Millennial CO2 And Temperature


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
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Watts Up With That?

Millennial CO2 And Temperature
2 hours ago

Willis Eschenbach


My mind runs to curious corners of the climate question. I got to thinking about how little the atmospheric CO2 level has changed over most of the last two thousand years. Here is the CO2 data from ice cores (colored dots) and from the Mauna Loa CO2 measuring stations (red/black line).


Figure 1. Ice core CO2, and Mauna Loa instrumentally-measured CO2.

Note that there is good agreement between the thirteen different ice cores, as well as good agreement during the period of the overlap between the ice core and the instrumental CO2 data.



More evidence that CO2 doesn't drive climate change or Temperature change at all.

How can anyone refuse to see the obvious?
I need a graph of the Earth's "Average" temperature on that graph to make any sense of temperature vs. C02 levels. A very difficult task since no one has been tracking the Earth's Average temperature in a consistent way over the 2000 year period. Yes, there have been temperature measurements, but not in such away to construct a world average for incremental years over a 2K period.
I request that there will be no trolling, attacking the source or the writer, otherwise I will report it.

I expect people to concentrate on the TOPIC content instead.

Watts Up With That?

Millennial CO2 And Temperature
2 hours ago

Willis Eschenbach


My mind runs to curious corners of the climate question. I got to thinking about how little the atmospheric CO2 level has changed over most of the last two thousand years. Here is the CO2 data from ice cores (colored dots) and from the Mauna Loa CO2 measuring stations (red/black line).


Figure 1. Ice core CO2, and Mauna Loa instrumentally-measured CO2.

Note that there is good agreement between the thirteen different ice cores, as well as good agreement during the period of the overlap between the ice core and the instrumental CO2 data.



More evidence that CO2 doesn't drive climate change or Temperature change at all.

How can anyone refuse to see the obvious?

Perhaps CO2 wasn't a driver of the changes in the past.
I request that there will be no trolling, attacking the source or the writer, otherwise I will report it.

I expect people to concentrate on the TOPIC content instead.

Watts Up With That?

Millennial CO2 And Temperature
2 hours ago

Willis Eschenbach


My mind runs to curious corners of the climate question. I got to thinking about how little the atmospheric CO2 level has changed over most of the last two thousand years. Here is the CO2 data from ice cores (colored dots) and from the Mauna Loa CO2 measuring stations (red/black line).


Figure 1. Ice core CO2, and Mauna Loa instrumentally-measured CO2.

Note that there is good agreement between the thirteen different ice cores, as well as good agreement during the period of the overlap between the ice core and the instrumental CO2 data.



More evidence that CO2 doesn't drive climate change or Temperature change at all.

How can anyone refuse to see the obvious?

Perhaps CO2 wasn't a driver of the changes in the past.

Very good and no evidence it is doing so today either.
I need a graph of the Earth's "Average" temperature on that graph to make any sense of temperature vs. C02 levels. A very difficult task since no one has been tracking the Earth's Average temperature in a consistent way over the 2000 year period. Yes, there have been temperature measurements, but not in such away to construct a world average for incremental years over a 2K period.

Read the article again, that was specifically addressed.
I need a graph of the Earth's "Average" temperature on that graph to make any sense of temperature vs. C02 levels. A very difficult task since no one has been tracking the Earth's Average temperature in a consistent way over the 2000 year period. Yes, there have been temperature measurements, but not in such away to construct a world average for incremental years over a 2K period.

Read the article again, that was specifically addressed.
I didn't read the article before my first post. I simply looked at the single graph in the OP.

That being said, I do see some graphs with temperature estimates for specific regions. However, I still contend that we don't have the data to track an average Earth temperature over a 2000 year period in a consistent way. A warm period in one part of the world could be compensated by a cold period in another part of the world. Temperatures from thousands of years ago would have to be established by indirect estimation methods, much different than temperatures measured over that last hundred years.
I request that there will be no trolling, attacking the source or the writer, otherwise I will report it.

I expect people to concentrate on the TOPIC content instead.

Watts Up With That?

Millennial CO2 And Temperature
2 hours ago

Willis Eschenbach


My mind runs to curious corners of the climate question. I got to thinking about how little the atmospheric CO2 level has changed over most of the last two thousand years. Here is the CO2 data from ice cores (colored dots) and from the Mauna Loa CO2 measuring stations (red/black line).


Figure 1. Ice core CO2, and Mauna Loa instrumentally-measured CO2.

Note that there is good agreement between the thirteen different ice cores, as well as good agreement during the period of the overlap between the ice core and the instrumental CO2 data.



