Military is Issued Warning That No ‘Disrespect’ of Biden Will Be Allowed Over Afghanistan Debacle


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Military is Issued Warning That No ‘Disrespect’ of Biden Will Be Allowed Over Afghanistan Debacle​

28 Aug 2021 ~~ By Kyle Becker
The U.S. military is warning both active duty and retired service members that no “disrespect” of President Biden will be tolerated.
The Office of Naval Intelligence’s Chief of Staff recently emailed service members to remind them of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ prohibits the public questioning of the President, the Vice President, Congress, or the Secretary of Defense, among others. The email was obtained by the Daily Wire on Friday. It reads as follows:
"Given the heightened political and social atmosphere surrounding Afghanistan, it is important to remind our uniformed personnel (active duty and reservists on temporary active duty) and military retirees of their responsibilities and obligations under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. While it is vital to protect the constitutional right of freedom of expression for these groups, consistent with mission accomplishment, national security, and good order and discipline, it’s important to remember certain limitations. Namely, uniformed personnel and military retirees are prohibited from disrespecting senior government leadership (e.g. the President, Vice President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, Service Secretaries, etc.)".
The criticism of the U.S. ‘Commander-in-Chief’ has been non-stop since his August decision to withdraw the U.S. military from Afghanistan prior to securing military equipment and evacuating civilians.
President Joe Biden earlier ignored warnings from top generals and the Pentagon and proceeded with an immediate withdrawal. The ill-advised decision left thousands in harm’s way and ushered in the precipitous fall of the nation to the Taliban after nearly two decades of war. The decision has now led to the deaths of 13 American service members, as Becker News first reported on Thursday.
The military advice given to President Biden was detailed in a Wall Street Journal article following his initial speech on the Afghanistan withdrawal.
“The president’s top generals, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley, urged Mr. Biden to keep a force of about 2,500 troops, the size he inherited, while seeking a peace agreement between warring Afghan factions, to help maintain stability,” the Wall Street Journal reported. “Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who previously served as a military commander in the region, said a full withdrawal wouldn’t provide any insurance against instability.”
“In a series of meetings leading up to his decision, military and intelligence officials told Mr. Biden that security was deteriorating in Afghanistan, and they expressed concerns both about the capabilities of the Afghan military and the Taliban’s likely ability to take over major Afghan cities,” the report continued.
Meanwhile, a Marine commander, Lt. Col. Stu Scheller, reports that he was relieved for cause after posting a viral video that called on the military’s top brass to show ‘accountability’ for their disastrous handling of the Afghanistan exit.
“People are upset because senior leaders let them down,” Lt. Col. Scheller said. “And none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying ‘we messed this up.’”
The U.S. military’s insistence that military officers not criticize the Commander-in-Chief is in accordance with the UCMJ. However, there is no action being taken at this time against ‘Woke’ soldiers who push radical causes on their social media outlets in violation of military code.
When it comes to U.S. military justice, all the troops are all equal. But some troops are more equal than others.

Hmm.... appropriate action taken by a tyrannical budding dictatorship...
Heaven forbid we call a spade a spade, or recognize incompetence when we see it. Officers and our men in the Military are not fools or chattels.. Bai Dung is wrong, he Knows it, the military knows it and the people know it! We will have to see if the people can remember it until the next election and get rid of this incompetent if not sooner.
Didn't we hang German soldiers after WWII for claiming they were following orders? Is the President and our Ruling General in the Pentagon demanding the same from our Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and soldiers to blindly follow the orders of a markedly man afflicted with Alzheimer's Dementia.
All in all it is the right of every American civilian or soldier to demand accountability of our C&C and Generals for their incompetence and cowardice in the face of our enemies. If not then we've become the Nazi's and Commies we've fought long to defeat.
America learned nothing from the Nuremberg trials.

Military is Issued Warning That No ‘Disrespect’ of Biden Will Be Allowed Over Afghanistan Debacle​

