Merged Obama's Background

If he WAS a Muslim, but has since turned his back on the faith... well, that'd piss off the islamic nutjobs like nothing else! I mean, they kill folks in Afghanistan for that! Woohoo! I've never voted for a Dem presidential candidate (republican either, now that I think about it,) but I'd be willing to vote for Obama just for this!

Take THAT Iranian president Ockmood Majinidad... What? Like YOU can spell his name without cut & pasting!:eusa_hand: :razz:
yeah, its the right wing noise machine in Hillary Clinton's campaign...

its a valid question. Did his father insist on registering him in catholic school as a muslim. Was he ever muslim in his life?

It is important to know. Not because of some right wing bias against muslims, but because if he ever was, muslims will consider him an extremist and the extremists will go out of their way to behead him. It may severely limit his ability to engage in diplimatic relation with muslim countries if he is seen as an apostate.

That scurrillous rumor has been laid to rest for the rumor it is as well. Look no further than the link to <b>Media Matters</b> I posted earlier.
None you'd bother to look at!!! You'd just attack the link if it contained anything you didn't want to hear.
Pssssssst.....Hillary's gonna make sure he's put down.

I have presented substantiated evidence evidence from credible sources. You have yet to do so. You lack the courage of your convictions...Or is it simply a lack of evidence? Put up or shut up.

Blah, blah, blah. I'll ask you again, do you consider CBS News credible? How about al-AP? CNN? Don't cricket me again puh-leeze.

I don't have to "cricket" you. You've already rendered yourself irrelevant.

The truth will come out. Unfortunately, Hillary will benefit and she's a formidable opponent.

The truth has come out. You are simply unwilling to accept it.

Credibility aint' that for the self-deluded. There's no bubble to burst, your boy's in the big-time now.

My 'boy'...? The term 'boy' is a perjorative to anyone of black or mixed race ancestry. Your Freudian slip is showing.

A ten to one ratio doesn't impress me. And your "Fairness Doctrine" WON'T come back, it's dead forever.

There IS such a thing called a "primary".

Perhaps it's because the right wing-nuts engage in prevarication 10x more than the looney left.

No, that's okay, most of you people are actually saying what you think. Anyone who disagrees with you HAS to be a racist as you define the word.

<blockquote>Main Entry: <b>rac&#183;ism</b>
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
<b>1 :</b> a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
<b>2 :</b> racial prejudice or discrimination
- <b>rac&#183;ist</b> /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective</blockquote>

Can't say that my definition of 'racist' is any different from that.

It's different for us, see, this is his new Christian church:

And this is their mission statement:

That's black racism. "Black" > Jesus. its not. Pride in heritage is not racist. Commitment to faith is not racist. Support for community is not racist. You, however, seem to be displaying viewpoints which could be described as racist. Or, in you ignorance, you are simply parroting back the spew you ingest from FOX Noise and other right-wing media outlets.
I have presented substantiated evidence evidence from credible sources. You have yet to do so. You lack the courage of your convictions...Or is it simply a lack of evidence? Put up or shut up.

Oh, yeah, onlyliberalmediamatters, m'kay let's look at your evidence:

It was this:

None of the four cited any evidence, other than the article, that Clinton was responsible for promoting the madrassa story, and the article cited no one by name. Barack Obama (D-IL) -- specifically, that Obama "spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

All that leftists site is saying is that there wasn't evidence Clinton was behind the story. But did he or didn't he?

I don't have to "cricket" you. You've already rendered yourself irrelevant.

Whew.Thanks for clearing that up! I was beginning to think I was relevant!

I don't have a brain like you, you're super-smart and special! And you're relevant, because I care.

The truth has come out. You are simply unwilling to accept it.

And what truth would that be? I want him to be the nominee of your party, so maybe that's got something to do with it.

The truth you're going have to accept is that any candidate will be put under a microscope and every issue will be on the table. For example, his story is that he attended the Muslim school first, untrue by the records. He first attended the Catholic school for 3 years and then switched to the Muslim school for the last year before departing to Hawaii.


My 'boy'...? The term 'boy' is a perjorative to anyone of black or mixed race ancestry. Your Freudian slip is showing.

Yay, a PC lesson from a rich white liberal! I tailored THAT remark for you.

Perhaps it's because the right wing-nuts engage in prevarication 10x more than the looney left.

Don't know about that, you do have Keith Olbermann, that gives you bonus points. Extra for use of old lib trick of trotting out dictionary definitions of words they've warped. its not. Pride in heritage is not racist. Commitment to faith is not racist. Support for community is not racist. You, however, seem to be displaying viewpoints which could be described as racist. Or, in you ignorance, you are simply parroting back the spew you ingest from FOX Noise and other right-wing media outlets.

