Members of "an idea" have declared war against us.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Queen Antifas minions get more and more looney with each passing day. ANTURDS should have been declared enemies of the state decades ago, and shipped to Chile with some fuel so that Pinochet could deal with them. We ought to be outsourcing some of these jobs because they need to be done if the country is going to survive.

Queen Antifas minions get more and more looney with each passing day. ANTURDS should have been declared enemies of the state decades ago, and shipped to Chile with some fuel so that Pinochet could deal with them. We ought to be outsourcing some of these jobs because they need to be done if the country is going to survive.

Sounds like a preemptive strike is in order.

Queen Antifas minions get more and more looney with each passing day. ANTURDS should have been declared enemies of the state decades ago, and shipped to Chile with some fuel so that Pinochet could deal with them. We ought to be outsourcing some of these jobs because they need to be done if the country is going to survive.

Sounds like a future Democrat Presidential candidate. BLM should buy him a big giant house next to Obama's on Martha's Vinyard. At the very least AOC should nominate it for Supreme Court Justice.
"The Communist Manifesto" written by Karl Marx is a better defense of freedom and equality than the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. This is the opinion of 40 percent of young Americans."

How it makes her cringe!
"The Communist Manifesto" written by Karl Marx is a better defense of freedom and equality than the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. This is the opinion of 40 percent of young Americans."

How it makes her cringe!

Actually, The Communist Manifesto is full of praise for capitalism. Marx and Engels saw it as a necessary step forward for humanity, dragging us into modernity. (And by 'us', they included what they called the 'barbarian and semi-barbarian nations' -- if those college students actually read the Manifesto, they'd cancel Marx and Engels quicker than you could say 'Politically Incorrect'.)
The proof is always in the results. Capitalism built the greatest economic engine on earth, where the poorest are richer than the rest of the world. What has socialism/communism done except to impoverish and enslave it's people?
The proof is always in the results. Capitalism built the greatest economic engine on earth, where the poorest are richer than the rest of the world. What has socialism/communism done except to impoverish and enslave it's people?
And in many nations, they end up fitting the population to meet the economic GDP the communists create.

Queen Antifas minions get more and more looney with each passing day. ANTURDS should have been declared enemies of the state decades ago, and shipped to Chile with some fuel so that Pinochet could deal with them. We ought to be outsourcing some of these jobs because they need to be done if the country is going to survive.
Pinochet is a dead piece of shit.
I think that few progressives/liberals today are genuine socialists. By 'socialism' they mean Norweigan health care.

The more extreme types, like AntiFa, might consider themselves genuine socialists or communists, but they're mostly illiterate and have never read anything that might justify their beliefs.

However, if you do happen to come across a genuine socialist -- someone who wants the means of production and distribution to be owned 'collectively' ... you should ask them this question:

Suppose we have a factory -- run by the workers directly, or part of a democratic socialist system where an Economic Planning Board gives directives to the subordinate units ... it doesn't matter ... and this factory needs to produce 100 000 widgets.

There are three ways to produce a widget, using two materials:

Method I: uses two pounds of rubber and two pounds of wood.
Method II: uses two pounds of rubber, and one pound of wood.
Method III: uses one pound of rubber, and two pounds of wood.

Which method should be chosen, to minimize the drain on society's labor and resources?

If you look at the plans, clearly Plan I is out. Either Plan II or Plan III is more efficient, less wasteful.

But which plan? In a market economy, your decision is simple: which is cheaper? If rubber is a lot more expensive than wood, you want to minimize the use of rubber, so you go with Method II. If the other way around, then Method III.

But under socialism, there is no market. Prices are set by the Central Planning Board.

This is why -- or the main reason why --- socialist economies were always so inefficient. They could not make rational economic decisions.

Now, smart socialist economists, over 80 years ago, realized the force of this argument, and came up with an idea called 'market socialism'. This was effectively capitalism, but with the units of the economy -- the factories, shops, etc -- being owned by the people who worked in them. The idea of co-operatives, writ large.

It's never been tried, and has one big problem: what socialists don't like about capitalism, among other things, is that it tends towards inequality. The clever entrepreneur becomes rich, the not-so-intelligent simple worker does not.

But this would happen under market socialism. The workers lucky enough to be given ownership of General Motors are going to prosper. Those given ownership of a company on the verge of bankruptcy, not.

