, Maintain strict accountability over Top Secret materia
l while under their jurisdiction

b. b. Receive, store, issue, copy, and destroy all Top Secret material within their jurisdiction.

c. c. Maintain a permanent register to account for all Top Secret material either originated in or received in the area using form OF-116, Record of Top Secret Material. (See Form OF-116 and form DS-1902, Top Secret Access Control Sheet.)

d. d. Maintain records of outgoing or destroyed Top Secret material on Form DS-112, Classified Material Receipt, or Form DS-1902, Top Secret Access Control Sheet, as appropriate, for five years. (See12 FAM Exhibit 535.1- 3(B).)

e. e. Review and change classification on Top Secret documents as directed by regulation or markings.

f. f. Destroy or arrange for retirement of Top Secret material as required by regulation or document markings.

g. g. Complete annual inventories using Form OF-123, Top Secret Document Inventory Record no later than October 31 and submit the report to the cognizant RSO for posts and DS/SI/APD for domestic offices. The RSO will notify DS/SI /APD of any inventory discrepancies. In USAID, submit reports to the central TSCO with a copy to the Office of Security.

h. h. Assign appropriate Top Secret control numbers to Top Secret documents originating in or received within their area without a State control number. In USAID, the central TSCO assigns all control numbers.

i. i. Allow no copy of a Top Secret document to be made without the permission of the originating office/agency, unless specifically authorized in the document.

j. j.

k. k. Ensure that each individual who has access to the Top Secret document signs the Top Secret Access Control Sheet access section.

l. l. Review each Top Secret document during the inventory period with a view toward possible destruction, downgrading, declassification, or retirement of the document.

m. m. Ensure that no individual within their area of jurisdiction transmits Top Secret documents to another individual or section without the knowledge and consent of the TSCO and the completion of Form DS-112.

n. n. Ensure compliance with automation security policies governing the control and protection of Top Secret information resident on automated information systems.

I did not read in this directive that any Top Secret material was to be kept in an unsecure server in a bathroom. I don’t see that documents were allowed to be arbitrarily “wiped off a server either. All correspondence was to be archived in the National Archives.

Who was Hillary’s TSCO senior grade officer o f the bureau who can control the dissemination and storage of the material? I don’t think that was talked about.


This represents just one aspect of Hillary's problems. The mishandling of Top Secret material. There are just so many more problematic situations she put herself in.

Either she was not aware of the rules;
Or for some reason she did not want her emails scrutinized by others for whatever reasons;
Or she was incompetent.

And why did she attempt to erase emails and important documents that were supposed to be stored in the National Archives...

I am a cynical person-------I do have a suspicion that she KNEW what she was
doing and was doing it because -----""" she did not want her emails scrutinized by others for whatever reasons;"" To me it seems like she was doing things hoping
to get under the wire
People are defending her by saying they weren't deemed top secret until later. So the entire defense hinges on a technicality. Do you honestly believe she didn't know how sensitive that information is? She was a Secretary of State; it was her responsibility to keep that information safe.
People are defending her by saying they weren't deemed top secret until later. So the entire defense hinges on a technicality. Do you honestly believe she didn't know how sensitive that information is? She was a Secretary of State; it was her responsibility to keep that information safe.

it is a very weak argument.-------- that which a person privy to confidential
information SHOULD deem confidential------is ALL OF IT---until determined
another issue----IMHO-----she did not act ALONE-------she has a "staff" ----
I wonder if they had access to that computer
And they would be in trouble, too if they didn't have clearance... I think it's possible an agreement with the Justice Dept will keep Abedin out of jail.
People are defending her by saying they weren't deemed top secret until later. So the entire defense hinges on a technicality. Do you honestly believe she didn't know how sensitive that information is? She was a Secretary of State; it was her responsibility to keep that information safe.

it is a very weak argument.-------- that which a person privy to confidential
information SHOULD deem confidential------is ALL OF IT---until determined
I have spent a lot of time researching this topic. It seems as though, Hillary was solely responsible for TOP Secret documents that originated with her. Also, if she was sent a sensitive document that warranted TOP SECRET status, there was a process for her to reclassify it and again, store it in a secure government server. Never, was she the person to delete a TS email or remove a TOP SECRET label.
another issue----IMHO-----she did not act ALONE-------she has a "staff" ----
I wonder if they had access to that computer
And they would be in trouble, too if they didn't have clearance... I think it's possible an agreement with the Justice Dept will keep Abedin out of jail.
Do you think Huma will snitch on Hilly?