Uhhh...yes it is. Take that mission statement, replace "Black" with "white". It's racist period. Sounds more like a black separatistism to me in my "ignorance".

You know, iirc, if he WAS a Muslim, but turned his back on the faith, in many nations, he'd be executed... Boy, wouldn't that piss off the islamic nutjobs!

Why he should answer the questions no matter the answer.

The opportunity in this is not accusing him of being a “closet Moslem.” It requires taking him at his word that he has become a Christian — for that means he is an apostate. There is no dispute among either ancient or modern Moslem scholars that under Islamic law, a murtadd, “one who turns his back on Islam,” an apostate, must be put to death. Irtidad, apostasy, is committing treason against God, and traitors deserve to be killed.

Should Obama deny he ever was a Moslem, it will compound the problem in the eyes of Moslems. He was born of a Moslem father, raised by a Moslem stepfather, and received his first education at a Moslem school. That he subsequently went to a Catholic school in Jakarta before living with his mother’s parents back in Honolulu makes no difference. In the eyes of Moslems, he originally was a Moslem. How can he not be in those eyes, with a Koranic first name and his middle name that of the grandson of Mohammed? For him to become a Christian means he is, for them, a murtadd, an apostate

Not gonna happen, his pass has expired.
I have presented substantiated evidence evidence from credible sources. You have yet to do so. You lack the courage of your convictions...Or is it simply a lack of evidence? Put up or shut up.

I don't have to "cricket" you. You've already rendered yourself irrelevant.

The truth has come out. You are simply unwilling to accept it.

My 'boy'...? The term 'boy' is a perjorative to anyone of black or mixed race ancestry. Your Freudian slip is showing.

Perhaps it's because the right wing-nuts engage in prevarication 10x more than the looney left.

<blockquote>Main Entry: <b>rac&#183;ism</b>
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
<b>1 :</b> a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
<b>2 :</b> racial prejudice or discrimination
- <b>rac&#183;ist</b> /-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective</blockquote>

Can't say that my definition of 'racist' is any different from that. its not. Pride in heritage is not racist. Commitment to faith is not racist. Support for community is not racist. You, however, seem to be displaying viewpoints which could be described as racist. Or, in you ignorance, you are simply parroting back the spew you ingest from FOX Noise and other right-wing media outlets.

Hey BP, is it racist for Hillary to do this backgroud check and point out Mr Obama was educated in a madrassa?

I saw how the libs were silent when Chucky Shumer stiole Lt Gov Steele's personal credit report. Of course black conservatives are open targets for libs, but Obama is now the libs flavor of the month

I am going to love watching to libs tear into each other.
Did any of you folks read Barak's book, "Dreams of My Father"?

Did any of you see the AC360 story on Obama's school in Indonesia?
Hey BP, is it racist for Hillary to do this backgroud check and point out Mr Obama was educated in a madrassa?

I saw how the libs were silent when Chucky Shumer stiole Lt Gov Steele's personal credit report. Of course black conservatives are open targets for libs, but Obama is now the libs flavor of the month

I am going to love watching to libs tear into each other.

You've obviously not been paying attention. He WAS NOT educated in a madrassa. He spent two years in a catholic school and several more in a public school in Indonesia...with muslim children, buddhist children and christian children.

Stop drinking the kool-aid.
You've obviously not been paying attention. He WAS NOT educated in a madrassa. He spent two years in a catholic school and several more in a public school in Indonesia...with muslim children, buddhist children and christian children.

Stop drinking the kool-aid.

If so will Hillary get her money back from the detectives she hired?

I see you ignored the racist atacks libs made against Lt Gov Steele - not surprising
How Hillary will swiftboat Obama

Over the last several months, researchers connected to Hillary Clinton have been trying to dig up dirt on her Democratic rival, Barack Obama. The latest issue of Insight Magazine reports that Clinton's people are excited about new information they found on Obama's past that could destroy the Illinois Senator's presidential hopes. One word: Madrassa. Groups connected with Clinton will zero in on the kind of school Obama attended when he was a little boy. Someone from the Clinton camp leaked this strategy to Insight Magazine:

An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

"He was a Muslim, but he concealed it," the source said. "His opponents within the Democrats hope this will become a major issue in the campaign."

When contacted by Insight, Mr. Obama’s press secretary said he would consult with “his boss” and call back. He did not.

