Mike Huckabee: Chapel Services In Public Schools Will End School Shootings


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
And this bible thumping jackwad wants to be president.

Can you imagine a nut like this leading the country or any educate person voting for this lunatic

"During a speech earlier this month at televangelist Morris Cerullo’s annual conference, Mike Huckabee said that school shootings wouldn’t take place if public schools organized daily prayers, religious assemblies, Bible readings and “chapel services.”

Mike Huckabee Chapel Services In Public Schools Will End School Shootings Right Wing Watch
I would not have any problem whatsoever with daily prayer gatherings at schools as long as those gatherings were not compulsory, and as long as all faiths and creeds were offered the same opportunities on the campus.
And this bible thumping jackwad wants to be president.

Can you imagine a nut like this leading the country or any educate person voting for this lunatic

"During a speech earlier this month at televangelist Morris Cerullo’s annual conference, Mike Huckabee said that school shootings wouldn’t take place if public schools organized daily prayers, religious assemblies, Bible readings and “chapel services.”

Mike Huckabee Chapel Services In Public Schools Will End School Shootings Right Wing Watch
So...he believes that public schools should ORGANIZE school prayer and BIBLE readings. And.....what about any student who isn't religious or Judeo-Christian religious?
And this bible thumping jackwad wants to be president.

Can you imagine a nut like this leading the country or any educate person voting for this lunatic

"During a speech earlier this month at televangelist Morris Cerullo’s annual conference, Mike Huckabee said that school shootings wouldn’t take place if public schools organized daily prayers, religious assemblies, Bible readings and “chapel services.”

Mike Huckabee Chapel Services In Public Schools Will End School Shootings Right Wing Watch
So...he believes that public schools should ORGANIZE school prayer and BIBLE readings. And.....what about any student who isn't religious or Judeo-Christian religious?
smoke time....
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I would not have any problem whatsoever with daily prayer gatherings at schools as long as those gatherings were not compulsory, and as long as all faiths and creeds were offered the same opportunities on the campus.

Once you open it up to religious groups there is divisiveness, christian kids will be hopped up try to convert other children. That's why there are tax free church's so families can pray to the sky fairy of their choice . Schools are for learning and critical thinking not fostering magical thinking. Kids can pray all they want, on the way to school or at home.. etc don't bring religous divisiveness into schools

Wayne Willis parent in 1997 Pike County school church state lawsuit died in Wisconsin Southern Jewish Life Magazine
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I would not have any problem whatsoever with daily prayer gatherings at schools as long as those gatherings were not compulsory, and as long as all faiths and creeds were offered the same opportunities on the campus.

Once you open it up to religious groups there is divisiveness, christian kids will be hopped up try to convert other children.

Nope. We had prayer groups in schools when I was a kid. We did not have "hopped up" Christian kids proselytizing.

And even if you did, that is easily clamped down. Class time is off-limits. Simple.
And this bible thumping jackwad wants to be president.

Can you imagine a nut like this leading the country or any educate person voting for this lunatic

"During a speech earlier this month at televangelist Morris Cerullo’s annual conference, Mike Huckabee said that school shootings wouldn’t take place if public schools organized daily prayers, religious assemblies, Bible readings and “chapel services.”

Mike Huckabee Chapel Services In Public Schools Will End School Shootings Right Wing Watch
Got news for ya Mike, there's a reason we call them Public Schools, not Jesus is Lord schools.
It would seem Huchabee has decided to throw the First Amendment out the window.

Needless to say, in addition to being un-Constitutional, what Huckabee proposes is ridiculous, as there's no evidence whatsoever that prayer in public schools will prevent school violence.
I would not have any problem whatsoever with daily prayer gatherings at schools as long as those gatherings were not compulsory, and as long as all faiths and creeds were offered the same opportunities on the campus.

Once you open it up to religious groups there is divisiveness, christian kids will be hopped up try to convert other children.

Nope. We had prayer groups in schools when I was a kid. We did not have "hopped up" Christian kids proselytizing.

And even if you did, that is easily clamped down. Class time is off-limits. Simple.

When I was a kid, religion was in churches and education was in schools. That's the way its supposed to be but -

On their own time, I don't care.

Isn't that what we have now?

Important that nutters like Huckster don't trash the Constitution to push their fundie agenda.
I would not have any problem whatsoever with daily prayer gatherings at schools as long as those gatherings were not compulsory, and as long as all faiths and creeds were offered the same opportunities on the campus.
Students are currently at liberty to do this, provided they abide by the holding in Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe (2000), further exhibiting Huckabee's idiocy.

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