I wonder if Huma had an OBLIGATION to snitch-------and just who was
ALLOWED access by Hillary
another issue----IMHO-----she did not act ALONE-------she has a "staff" ----
I wonder if they had access to that computer
And they would be in trouble, too if they didn't have clearance... I think it's possible an agreement with the Justice Dept will keep Abedin out of jail.
Do you think Huma will snitch on Hilly?
The question would be, if it looks like Hill is going down, Huma will get the worst punishment because she is not the one to get a slap on the wrist. Obama can give Clinton clemency so she gets an arrest, big fine and revoking of her clearance. Huma would not be that lucky.
another issue----IMHO-----she did not act ALONE-------she has a "staff" ----
I wonder if they had access to that computer
And they would be in trouble, too if they didn't have clearance... I think it's possible an agreement with the Justice Dept will keep Abedin out of jail.
Do you think Huma will snitch on Hilly?

I wonder if Huma had an OBLIGATION to snitch-------and just who was
ALLOWED access by Hillary
We know Jake Sullivan removed a TS heading (that's very bad) without going through channels, even if he was allowed to read it at all, then there;s Cheryl Mills, but not sure what her role other than top adviser was, and Huma who has already been linked to possible prosecution.
Let's say she violated policy . It's POLICY, not a criminal law .
Let's say she violated policy . It's POLICY, not a criminal law .
Oh yeah?


A security clearance is a privilege, not a right. When you accept the privilege of access to classified information, you are also accepting the responsibilities that accompany this privilege. This guide informs you of your responsibilities and provides information to help you fulfill them.

Your responsibility to protect the classified information that you learn about is a LIFELONG obligation. It continues even after you no longer have an active security clearance.

The Nondisclosure Agreement you signed when accepting your clearance is a legally binding agreement between you and the U.S. Government in which you agreed to comply with procedures for safeguarding classified information and acknowledged that there are legal sanctions for violating this agreement. Deliberate violation for profit may be prosecuted. This agreement assigned to the U.S. Government the legal right to any payments, royalties or other benefits you might receive as a result of unauthorized disclosure of classified information. Your signed Nondisclosure Agreement is the only form held on file long after you retire (50 years!).

The various topics in this module of the Security Guide discuss procedures for handling, marking, safeguarding, and communicating classified information. The regulatory basis for these procedures is Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, dated December 29, 2009. National guidance for implementing this order is in the Information Security Oversight Office implementing directive 32 C.F.R. Part 2001, effective June 25, 2010. Many individual departments, agencies, and offices also have their own implementing regulations, for example, Department of Defense Regulation 5200.1, Information Security Program, which is updated periodically as needed..

Failure to comply with these procedures may result in adverse administration action including revocation of your security clearance. When we study the history of foreign intelligence activities against the United States, one thing becomes very clear. When our adversaries or competitors are successful in obtaining classified or other sensitive information, it is usually due to negligence, willful disregard for security, or betrayal of trust by our own personnel.

Protecting Classified Information
Let's say she violated policy . It's POLICY, not a criminal law .
So have you gone to FBI headquarters and told them that, since the FBI only investigates CRIMINAL OFFENSES????

They can investigate . Doesn't mean there was a crime .

The state department deals wh a lot of secret info . You think you can just email outside the department wh out firewalls and ip security kicking in?

Do you change everyone who emailed HILLARY wh a crime too? They knew it was outside email .

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