Sources said the background check, conducted by researchers connected to Senator Clinton, disclosed details of Mr. Obama's Muslim past. The sources said the Clinton camp concluded the Illinois Democrat concealed his prior Muslim faith and education.

"The background investigation will provide major ammunition to his opponents," the source said. "The idea is to show Obama as deceptive."

If this source is correct, then things will get incredibly personal between Clinton and Obama -- which in the end could benefit John Edwards, who would go untouched.

But quite possibly, this could backfire on Hillary Clinton. Many of John Kerry's supporters in 2004 were outraged when Karl Rove's friends, otherwise known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, diverted attention away from real issues and engaged in attacks against the Massachusetts Senator that were not true. If Clinton tries that same strategy, then she will put herself on the same level as the Rovean strategy that reduces politics to an ad hominem minefield.

Although, you never know. It might change some minds. This will be Hillary's trump card. If she trails Obama in the last month before the Iowa Caucus, and if her campaign cannot find any other way to beat him, then look for this attack to be put in play by a front group.
Kerry had eye witness testimony for his claim. Eye witness testimony is, of course, the least reliable, and testimony from different swiftboaters within SBVT contradict each other, and are contradicted by the official records of the Navy.

Excuse me!

Just the very FACT, that there is contradicting testimony, should be enough to get our attention.

Please, would you be so kind as to link me to those "official records", cause I can't fine them.:rolleyes:

Some of those who came out and attacked him had previously publicly praised him for his work in Vietnam.

This is TOO funny.

The United States Congress voted to go to war in Iraq, yet a few months later, they are able to change their minds, and the left is "on board" with that. Yet if the swift boaters change THEIR minds, or make their opinions public, they, all of a sudden are SUSPECT?

You people are just too lame.:cuckoo:

Many of the Swift boaters were not in the same area as Kerry or in Vietnam at the same time he was too.

Please, what area, EXACTLLY, was Senator Kerry? It seems to change with the weather.

You haven't bothered to go to the web site for the definitive "take" on what the Swift boaters saw, heard, or were part of.

As for military records, Kerry released over 100 pages of his military records and his military medical records prior to the SBVT campaign, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Help me out here.

I was in the Army for three years, I served overseas, and was involved in quite a number of campaigns, yet I'm sure MY military records would not even approach TWENTY pages.

Course, I didn't qualify for THREE purple hearts.

What am I missing here?

As for the issues, I agree Kerry was pretty weak. For such a good debater he was a surprisingly horrible speaker.

As many have said, "he walked the walk, but he couldn't talk the talk".

Yes, but I think making unfounded accusations like this against political candidates is unacceptable. I hope whoever released this story is taken to task for it. I highly doubt it was Clinton. Since it was so easy to prove wrong I don't think that Clinton would have floated it out there with her name attached.

Unfounded accusations, thats rich!

Unacceptable, only if its accusations againts the radical left, and the weak sisters, like Kerry, that they keep throwing up.

Clinton would sacrifice whoever he needed to, to get his point, or agenda across.
Excuse me!

Just the very FACT, that there is contradicting testimony, should be enough to get our attention.

Please, would you be so kind as to link me to those "official records", cause I can't fine them.:rolleyes:

Please, what area, EXACTLLY, was Senator Kerry? It seems to change with the weather.

This is TOO funny.

The United States Congress voted to go to war in Iraq, yet a few months later, they are able to change their minds, and the left is "on board" with that. Yet if the swift boaters change THEIR minds, or make their opinions public, they, all of a sudden are SUSPECT?

Just what are you talking about. The decision of Congress came after evidence they had relied upon, like the Yellowcake documents, were found to be forgeries or untrue. The Swiftboat veterans somehow changed their opinion on their eyewitness testimony. What led to their change in opinion? It gave them an opportunity for 15 minutes of fame. Would you please link me to where I said it wasn't suspect for the Democrats to change their mind on Iraq?

As many have said, "he walked the walk, but he couldn't talk the talk".

I don't disagree with that.

Unacceptable, only if its accusations againts the radical left, and the weak sisters, like Kerry, that they keep throwing up.

Clinton would sacrifice whoever he needed to, to get his point, or agenda across.

No, unacceptable period. Whoever made the accusation, whoever the accusation was against, it is unacceptable.
Oh, yeah, onlyliberalmediamatters, m'kay let's look at your evidence:

It was this:

All that leftists site is saying is that there wasn't evidence Clinton was behind the story. But did he or didn't he?

Did or didn't what? The claim that Obama attended a madrassa in Indonesia has been proven false.

Whew.Thanks for clearing that up! I was beginning to think I was relevant!

