Miami Arrests: Homegrown Terrorists Wanted To Hit Sear's Tower Foiled!


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Federal Agents Raid Suspected Terror Cell in Miami
Officials Say Group Planned to Bomb the FBI Building in Miami and Sears Tower in Chicago

June 22, 2006 — - ABC News has learned that federal agents, including the FBI, are launching a series of raids tonight targeting a suspected terror cell based in Miami.

According to sources familiar with the investigation, the group allegedly planned to bomb the FBI building in Miami and the Sears Tower in Chicago.

The group has been under surveillance for some time and was infilitrated by a government informant who allegedly led them to believe he was an Islamic radical. The suspects are described as African Americans and at least one man of Caribbean descent.

Sources say the arrests reflect the government's concern about so-called "homegrown terrorists." It's a threat FBI Director Robert Mueller discussed during a recent speech in New York.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the FBI are expected to hold a press conference about the arrests Friday morning.
Kathianne said:
Looks like this may be our Canadian experience. Wouldn't be surprised at a connection:
Official: 7 arrested in Sears Tower plot

By KELLI KENNEDY, Associated Press Writer 11 minutes ago

Seven people were arrested Thursday in connection with the early stages of a plot to attack Chicago's Sears Tower and other buildings in the U.S., including the FBI office here, a federal law enforcement official said.

As part of the raids related to the arrests, FBI agents swarmed a warehouse in Miami's Liberty City area, using a blowtorch to take off a metal door.

The official told The Associated Press the alleged plotters were mainly Americans with no apparent ties to al-Qaida or other foreign terrorist organizations. He spoke on condition of anonymity so as not to pre-empt news conferences planned for Friday in Washington and Miami.

Miami U.S. Attorney R. Alexander Acosta said in a statement that the investigation was an ongoing operation and that more details would be released Friday.

"There is no imminent threat to Miami or any other area because of these operations," said Richard Kolko, spokesman for FBI headquarters in Washington. He declined further comment.

Residents living near the warehouse said the men taken into custody described themselves as Mulims and had tried to recruit young people to join their group, which seemed militaristic.

The residents said FBI agents spent several hours in the neighborhood showing photos of the suspects and seeking information. They said the men had lived in the area about a year.

The men slept in the warehouse, said Tashawn Rose, 29. "They would come out late at night and exercise. It seemed like a military boot camp that they were working on there. They would come out and stand guard."

She talked to one of the men about a month ago: "They seemed brainwashed. They said they had given their lives to Allah."

Rose said the men tried to recruit her younger brother and nephew for a karate class.

"It was weird," she said.

Gov. Jeb Bush was briefed on the situation Thursday, according to his spokeswoman, Alia Faraj.

"We have great confidence in the federal, state and local law enforcement agencies who are committed to keeping our country safe," Faraj said.

She added that there has been greater communication between state and federal agencies since the 2001 terror attacks.

The 110-floor Sears Tower is the nation's tallest building. Its skydeck was closed for about a month and a half after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Several terrorism investigations have had south Florida links. Several of the Sept. 11 hijackers lived and trained in the area, including ringleader Mohamed Atta, and several plots by Cuban-Americans against Fidel Castro's government have been based in Miami.

Jose Padilla, a former resident once accused of plotting to detonate a radioactive bomb in the U.S., is charged in Miami with being part of a support cell for Islamic extremists. Padilla's trial is set for this fall.
GotZoom said:
There we go again.

Profiling Muslims.

I bet we traced some of their phone calls too.
:laugh: Ya think?
GotZoom said:
Yeah. And we were so wrong to do it.

I wonder what Jillian thinks of this.

You kidding? Jillian will no doubt be more concerned with the rights of the terrorists than the fact that thousands of lives were saved, and a terrorist plot foiled.
Thanks God for our intel and law enforcement.

WASHINGTON — A group of seven men have been charged with conspiring with Al Qaeda to "levy war against the United States" by committing acts of violence including blowing up Chicago's Sears Tower and an FBI building in Florida.

