Meanwhile, Republicans hard at work trying to steal the election


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Gold Supporting Member
Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.
Suspect his bill will get rick-rolled into the circular file. Not going to fly in this lifetime.
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.

Amen! Our very democracy is at stake in the upcoming 2020 Election.

How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
I am sure the GOP is working as hard as the Dems at stealing the election.

I think the Right is learning fast, but the Left is still King of Dirty least for now.

I Can't WAIT for every dem President to get impeached by a Republican house going forward :yes_text12:
GOP will not have the house for a long, long time.
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.
Meanwhile, Republicans hard at work trying to steal the election

Finally the GOP has discovered their nut-sacks
Remember, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, the Left must be destroyed.
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How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.
Tough shit.

Get up off your slacker ass and make sure your vote gets in on time, and quit blaming others for your carelessness and sloth.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
Even St. Fauci said there's no reason not to get off your ass and go to the polls.

But nobody ever thought the straws were going to grasp at themselves.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?
It’s good that there is a lot of political noise out there...SCOTUS, Trumps insistence there won’t be a peaceful transition of power unless he wins, constantly changing COVID rules, a rehash of Burisma from a nothing burger report, attempts to dismantle the post office right before a national obscures what is going on.

Sen. Rick Scott thinks we should have less than 48 hours to count ballots.

On Thursday, Florida Sen. Rick Scott proposed a bill that would change election laws with less than six weeks to go until November’s election, causing complete mayhem and ensuring that untold numbers of otherwise valid votes would not be counted. Scott’s proposal is simple and entirely unworkable. His Help America Vote Act of 2020 would require that mail-in ballots be counted within 24 hours of when voting closes on Election Day. Scott’s proposed legislation would also prevent mail-in ballots received prior to Election Day from being processed and counted until the morning of Nov. 3, contradicting state election statutes across the country including one that he signed when he was governor of Florida. Basically, the bill would move back the date by which votes can start to be counted and move up the date by which the count must end. This would limit the count to a single less-than-48-hour window, shortening the count in some cases by weeks. In Scott’s own home state of Florida, as one example, votes can start to be counted up to 22 days before Election Day. In Colorado, which does all mail-in voting, they can be processed as soon as they are received and counted 15 days before Election Day. Under Scott’s law, those votes would all have to begin to be counted on Election Day itself. Any votes that did not get counted simply would not count.
The rules have been that the day of the election all votes are tallied and a winner is determined. With China, working with the Joe Biden Campaign to release upon the world and the US the Kung Flu, just so the left can have an excuse to put millions of ballots into the hands of cheaters, just so they can stack the deck, is not just wrong, criminal. This just proves that one of our moderators would be criminal, and not for the law of the land.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.


The problems aren’t because Trump is in office but because Covid has messed everything up.

So why shorten it?
Covid is the excuse, it's a political weapon being used. I can go to Costco, I can go to a bar.
I can go to the DMV, but I can't go vote in person????????
The problem IS that Trump is in office.

How long should we give them to figure it out with the count?
If the democrats have their way, it will be after Jan 16, 2021.
That date will usher in the real chaos.
How much time are you willing to give them to count the ballots? A week? Two Weeks? A month?
Past elections have been counted quickly, now that Trump is in office, the democrats are trying to cause
chaos IMO to muck up the election.
They have done nothing overall for this country other than try and bring down a duly elected president.
They counted for weeks in 2000. Never had as many mail in ballots as are expected this year. Have heard not many states have had to deal with massive mail in voting. It will take longer, but I have no idea how long it takes to count possibly millions of mail in paper ballots. Do you?

To combat this Leftist ploy, I do hope Republican states have mailed out millions of ballots in rural areas etc.
The Right must learn to play dirty like the left.

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