So we're stuck with capitalism. The worst system in the world, except for all the others.
The proof is always in the results. Capitalism built the greatest economic engine on earth, where the poorest are richer than the rest of the world. What has socialism/communism done except to impoverish and enslave it's people?
Capitalists have killed, enslaved, and abused humans also.
Actually, The Communist Manifesto is full of praise for capitalism.
Aktually, Marx and Engels wrote that even then, in XIX century, humanity could solve many problems. But capitalism gets in the way.
In the 500 years of its existence, capitalism has not solved the problem of hunger, nor the problem of inhuman exploitation, including slavery, nor the problem of wars. Regarding wars, capitalism has brought the world to the brink of destruction, as the achievements of science are put primarily in the service of militarism.
And there is nothing capitalism can do about it, for its raison d'être is profit at all costs.
Capitalists have killed, enslaved, and abused humans also.
Yes, humans are a nasty species. Just owning some capital doesn't make you a saint.

However, when you compare capitalists to previous ruling elites, you see this difference: previous ruling elites conquered others, and enslaved them. And/or they kept part of their own population as slaves, or serfs, working the land.

But capitalists make their money by getting people to make things, which the capitalist then sells. Capitalism puts people to work -- it's not in the interests of the capitalist to kill his workers or his customers.

As society develops, the requirements of work become greater. You want your workes to be able to read, and do sums. So capitalist societies educate their populations.

It's not because capitalists are kind and benevolent. They act this way out of self-interest.

Marx and Engels saw this clearly, which is why they lavished praise on capitalism -- on 'the bourgeoisie' -- in The Communist Manifesto. Everyone should read it -- for free, here:
[ Manifesto of the Communist Party ]
Yes, humans are a nasty species. Just owning some capital doesn't make you a saint.

However, when you compare capitalists to previous ruling elites, you see this difference: previous ruling elites conquered others, and enslaved them. And/or they kept part of their own population as slaves, or serfs, working the land.

But capitalists make their money by getting people to make things, which the capitalist then sells. Capitalism puts people to work -- it's not in the interests of the capitalist to kill his workers or his customers.

As society develops, the requirements of work become greater. You want your workes to be able to read, and do sums. So capitalist societies educate their populations.

It's not because capitalists are kind and benevolent. They act this way out of self-interest.

Marx and Engels saw this clearly, which is why they lavished praise on capitalism -- on 'the bourgeoisie' -- in The Communist Manifesto. Everyone should read it -- for free, here:
[ Manifesto of the Communist Party ]
The Britsih did capture and enslaved nations along with other nations when colonialism was king, and then you had a mechanism which had the goal of stripping areas of resources to send to your own nation and the native populations were enslaved, exploited, abused, and killed.

The United States of America killed people to take their land and had slavery...
Yes, humans are a nasty species. Just owning some capital doesn't make you a saint.

However, when you compare capitalists to previous ruling elites, you see this difference: previous ruling elites conquered others, and enslaved them. And/or they kept part of their own population as slaves, or serfs, working the land.

But capitalists make their money by getting people to make things, which the capitalist then sells. Capitalism puts people to work -- it's not in the interests of the capitalist to kill his workers or his customers.

As society develops, the requirements of work become greater. You want your workes to be able to read, and do sums. So capitalist societies educate their populations.

It's not because capitalists are kind and benevolent. They act this way out of self-interest.

Marx and Engels saw this clearly, which is why they lavished praise on capitalism -- on 'the bourgeoisie' -- in The Communist Manifesto. Everyone should read it -- for free, here:
[ Manifesto of the Communist Party ]
Marx was living in a monarchy and the peasants had no ability to negotiate wages or working conditions that are what Engles and Marx wroth against. Not every system just those that suppressed workers.
Am I the only one here thinking that if somebody slapped some mastadon skins on this guy and set him down in front of a fake fire in one of those museum archaeological exhibits showing families of the paleolithic age that nobody would notice the difference?
The Britsih did capture and enslaved nations along with other nations when colonialism was king, and then you had a mechanism which had the goal of stripping areas of resources to send to your own nation and the native populations were enslaved, exploited, abused, and killed.

The United States of America killed people to take their land and had slavery...
And ?
We all know that .
But what is your point or next analysis and forecast ?

Because if the next step is for "them" to quality control air , water , food and where you live, then you have a different order of control .
Add in population numbers control and you would be in appalling trouble if you did not see it all creeping up , and / or pretended it would go away if you complained on Fakebook , or here.?
Now , finally add in censorship and fear reinforcement through created illness / vaccine killer shots, weather manipulation etc

Then what do you have?
February 2023 exactly .

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