Media/Democrat COLLUSION


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
After they make a political ad (which can take weeks) usually takes WEEKS before that ad actually airs on TV.

They were airing TV ads about Trumps tax returns in less than 24 hours after the story came out.

PROVING the entire thing was a coordinated hit piece. It was all set up to be released right before the first debate.

(anybody with eyes and ears knows this already...but I just had to point it out).
After they make a political ad (which can take weeks) usually takes WEEKS before that ad actually airs on TV.

They were airing TV ads about Trumps tax returns in less than 24 hours after the story came out.

PROVING the entire thing was a coordinated hit piece. It was all set up to be released right before the first debate.

(anybody with eyes and ears knows this already...but I just had to point it out).
The NYT has zero credibility.
They are attempting to create another fake issue.
Trump filed for extensions and paid the minimum.
This is perfectly legal.
Real Estate has a lot of tax deduction.
They are trying to imply that he has done something illegal.
The Corrupt Democratic Party's Public Relations Director Christine Wallace will try to make the debate about Trump's taxes.
This Debate should be a about the dangers of the Democratic Party's cultural revolution.
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After they make a political ad (which can take weeks) usually takes WEEKS before that ad actually airs on TV.

They were airing TV ads about Trumps tax returns in less than 24 hours after the story came out.

PROVING the entire thing was a coordinated hit piece. It was all set up to be released right before the first debate.

(anybody with eyes and ears knows this already...but I just had to point it out).
Now you see that it doesn't take weeks to make a political ad.
After they make a political ad (which can take weeks) usually takes WEEKS before that ad actually airs on TV.

They were airing TV ads about Trumps tax returns in less than 24 hours after the story came out.

PROVING the entire thing was a coordinated hit piece. It was all set up to be released right before the first debate.

(anybody with eyes and ears knows this already...but I just had to point it out).
The NYT is has zero credibility.
They are attempting to create another fake issue.
Trump filed for extensions and paid the minimum.
This is perfectly legal.
Real Estate has a lot of tx deduction.
They are trying to imply that he has done something illegal.
The Corrupt Democratic Party's Public Relations Director Christine Wallace will try to make the debate about Trump's taxes.
This Debate should be a about the dangers of the Democratic Party's cultural revolution.
Or it could be true and you can't accept it.
The funny thing is the left is trying to pretend that they have a clue.
they all seem to think that Trump does his taxes sitting at the kitchen table. He has accountants that keep track of expenses then hand everything over to the tax accountants.
they actually believe that the IRS is stupid enough to have never audited Trumps returns. 44 probably had the go through his returns with a fine tooth comb.
they actually ran as his hoped replacement a fellow that voted for the loopholes that were used and used them himself to keep thousands of the taxpayers money.
they are not screaming about Amazon not paying a penny nor are they claiming they are broke.

it is just the typical latest jump on anything even if it is unsubstantiated in a hope to bolster their got him now. They think it might swing enough votes to help them win, the only problem is most people are not that stupid
At 1:35 central time...Rush Limbaugh and a caller were discussing this exact subject...they even used the word "collusion".

Damn I'm good! :banana:

Having more fun that a human Thunk should be allowed to have :woohoo:
After they make a political ad (which can take weeks) usually takes WEEKS before that ad actually airs on TV.

They were airing TV ads about Trumps tax returns in less than 24 hours after the story came out.

PROVING the entire thing was a coordinated hit piece. It was all set up to be released right before the first debate.

(anybody with eyes and ears knows this already...but I just had to point it out).
You are wrong due to ignorance about how long it takes for making short video ads. Readily available equipment is available to produce the kinds of video ads we are seeing in 2020. Stock and B-roll video is available and the longest part of the process is the legal review, which can be done immediately with proper staff.

In any case, the free press allows collusion between anyone whether private individuals, news platforms corporations, businesses of any kind, political entities, etc.
In any case, the free press allows collusion between anyone whether private individuals, news platforms corporations, businesses of any kind, political entities, democrat filth etc.

Fixed it for ya.

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