Military Men Need to Educate Their Wives


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
More proof hormones can be a bad thing. American gained it's independence through force, and there continue to be events in America where force is needed.

---The spouses uniformly condemned the use of military force..."You know that they're there on orders, but they shouldn't be there. It's such a war within yourself. It's a contradiction," a Coast Guard spouse told CNN...."There is this understanding that we are stepping out of line by sharing our voice. This is stepping in uncomfortable territory," an Air Force spouse said.---

Incredible misogynistic bullshit. Bigotry lives, unfortunately. There is no excuse for people like the OP to try so hard to destroy marriage and friendship.
More proof hormones can be a bad thing. American gained it's independence through force, and there continue to be events in America where force is needed.

---The spouses uniformly condemned the use of military force..."You know that they're there on orders, but they shouldn't be there. It's such a war within yourself. It's a contradiction," a Coast Guard spouse told CNN...."There is this understanding that we are stepping out of line by sharing our voice. This is stepping in uncomfortable territory," an Air Force spouse said.---

Most military men would disagree with you. Why? Because those of us who actually DID serve (over 20 years here), received yearly training on military rights and responsibilities, some of which was spent covering the Constitution and our responsibility to defend it as per our oath.

One of the main subjects discussed routinely was the 1st Amendment, and while we may not agree with what a person is saying, we understand that they have a right to say it. That is part of what supporting and defending the Constitution is all about. While they may not agree with it, they will defend a citizen's right to say it.
There is no excuse for people like the OP to try so hard to destroy marriage and friendship.

It's a total waste of time to try and destroy a marriage.

They fall apart all by themselves.

Yup. Only the two people in a marriage can destroy it, which is why I find this "trying to destroy the family" stuff from the right-wing "conservatives" to be such rubbish. It isn't just saying vows and having a nice party. The real job is living them out when the going gets tough.
More proof hormones can be a bad thing. American gained it's independence through force, and there continue to be events in America where force is needed.

---The spouses uniformly condemned the use of military force..."You know that they're there on orders, but they shouldn't be there. It's such a war within yourself. It's a contradiction," a Coast Guard spouse told CNN...."There is this understanding that we are stepping out of line by sharing our voice. This is stepping in uncomfortable territory," an Air Force spouse said.---

They quoted a Coastie's wife and a Chair Force. I thought this was about the militray spouses.
From the article, the participants in this group

"They are black, white and Hispanic men and women, spouses of both enlisted service members and the officer corps, some of them veterans themselves, many with biracial children, speaking on the condition of anonymity to protect their spouses' careers and the personal safety of their families."

Men who march around with weaponry and say stupid things, like these boobylulus, obviously have a hormone problem, so any discussion of hormones is definitely out of place.

These right-wingers are NOT defending our nation. They are trying to destroy it.
CNN "Home front"? What the hell is that. All CNN could find was 11 spouses of Military people who were willing to peacefully demonstrate. What does it mean? It means anything the CNN "home front" wants it to mean.
More proof hormones can be a bad thing. American gained it's independence through force, and there continue to be events in America where force is needed.

---The spouses uniformly condemned the use of military force..."You know that they're there on orders, but they shouldn't be there. It's such a war within yourself. It's a contradiction," a Coast Guard spouse told CNN...."There is this understanding that we are stepping out of line by sharing our voice. This is stepping in uncomfortable territory," an Air Force spouse said.---

A Coast Guard spouse??? The Coast Guard, isn't the military. It's part of the Department of Transportation, not the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force....well, I suppose I'll have to include the "Space Force" now. We in the Navy, call it the "Shallow Water Navy." Their responsibility is patrolling our coastal waters on the lookout for criminal activity. When the do use force, it is against drug traffickers. That's not to belittle them. They do a fantastic job. They just aren't part and parcel of actual major combat missions. So, if some spouse is complaining, she/he is complaining about his/her spouse using force against some drug cartel members, as he/she isn't part of a force bombing and sending massive troops into foreign communities.
Now, as the military using force. The military brass stance and rightfully so is, "We didn't issue you a family. The military missions take precedence." If some spouse can't cope with his/her spouse using violence against an enemy (and I'm not going into the George Floyd crap), he or she shouldn't be married to a military man or woman. He or she took an oath to defend this nation against all enemies, whether foreign or domestic and if elements in the US become enemies of our Constitution and its freedoms and they are called to quell such behavior, then that is what they will do.

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