28 Aug 2021 ~~ By Kyle Becker
The U.S. military is warning both active duty and retired service members that no “disrespect” of President Biden will be tolerated.
The Office of Naval Intelligence’s Chief of Staff recently emailed service members to remind them of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ prohibits the public questioning of the President, the Vice President, Congress, or the Secretary of Defense, among others. The email was obtained by the Daily Wire on Friday. It reads as follows:
"Given the heightened political and social atmosphere surrounding Afghanistan, it is important to remind our uniformed personnel (active duty and reservists on temporary active duty) and military retirees of their responsibilities and obligations under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. While it is vital to protect the constitutional right of freedom of expression for these groups, consistent with mission accomplishment, national security, and good order and discipline, it’s important to remember certain limitations. Namely, uniformed personnel and military retirees are prohibited from disrespecting senior government leadership (e.g. the President, Vice President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, Service Secretaries, etc.)".
The criticism of the U.S. ‘Commander-in-Chief’ has been non-stop since his August decision to withdraw the U.S. military from Afghanistan prior to securing military equipment and evacuating civilians.
President Joe Biden earlier ignored warnings from top generals and the Pentagon and proceeded with an immediate withdrawal. The ill-advised decision left thousands in harm’s way and ushered in the precipitous fall of the nation to the Taliban after nearly two decades of war. The decision has now led to the deaths of 13 American service members, as Becker News first reported on Thursday.
The military advice given to President Biden was detailed in a Wall Street Journal article following his initial speech on the Afghanistan withdrawal.
“The president’s top generals, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley, urged Mr. Biden to keep a force of about 2,500 troops, the size he inherited, while seeking a peace agreement between warring Afghan factions, to help maintain stability,” the Wall Street Journal reported. “Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who previously served as a military commander in the region, said a full withdrawal wouldn’t provide any insurance against instability.”
“In a series of meetings leading up to his decision, military and intelligence officials told Mr. Biden that security was deteriorating in Afghanistan, and they expressed concerns both about the capabilities of the Afghan military and the Taliban’s likely ability to take over major Afghan cities,” the report continued.
Meanwhile, a Marine commander, Lt. Col. Stu Scheller, reports that he was relieved for cause after posting a viral video that called on the military’s top brass to show ‘accountability’ for their disastrous handling of the Afghanistan exit.
“People are upset because senior leaders let them down,” Lt. Col. Scheller said. “And none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying ‘we messed this up.’”
The U.S. military’s insistence that military officers not criticize the Commander-in-Chief is in accordance with the UCMJ. However, there is no action being taken at this time against ‘Woke’ soldiers who push radical causes on their social media outlets in violation of military code.
When it comes to U.S. military justice, all the troops are all equal. But some troops are more equal than others.

Hmm.... appropriate action taken by a tyrannical budding dictatorship...
Heaven forbid we call a spade a spade, or recognize incompetence when we see it. Officers and our men in the Military are not fools or chattels.. Bai Dung is wrong, he Knows it, the military knows it and the people know it! We will have to see if the people can remember it until the next election and get rid of this incompetent if not sooner.
Didn't we hang German soldiers after WWII for claiming they were following orders? Is the President and our Ruling General in the Pentagon demanding the same from our Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and soldiers to blindly follow the orders of a markedly man afflicted with Alzheimer's Dementia.
All in all it is the right of every American civilian or soldier to demand accountability of our C&C and Generals for their incompetence and cowardice in the face of our enemies. If not then we've become the Nazi's and Commies we've fought long to defeat.
America learned nothing from the Nuremberg trials.
Nothing burger. They always say this. Didnt you say you were in the military?
The U.S. military is warning both active duty and retired service members that no “disrespect” of President Biden will be tolerated.

Kinda hard to blame guys that were over there to be pissed off at the Dickhead In Chief. It's called insubordination if you do it, and your career is probably over and that is no small thing for most of us that have served or are serving now.
The word, "disrespect" can be understood in a number of ways. Certainly, no one in uniform should say anything publicly to the effect that the President is incompetent, treasonous, evil, or similar sentiments. But to assert logically and factually that the President's handling of this withdrawal has been ill-conceived and disastrous

Fair comment. It would be difficult to sanction such a statement, military or not.
There was a time when the oath was taken to protect and defend the constitution rather than serving the arbitrary whims of a reckless, authoritarian ruler who demonstrates no regard for the constitution.

That's been forgotten as time passes. To the extent that the latter mindset has become standard protocol. Even among many active military personnel.

Anyway. Par for the course...
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Kinda hard to blame guys that were over there to be pissed off at the Dickhead In Chief. It's called insubordination if you do it, and your career is probably over and that is no small thing for most of us that have served or are serving now.

The descension in our ranks within the military is now very apparent. When a USMC Colonel speaks out you better believe that he is not the only officer within our military whispering the same under their breathes and surely those enlisted feel the same.
This does not make for cohesive and effective military forces and will ultimately lead to the disintegration of the greatest military ever created.
Joey Xi's incompetent actions are obviously causing this and Officers like Milley, Austin, and Vindman add to the demoralizing of the troops. These troops will not fight well when called upon.
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