More evidence that CO2 doesn't drive climate change or Temperature change at all.

How can anyone refuse to see the obvious?

Perhaps CO2 wasn't a driver of the changes in the past.

Very good and no evidence it is doing so today either.

I don't recall anyone pointing to a CO2 build up as the cause of the medieval warm period. We've never has such a rapid increase in CO2 before either. Temperature is increasing but no weather patterns have changed. The planet is the lab and we'll have to wait and see.
I request that there will be no trolling, attacking the source or the writer, otherwise I will report it.

I expect people to concentrate on the TOPIC content instead.

Watts Up With That?

Millennial CO2 And Temperature
2 hours ago

Willis Eschenbach


My mind runs to curious corners of the climate question. I got to thinking about how little the atmospheric CO2 level has changed over most of the last two thousand years. Here is the CO2 data from ice cores (colored dots) and from the Mauna Loa CO2 measuring stations (red/black line).


Figure 1. Ice core CO2, and Mauna Loa instrumentally-measured CO2.

Note that there is good agreement between the thirteen different ice cores, as well as good agreement during the period of the overlap between the ice core and the instrumental CO2 data.



More evidence that CO2 doesn't drive climate change or Temperature change at all.

How can anyone refuse to see the obvious?

Perhaps CO2 wasn't a driver of the changes in the past.

Very good and no evidence it is doing so today either.

I don't recall anyone pointing to a CO2 build up as the cause of the medieval warm period. We've never has such a rapid increase in CO2 before either. Temperature is increasing but no weather patterns have changed. The planet is the lab and we'll have to wait and see.

Yes the warming is happening but it mostly confined to the NORTHERN Hemisphere.

Have you noticed that we get a big warm period peaks around 900-1000 years apart?

The Minoan> then the Roman. then the Medieval. and now the Modern warm period, they are around 900-1000years apart it is a clear cyclic pattern. The Modern warming came basically on schedule it was SUPPOSED to warm up!

This chart show that there is no relationship between CO2 and temperature cycle, it's not even close which is why concerns about increasing CO2 in the air today are badly overblown.


Figure 2. Ljungqvist decadal temperature reconstruction 90-30°N, to which I’ve added ice core and instrumental CO2, as well as the two final decades of Berkeley Earth mean 90-30°N temperatures (blue circles). The ice core data is a lowess smooth of the individual ice core data points shown in Figure 1.


CO2 increase in the atmosphere today is actually not a significant factor to temperature change because the increase is logarithmic and nearly saturated already. The change effect of CO2 in the "heat" budget is negligible now since there is so little postulated warm forcing left to gain.

That is why the warmist/alarmist wailing about an "unprecedented" increase in CO2 these days becomes a dead end claim.
How far can you dumb down Americans? As far as you need to? A recent American Legion issue quotes a Harvard survey that indicated that a quarter of surveyed millennials thought that Judge Judy was on the supreme court. With that kind of ignorance apparently prevalent among millennials it's easy to use fake data and emotion to convince them that fossil fuels are the enemy of mankind.
Another tepid warmist/alarmist thread, maybe the CO2 bogeyman camp is slowly dying out after all?

I see similar decline in other forums I visit too, hmmm.....
I request that there will be no trolling, attacking the source or the writer, otherwise I will report it.

I expect people to concentrate on the TOPIC content instead.

Watts Up With That?

Millennial CO2 And Temperature
2 hours ago

Willis Eschenbach


My mind runs to curious corners of the climate question. I got to thinking about how little the atmospheric CO2 level has changed over most of the last two thousand years. Here is the CO2 data from ice cores (colored dots) and from the Mauna Loa CO2 measuring stations (red/black line).


Figure 1. Ice core CO2, and Mauna Loa instrumentally-measured CO2.

Note that there is good agreement between the thirteen different ice cores, as well as good agreement during the period of the overlap between the ice core and the instrumental CO2 data.



More evidence that CO2 doesn't drive climate change or Temperature change at all.

How can anyone refuse to see the obvious?

Perhaps CO2 wasn't a driver of the changes in the past.
It is a fantastic shielding gas for mig welding.
I need a graph of the Earth's "Average" temperature on that graph to make any sense of temperature vs. C02 levels. A very difficult task since no one has been tracking the Earth's Average temperature in a consistent way over the 2000 year period. Yes, there have been temperature measurements, but not in such away to construct a world average for incremental years over a 2K period.
There are ways to determine long term macro temperature swings in the fossil record. However, there are many variables that affect that and determining what made the difference is difficult.

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