I don't have a brain like you, you're super-smart and special! And you're relevant, because I care.

And that's what YOU get for thinking. GIGO. As for me, I'm no genius, I simply learned how to reason, something you should really consider taking up.

And what truth would that be? I want him to be the nominee of your party, so maybe that's got something to do with it.

The truth you're going have to accept is that any candidate will be put under a microscope and every issue will be on the table. For example, his story is that he attended the Muslim school first, untrue by the records. He first attended the Catholic school for 3 years and then switched to the Muslim school for the last year before departing to Hawaii.


Quite honestly, it's far too early to tell who will be the democratic candidate at this point. Hell, I might even vote for Chuck Hagel If he's nominated by the Republicans.

Yay, a PC lesson from a rich white liberal! I tailored THAT remark for you.

Me...! Rich...!?! Now that is rich! LOL!

Don't know about that, you do have Keith Olbermann, that gives you bonus points. Extra for use of old lib trick of trotting out dictionary definitions of words they've warped.

Might want to do a little independent research then, but don't strain yourself.

Uhhh...yes it is. Take that mission statement, replace "Black" with "white". It's racist period. Sounds more like a black separatistism to me in my "ignorance".

Having admitted your ignorance is the first step on the road to recovery. Congratulations...You may, one day, become a fully functioning, rational being.

Why he should answer the questions no matter the answer.

Not gonna happen, his pass has expired.

That little op-ed does nothing but spout the talking points first issued by "<i>Insight</i>", which are nothing more than unsubstantiated rumors which have been shown for the utter bullshit they are. You're gonna have to do better than that, but you can't.

It should have occurred to you that the right wing-nut media, in the persons of Melanie Morgan, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage-Weiner, <i>et al</i>, is showing its true colors with appellations such as "halfrican", "half-minority" and other not so veiled references to Barak Obama's race. They seem believe that only rich white, Christian, heterosexual males should hold the keys to power in this nation. As with Michael Savage-Weiner's assertion that:

<blockquote>It's (<i>civil rights</i>) a whole industry; it's a racket. It's a racket that is used to exploit primarily heterosexual, Christian, white males' birthright and steal from them what is their birthright and give it to people who didn't qualify for it. Michael Savage-Weiner, 1/15/07</blockquote>

Barak Obama must really terrify them.
What does Obama consider his #1 qualification to be President? He majored in International Relations!

You can't make this stuff up.

Obama on GMA: 'I Majored in International Relations'
Posted by Mark Finkelstein on January 24, 2007 - 08:41.
Q. How do you know a presidential candidate has thin national-security credentials?

A. When he has to cite his undergraduate major as evidence of his experience.

Barack Obama made the morning show rounds today. The amiable Robin Roberts interviewed him on ABC's Good Morning America. Inevitably, talk turned to his presidential prospects.

Roberts: "You're calling for a slight withdrawal of troops and I need to ask you this -- are you concerned that your lack of experience, when it comes to foreign policy, may hurt your chances in the run for the White House?" [Note Robin's apologetic "I need to ask you."]

Obama: "Well, actually, my experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas, somebody who has studied overseas. I majored in international relations. But ultimately, foreign policy is really about judgment and having a since first and fore most of the strengths of America and the American people and being able to talk with them about what our values and ideals are and also having an understanding of what that world beyond our borders is like. That's something that I feel very confident about."

According to his Wikipedia entry, "Obama studied for two years at Occidental College in California and then transferred to Columbia University where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations." What kind of world-view do you think was inculcated in international-relations major Obama at hyper-liberal Columbia?

I'm disappointed Robin didn't ask the obvious follow-ups: "OK, you majored in international relations. But were you a member of the chess club? Ever been to Epcot Center?"

Aside: Obama boasted that in contrast with his competitors, "I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas." Perhaps Barack forgot that John McCain "lived overseas" too -- if you want to call 5/12 years as a POW in the Hanoi Hilton "living."
RSR, he's a lightweight.

Did or didn't what? The claim that Obama attended a madrassa in Indonesia has been proven false.

Barak Obama must really terrify them.

I took out most of your personal insults, this is all that's left.

You haven't proven squat. Show me the school records, your precious CNN hasn't.

Obama stated in his Convention speech:

'My father ... grew up herding goats.' The 'goat herder' claim has been repeated endlessly. Never happened. His grandfather was named "Hussein". That's his middle name.

Just because you and CNN say so says it's probably not so. I'll quote and link anything I want to and there's nothing you can do about it. And he'll never be the nominee, and there's nothing you can do about that either.

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