Mayor of Chicago threatened that parties would be shut down!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Yes three weeks ago Lori Lightfoot was vehement about people having garden parties, threatening police intervention and possible JAIL TIME! I just saw a social gathering happening in Chicago with about 300 revelers bashing the shit out of a news truck. So I guess that's ok because it isn't a garden party.

Remember that Memorial Day pool party, where they were jammed tightly together and nobody was wearing masks?

Well, now someone who attended the party has now come down with the virus, and they are pretty sure they were contagious when they attended. All the people who went are now being asked to self quarantine for 14 days.
Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one tested negative, we didn't look the same

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't cure everyone, so ya got to cure yourself

People came from miles around, everyone was there
Yoko brought her PPE, there was panic in the air
And over in the corner, much to my surprise
Mr. Facci hid in trumpster shoes wearing CDC disguise

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't cure everyone, so ya got to cure yourself

Played them all the old remedies, thought that's why they came
No one heard the music, we didn't look the same
I said hello to "quinine", it all deserves to be
When I sang a song about it , it was time to leave

But it's all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can't cure everyone, so ya got to cure yourself

Someone opened up a closet door and out stepped Otto Warburg
Playing his part like a-ringin' Nobel and lookin' like he should
If you gotta play at garden parties, I wish you a lotta luck
But if remedies were all we sang, we’d never make a buck

And it's all right now, learned my lesson well
You see, ya can't cure everyone, so you got to cure yourself

~S~w/apologies to Mr Nelson
Isn’t their a hot line where the liberal Karen’s worried about corona virus can rat out their fellow protesters?
What's wrong with niggs infecting & killing themselves? It's a free country. Why you mad?
Quit the racist comments. We know who is funding this and who is inciting it, just like in Ferguson, Portland, etc, etc, etc.-

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