Meet Sarah Iannarone, Portland’s Next Mayor

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Meet Sarah Iannarone, Portland’s Next Mayor
There is one good thing about Portland. At least it can’t get any worse. Under Antifa-friendly Mayor Ted Wheeler, the city has degenerated as far into moonbattery as could possibly be imagined, with riots taking place literally every night for months on end.

But wait; I forgot that no matter how far they push the envelope, progressives will always find a way to progress further still. Just because a sane person cannot imagine escalating the madness even further doesn’t mean a moonbat can’t.

he aint wrong....annn how

You thought no one could be worse than Wheeler? Meet Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone.
Via the Washington Examiner:
Iannarone was spotted wearing a skirt emblazoned with the images of communist dictators Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, as well as communist revolutionary Che Guevara.
How stylish:

Between the three of them, Mao, Stalin, and communist executioner Che Guevara killed tens of millions of people. In terms of body count, Mao is the evilest man who has ever lived; Stalin comes in second.

Iannarone’s campaign manager Gregory McKelvey openly identifies as a communist. Iannarone herself identifies as Antifa, literally proclaiming, “I am Antifa.”

At least she doesn’t leave anyone guessing as to which side she takes in the one-sided war between leftist terrorists and law enforcement. From her campaign website:

For weeks we witnessed Federal officers commit acts of violence against Portlanders in our streets… Before Trump’s secret police left the city, Portland’s current mayor failed for months to prevent Portland’s police from violently attacking journalists and protestors exercising their Constitutional rights. These failures represent a devastating reality that we must unseat in November. …
Under Wheeler’s watch, 71% of Portlanders do not have a high level of trust in the police, and 79% believe the PPB only sometimes, rarely, or never does a good job reducing or preventing crime. It is time to stop wasting money and stop putting good money after bad.
Portland is already a place where you might be shot in the street like Aaron Danielson for not being a leftist. Imagine the chaos after Iannarone defunds the police.

Reducing the budget of the PPB doesn’t mean there’s nobody there when you call for help. It means more funds available for the alternative types of assistance you may need. We have enough money to help everyone feel safe, and that money should be invested in better housing, transportation, education, health care, and social services that lead to real public safety.
When Marxists start burning your house down in the name of Black Lives Matter, you can call social services, and they will send around a social worker in a couple of weeks to chastise you for your racism.

Now for the really scary part. According to the polls, the communist crazy lady is going to win in a blowout:

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler trails his challenger Sarah Iannarone by 11 points, according to a poll of likely voters conducted by DHM Research on behalf of the Portland Business Alliance.
Some national polls have Biden up by even more.

If current trends are not reversed, Portland is our near future. Maybe it is a good thing that border wall never got finished, because the last sane people are going to want out of here.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and Frances J.
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Just when you thought prices for uhauls out of Portland couldn't get any higher
Meet Sarah Iannarone, Portland’s Next Mayor
There is one good thing about Portland. At least it can’t get any worse. Under Antifa-friendly Mayor Ted Wheeler, the city has degenerated as far into moonbattery as could possibly be imagined, with riots taking place literally every night for months on end.

But wait; I forgot that no matter how far they push the envelope, progressives will always find a way to progress further still. Just because a sane person cannot imagine escalating the madness even further doesn’t mean a moonbat can’t.

he aint wrong....annn how

You thought no one could be worse than Wheeler? Meet Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone.
Via the Washington Examiner:
Iannarone was spotted wearing a skirt emblazoned with the images of communist dictators Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, as well as communist revolutionary Che Guevara.
How stylish:

Between the three of them, Mao, Stalin, and communist executioner Che Guevara killed tens of millions of people. In terms of body count, Mao is the evilest man who has ever lived; Stalin comes in second.

Iannarone’s campaign manager Gregory McKelvey openly identifies as a communist. Iannarone herself identifies as Antifa, literally proclaiming, “I am Antifa.”

At least she doesn’t leave anyone guessing as to which side she takes in the one-sided war between leftist terrorists and law enforcement. From her campaign website:

For weeks we witnessed Federal officers commit acts of violence against Portlanders in our streets… Before Trump’s secret police left the city, Portland’s current mayor failed for months to prevent Portland’s police from violently attacking journalists and protestors exercising their Constitutional rights. These failures represent a devastating reality that we must unseat in November. …
Under Wheeler’s watch, 71% of Portlanders do not have a high level of trust in the police, and 79% believe the PPB only sometimes, rarely, or never does a good job reducing or preventing crime. It is time to stop wasting money and stop putting good money after bad.
Portland is already a place where you might be shot in the street like Aaron Danielson for not being a leftist. Imagine the chaos after Iannarone defunds the police.

