Media Corruption On Perfect Display In One Washington Post Paragraph


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Media Corruption On Perfect Display In One Washington Post Paragraph

Media Corruption On Perfect Display In One Washington Post Paragraph
September 23, 2019 ~ By Mollie Hemingway
Every single assertion of this paragraph isn't just wrong, but the opposite of right. In each sentence, Trump is being blamed for things his political opponents have done.
ABC News’ White House correspondent Karen Travers approvingly tweeted out a paragraph of a front-page Washington Post rant written by Philip Rucker, Robert Costa, and Rachel Bade. The paragraph comes from their cri de coeur headlined “Trump’s Ukraine Call Reveals A President Convinced Of His Own Invincibility.”
"Trump’s sense of himself as above the law has been reinforced throughout his time in office."

"Elites in the media, government, and political institutions have discussed ousting him through the 25th amendment, impeachment, manipulation of the economy, and other extreme measures. Fired FBI director James Comey was found to have violated Trump’s civil liberties when he violated FBI policies governing investigations. Rucker, Costa, and Bade, it might be noted, provide no evidence in support of their regurgitation of the Resistance talking point that Trump views himself as above the law."
During the eight corrupt years of the Obama administration, Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter received millions from China, Russia and the Ukraine! He was paid $85,000 per month to sit on the Board of a Ukrainian energy company!
Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 Billion of U.S. Loan guarantees if Ukraine's leaders didn't dismiss their top prosecutor, who was investigating Hunter's Board Seat!
Did this benefit Hunter? Were Joe's and Hunter's overlapping interests corrupt and criminal? Somebody needs to check into this! Trump considers himself above the law? Was it he who said he would bypass the Congress with his pen and phone?
Did Trump threaten the Ukrainian government for investigating HIS son? No, that was Lunch-bucket Joe? It was JOE who did that?
No surprises here. Here are the three types of criminal adjudication:
1. Anglo-American justice under which the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty using due process.
2. Tyranny, under which the accused is presumed guilty until proved innocent using due process.
3. Liberal/Stalinist show trial justice under which due process isn't needed; it's enough to be accused by a liberal. This is why any attempts by the accused to defend himself only results in more severe punishment; it indicated lack of contrition after being accused by a liberal.
Guess which one liberals are subjecting the President of the United States to?
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats idea of Just-US. It's never been about justice it's all about them retaining their power and building on their Marxist Socialist aims in America.
Media Corruption On Perfect Display In One Washington Post Paragraph

Media Corruption On Perfect Display In One Washington Post Paragraph
September 23, 2019 ~ By Mollie Hemingway
Every single assertion of this paragraph isn't just wrong, but the opposite of right. In each sentence, Trump is being blamed for things his political opponents have done.
ABC News’ White House correspondent Karen Travers approvingly tweeted out a paragraph of a front-page Washington Post rant written by Philip Rucker, Robert Costa, and Rachel Bade. The paragraph comes from their cri de coeur headlined “Trump’s Ukraine Call Reveals A President Convinced Of His Own Invincibility.”
"Trump’s sense of himself as above the law has been reinforced throughout his time in office."

"Elites in the media, government, and political institutions have discussed ousting him through the 25th amendment, impeachment, manipulation of the economy, and other extreme measures. Fired FBI director James Comey was found to have violated Trump’s civil liberties when he violated FBI policies governing investigations. Rucker, Costa, and Bade, it might be noted, provide no evidence in support of their regurgitation of the Resistance talking point that Trump views himself as above the law."
During the eight corrupt years of the Obama administration, Vice President Joe Biden's son, Hunter received millions from China, Russia and the Ukraine! He was paid $85,000 per month to sit on the Board of a Ukrainian energy company!
Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 Billion of U.S. Loan guarantees if Ukraine's leaders didn't dismiss their top prosecutor, who was investigating Hunter's Board Seat!
Did this benefit Hunter? Were Joe's and Hunter's overlapping interests corrupt and criminal? Somebody needs to check into this! Trump considers himself above the law? Was it he who said he would bypass the Congress with his pen and phone?
Did Trump threaten the Ukrainian government for investigating HIS son? No, that was Lunch-bucket Joe? It was JOE who did that?
No surprises here. Here are the three types of criminal adjudication:
1. Anglo-American justice under which the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty using due process.
2. Tyranny, under which the accused is presumed guilty until proved innocent using due process.
3. Liberal/Stalinist show trial justice under which due process isn't needed; it's enough to be accused by a liberal. This is why any attempts by the accused to defend himself only results in more severe punishment; it indicated lack of contrition after being accused by a liberal.
Guess which one liberals are subjecting the President of the United States to?
It's the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats idea of Just-US. It's never been about justice it's all about them retaining their power and building on their Marxist Socialist aims in America.
I absolutely adore Mollie Hemingway. So cute and so SMART!

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