Minimum Wage Increase About To Workers Their Jobs

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
Thank you San Fran Nan, more people out of work and people paying higher prices for what they buy

You gotta love liberal economics

Pelosi wage hike endangers workers' jobs
Tuna canneries in American Samoa looking at outsourcing labor

Posted: June 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

A wage hike endorsed by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for tuna cannery workers in America Samoa probably will cost many of those workers their jobs, according to a company that makes its headquarters in Pelosi's California district.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

The plan Pelosi moved through the House earlier this year was written to raise the lowest wage that is allowed from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour, over a period of several years

However, as WND reported, pundits caught her allowing an exemption for workers in American Samoa, where Del Monte Food Inc., which is run out of Pelosi's district that includes San Francisco, and the San Diego-based Chicken of the Sea International, employ an estimated 5,000 workers in their tuna works.
Actually this plays into the hands of the immigration folks. Fire all of the Americans and give the jobs to the ones who just got amnesty for being here illegal in the first place.
Actually this plays into the hands of the immigration folks. Fire all of the Americans and give the jobs to the ones who just got amnesty for being here illegal in the first place.

Yea, illeagals do the jobs Mercians won't do

Like trying to kill troops at Ft Dix and blow up airports
The problem we are facing really is the skilled labor is educated and the un-skilled isn't. Now with all the opportunities to go to school and get certificates and degrees through the government is available. So these unskilled jobs face the problem of wage increase and U.S. citizens who will most likely loose that job only to be filled by illegals. That isn't right or fair, but it would allow in theory to keep cost as they are. But the hiccup is gas and fuel prices for goods being sent interstate will have to rise due to freight cost. Is there really a way of answering this honestly? Not everyone is capable of going to school and being educated. Yet we need workers who will show up and work, thus the problem.
The problem we are facing really is the skilled labor is educated and the un-skilled isn't. Now with all the opportunities to go to school and get certificates and degrees through the government is available. So these unskilled jobs face the problem of wage increase and U.S. citizens who will most likely loose that job only to be filled by illegals. That isn't right or fair, but it would allow in theory to keep cost as they are. But the hiccup is gas and fuel prices for goods being sent interstate will have to rise due to freight cost. Is there really a way of answering this honestly? Not everyone is capable of going to school and being educated. Yet we need workers who will show up and work, thus the problem.

9 out of 10 people are able - 7 out of 10 are just too lazy.
You are right. So were is the reason to enable a society to remain lazy and continue to be a burden when a majority of the population works and does there part. If we had even 90% of the work force actually working our GNP and employment levels would be very low and it would be a true modern marvel. All the wishful thinking won’t change the system as it stands today.
You are right. So were is the reason to enable a society to remain lazy and continue to be a burden when a majority of the population works and does there part. If we had even 90% of the work force actually working our GNP and employment levels would be very low and it would be a true modern marvel. All the wishful thinking won’t change the system as it stands today.

After $9 trillion being spent on socail programs, libs tells us the poverty problem is worse and we need to spend more

I would love to know how libs define victory and what their exit strategy is on the war on poverty
After $9 trillion being spent on socail programs, libs tells us the poverty problem is worse and we need to spend more

I would love to know how libs define victory and what their exit strategy is on the war on poverty

If I were a liberal I'd believe the government was doing the right thing. Making us dependant on the governement and thus having no say after years of being dependant when change was clearly needed.
If I were a liberal I'd believe the government was doing the right thing. Making us dependant on the governement and thus having no say after years of being dependant when change was clearly needed.

Libs are like for friendly neighborhood drug dealer

They get you kooked, you are dependent on them for next fix (I.E. your next government check) and they have you for life
When Roosevelt started the national work force during WWII his goals at the time were simple and made good sense. But here is the catch it was not supposed to last forever. We could and should of initiated the same thing after Katrina, we still have people living on the g and receiving a check from the g and they haven't got to do a thing? I didn't make this stuff up it is in our face for real. How can liberals really not see this, because there are a lot of well to do liberals who have had to work there asses off to be successful and to turn a blind eye to that is most wasteful and lame on there parts. The free loaders are the ones who will justify there cause. I'm all for short term help and assistance, but there are folks who are making pretty damn good wages by working the system and it is generations who are doing it and have mastered it.
When Roosevelt started the national work force during WWII his goals at the time were simple and made good sense. But here is the catch it was not supposed to last forever. We could and should of initiated the same thing after Katrina, we still have people living on the g and receiving a check from the g and they haven't got to do a thing? I didn't make this stuff up it is in our face for real. How can liberals really not see this, because there are a lot of well to do liberals who have had to work there asses off to be successful and to turn a blind eye to that is most wasteful and lame on there parts. The free loaders are the ones who will justify there cause. I'm all for short term help and assistance, but there are folks who are making pretty damn good wages by working the system and it is generations who are doing it and have mastered it.

When has ANY government program been cut - and I mean REALLY cut?

Libs keep feeding the programs and wonder why the problem keeps getting worse
Well actually both parties have cut certain programs dealing with the peoples from time to time. But welfare for example is a very big money trap that would need tending too. If that were addressed it would open up moneys for other things. I know of many government programs to get the axe over the years when it came to defense spending. separate in nature but a government program nevertheless
Well actually both parties have cut certain programs dealing with the peoples from time to time. But welfare for example is a very big money trap that would need tending too. If that were addressed it would open up moneys for other things. I know of many government programs to get the axe over the years when it came to defense spending. separate in nature but a government program nevertheless

Strange priorities

Cut defense but keep the "safety net"

That safety net has become a king size bed
And if you or I were elected we'd be caught in a tight situation of what is working and what ain't. Granted welfare isn't working but we'd have to blind eye it because you can't introduce a solution without some sort of a plan. people need to work and be less dependant on the g to fix all there problems. Donald trump didn't get rich from Uncle Sam did he?
And if you or I were elected we'd be caught in a tight situation of what is working and what ain't. Granted welfare isn't working but we'd have to blind eye it because you can't introduce a solution without some sort of a plan. people need to work and be less dependant on the g to fix all there problems. Donald trump didn't get rich from Uncle Sam did he?

You would do things that promote economic growth, create more jobs, take the regulations of the free market, and let the US economy solve the problem
good ideas, but remember you've got to have support to back you on these ideas. And with a democratic majority right now that would be a hard one to really sell.

Reagan was able to get his ideas enacted with a Tip O'Neil Congress

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