Reducing the budget of the PPB doesn’t mean there’s nobody there when you call for help. It means more funds available for the alternative types of assistance you may need. We have enough money to help everyone feel safe, and that money should be invested in better housing, transportation, education, health care, and social services that lead to real public safety.
When Marxists start burning your house down in the name of Black Lives Matter, you can call social services, and they will send around a social worker in a couple of weeks to chastise you for your racism.

Now for the really scary part. According to the polls, the communist crazy lady is going to win in a blowout:

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler trails his challenger Sarah Iannarone by 11 points, according to a poll of likely voters conducted by DHM Research on behalf of the Portland Business Alliance.
Some national polls have Biden up by even more.

If current trends are not reversed, Portland is our near future. Maybe it is a good thing that border wall never got finished, because the last sane people are going to want out of here.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and Frances J.
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Just when you thought prices for uhauls out of Portland couldn't get any higher

It is no surprise that Portland Oregon would elect someone so far left for their Mayor.

with that written it is their choice to vote for this person...
I still think they should round up all those rioters and wack jobs and send them to GITMO. Then they should level the town and make it into beautiful golf courses.
If this is what the people of Portland want there is little anyone outside of Portland can do about it. The riots have moved into residential neighborhoods now. Has anyone asked Portlanders if they are enjoying the nightly entertainment?
And tonight they thank mayor Wheeler

Antifa Thanks Ted Wheeler for His Support
Ted Wheeler has pandered spinelessly to Antifa for years, enabling it to take over the city of Portland. If you don’t mind a barrage of foul language, listen to a representative of Antifa express the gratitude it would be foolish not to expect:

A couple years from now, a similar tirade will be launched against Mayor Sarah “I am Antifa” Iannarone — assuming the entire city hasn’t been burned to the ground by then.

Antifa is to the Democrat Party what the Brownshirts were to the Nazi Party, except for one important difference: Nazis could control their Brownshirts.
On a tip from Anonymous.

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Always my favorite part of the revolution...when they start killin thier own

antifa is just an idea.png
Meet Sarah Iannarone, Portland’s Next Mayor
There is one good thing about Portland. At least it can’t get any worse. Under Antifa-friendly Mayor Ted Wheeler, the city has degenerated as far into moonbattery as could possibly be imagined, with riots taking place literally every night for months on end.

But wait; I forgot that no matter how far they push the envelope, progressives will always find a way to progress further still. Just because a sane person cannot imagine escalating the madness even further doesn’t mean a moonbat can’t.

he aint wrong....annn how

You thought no one could be worse than Wheeler? Meet Portland mayoral candidate Sarah Iannarone.
Via the Washington Examiner:
Iannarone was spotted wearing a skirt emblazoned with the images of communist dictators Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin, as well as communist revolutionary Che Guevara.
How stylish:

Between the three of them, Mao, Stalin, and communist executioner Che Guevara killed tens of millions of people. In terms of body count, Mao is the evilest man who has ever lived; Stalin comes in second.

Iannarone’s campaign manager Gregory McKelvey openly identifies as a communist. Iannarone herself identifies as Antifa, literally proclaiming, “I am Antifa.”

At least she doesn’t leave anyone guessing as to which side she takes in the one-sided war between leftist terrorists and law enforcement. From her campaign website:

For weeks we witnessed Federal officers commit acts of violence against Portlanders in our streets… Before Trump’s secret police left the city, Portland’s current mayor failed for months to prevent Portland’s police from violently attacking journalists and protestors exercising their Constitutional rights. These failures represent a devastating reality that we must unseat in November. …
Under Wheeler’s watch, 71% of Portlanders do not have a high level of trust in the police, and 79% believe the PPB only sometimes, rarely, or never does a good job reducing or preventing crime. It is time to stop wasting money and stop putting good money after bad.
Portland is already a place where you might be shot in the street like Aaron Danielson for not being a leftist. Imagine the chaos after Iannarone defunds the police.

Reducing the budget of the PPB doesn’t mean there’s nobody there when you call for help. It means more funds available for the alternative types of assistance you may need. We have enough money to help everyone feel safe, and that money should be invested in better housing, transportation, education, health care, and social services that lead to real public safety.
When Marxists start burning your house down in the name of Black Lives Matter, you can call social services, and they will send around a social worker in a couple of weeks to chastise you for your racism.

Now for the really scary part. According to the polls, the communist crazy lady is going to win in a blowout:

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler trails his challenger Sarah Iannarone by 11 points, according to a poll of likely voters conducted by DHM Research on behalf of the Portland Business Alliance.
Some national polls have Biden up by even more.

If current trends are not reversed, Portland is our near future. Maybe it is a good thing that border wall never got finished, because the last sane people are going to want out of here.

On tips from Dragon’s Lair and Frances J.
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Just when you thought prices for uhauls out of Portland couldn't get any higher
I left punkland in 2016 and it was pretty normal city just had a lot of white trash and brown sugar maggots

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