MILLER: Free tuition for illegals


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
MILLER: Free tuition for illegals

California Democrats push taxpayers to subsidize higher ed for aliensAugust 26, 2011

Democrats will do anything to pander for Hispanic votes in 2012. They’re even in favor of amnesty and cash handouts to illegal aliens, if that’s what it takes. The latest scheme from California liberals is a move to force over-burdened taxpayers to foot the bill to put illegals through college.

On Thursday, the California Senate Appropriations Committee passed AB 131, which would allow undocumented pupils to sign up for public financial aid at state schools. At the same time, the Golden State’s dire fiscal straits have forced cutbacks in public-education spending for actual citizens.

MILLER: Free tuition for illegals - Washington Times
What's really crazy is what are these kids going to do with an education and no SS#?

In Mexico college is FREE! Yes, FREE! To pay it back you graduate, work for the country for a year for free and your debt is paid. Well, I should take that back, if you are going for an MD or such you do have equipment and supplies you need to purchase. Call it $300 a semester.

Yet the US wants to pay it for them.

In my next life during my college years I want to be an illegal. I worked my arse off to get through school. Who knew, all I had to do was be in MX legally or the US illegally.

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