The men indicted by a federal grand jury were taken into custody Thursday when authorities swarmed a warehouse in the Liberty City area of Miami, removing a metal door with a blow torch. The four-count indictment also alleges plans to blow up a federal building in Miami in conjunction with the Al Qaeda terrorist network.

Click here for the War on Terror Content Center.

The men — five of whom are American citizens — along with others yet unknown, set out to "combine, conspire, confederate, and agree to provide material support and resources" to Al Qaeda "by agreeing to provide personnel, including themselves, to work under Al Qaeda's direction and control, knowing that Al Qaeda has engaged or engages in terrorist activity," the indictment reads.

Click here to read the indictment. (pdf)

During meetings with who they believed were Al Qaeda representatives but in fact were Justice Department officials, the men asked for items such as uniforms, machine guns, radio gear and thousands of dollars in cash.

(Story continues below),2933,200683,00.html
GotZoom said:
Yeah. And we were so wrong to do it.

I wonder what Jillian thinks of this.

Can't wait to hear the liberals downplay or spin this.
Think they will give Bush and his policies any credit?

trobinett said:
Ok then, as these scum bags work their way through our court system, I just have to ask, how much is THIS going to cost us?

I say, off to GITMO.:bat:

We can only do that if they're not U.S. citizens or if they're caught on foreign soil. If they're U.S. citizens caught here in the U.S., then we have to put them on trial here.
Hobbit said:
We can only do that if they're not U.S. citizens or if they're caught on foreign soil. If they're U.S. citizens caught here in the U.S., then we have to put them on trial here.

Well, being caught in Florida is kinda like being caught on foreign soil.:dunno:
trobinett said:
Well, being caught in Florida is kinda like being caught on foreign soil.:dunno:

Look at it this way. They plotted against the U.S. and a civilian target. Even domestic terrorist groups have qualms about warring against the U.S. citizens. If they're sent to Gitmo with no trial, they get fawned over by a bunch of activist groups while incarcerated in a tropical paradise along with like-minded individuals. If they get tried and convicted in the U.S., they'll go to our own, domestic jails. If these guys aren't executed by the law itself, how long do you think they'll last in prison?
Well, if they say its so it must be so.

Its not like they've ever been horribly wrong many times before in the past....

Aside from that there is the odd behaviour by the DHS in all its funding cuts (40%) for places like NYC and D.C.

Speaking of NYC, the city that just recently "avoided" a 2003 subway plot (none of the terroisim expects thought it was credible, not even Richard Clarke) check out what the DHS thinks there is to protect in NYC. Please note the highlighted part.

So you'll have to forgive me if I don't treat this announcement as if it were a proclamation from god and reserve judgement.

Seven reasons why the multiracial society is a failure.
Scary thought? :laugh:

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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Jews Are Infiltrating Al Qaeda!

Here is stunning information on the seven arrested Sears-hating terrorists who were picked up yesterday in Miami.

Jews may be infiltrating the ranks of Al Qaeda!

Says Juan Cole:

It seems pretty obvious that they are just a local African-American cult which mixed Judaism, Christianity and (a little bit of) Islam. It seems to be a of vague offshoot of the Moors group founded by Dwight York. I heard on CNN that one of them talked of being Moors. And Batiste, the leader, called whites "devils" in the tradition of the original Nation of Islam and York's Moors. Now CNN is saying one member said they practiced witchcraft [likely meaning Haitian voodoo or perhaps Santeria-like rituals]. One former member is called Levi-El, suggesting he might be associated with the Black Hebrew movement or an offshoot. Now a relative of one of the members, Phanor, said that they wore black uniforms with a star of David arm patch and considered themselves of the Order of Melchizadek. I wonder if it is "Seas of David" or "C's of David", with "c" meaning commando or some such?


The Black Hebrew Movement is working within Al Qaeda to plan jihad!

Another shocker:
Oh... and the relatives of those arrested say they are innocent.

posted by Gateway Pundit at 6/24/2006 04:22:00 PM

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