May Day and Labor Day = Same thing. Income Inequality= low GDP


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
May 8, 2018

With Unemployment So Low Why are Wages Stagnant?

Last Friday the Labor Department announced that the unemployment rate dropped to 3.9%–the lowest rate since the 1990s. Yet with this drop wages have yet to increase very much, especially since the Great Recession of 2008. Why? Venerable neo-liberal economists, such as the New York Times’ Paul Krugman, hypothesize that employers are reluctant to raise wages for fear they cannot cut them in the future.(insert hyperlink here) Others contend that we have not fully recovered from the recession or that the actual labor force participation rates are still high, making wage increases sticky. All of these explanations miss the point. Employers are not raising wages because they do not have to. The reason is that labor unions are so week now that they cannot do what they historically have done which is to pressure employers to increase wages.

Last week was May 1–May Day. Yet people forget why we have unions. The last 150 years of American history is the battle of workers and unions against corporations. America in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was the country of trusts. It was the emergence of the railroads, steel, big oil, and monopolies. It was also the era of sweatshops, child labor, adulterated and unsafe foods, and the six day, 70 hour+ work weeks. It was also the era of piecemeal below subsistence wages, poor working conditions and high injury rates, no health benefits, no retirement benefits, and no protections against discrimination and harassment. It was the world of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle. Unions were illegal, and workers who stood up for their rights were beat up by the Pinkertons–company hired security–or arrested by the newly created public police forces which were created to control and brake unions.

About Labor Day
The first Labor Day was held in 1882. Its origins stem from the desire of the Central Labor Union to create a holiday for workers. It became a federal holiday in 1894. It was originally intended that the day would be filled with a street parade to allow the public to appreciate the work of the trade and labor organizations. After the parade, a festival was to be held to amuse local workers and their families. In later years, prominent men and women held speeches. This is less common now, but is sometimes seen in election years. One of the reasons for choosing to celebrate this on the first Monday in September, and not on May 1, which is common in the rest of the world, was to add a holiday in the long gap between Independence Day and Thanksgiving.
Labor Day in the United States

Why are the wages not going up, and when are they going to go up? I understand the market is higher now, great for the young people, but you will lose it and will be in for a bumpy ride. Soon they will want to end SS and have you all in the market with IRA's and 401K's, the rich will get your money anyway they can , but not for seniors as we remember to keep money safer as we age, as the market goes up and down, like a teeter- totter. Regan blew a hole in the unions and the GOP and Trump are putting a nail in it.
If we need unions again, they can return.

they just have to be smart, making sure someone is way overpaid only means the costs are passed on.

To who , the wealthy?

To the consumer.

Which consumer, or maybe the wealthy need to have a higher tax bracket. What do you suggest to get rid of inequality, and to protect laborers?

What do you suggest to get rid of inequality

Why do we have to do that?
If we need unions again, they can return.

they just have to be smart, making sure someone is way overpaid only means the costs are passed on.

To who , the wealthy?

To the consumer.

Which consumer, or maybe the wealthy need to have a higher tax bracket. What do you suggest to get rid of inequality, and to protect laborers?

What do you suggest to get rid of inequality

Why do we have to do that?

I don't know since you work for the wealthy, don't you do their taxes?
If we need unions again, they can return.

they just have to be smart, making sure someone is way overpaid only means the costs are passed on.

To who , the wealthy?

To the consumer.

Which consumer, or maybe the wealthy need to have a higher tax bracket. What do you suggest to get rid of inequality, and to protect laborers?

What do you suggest to get rid of inequality

Why do we have to do that?

I don't know since you work for the wealthy, don't you do their taxes?

You don't know why we have to get rid of inequality, we just do?
To who , the wealthy?

To the consumer.

Which consumer, or maybe the wealthy need to have a higher tax bracket. What do you suggest to get rid of inequality, and to protect laborers?

What do you suggest to get rid of inequality

Why do we have to do that?

I don't know since you work for the wealthy, don't you do their taxes?

You don't know why we have to get rid of inequality, we just do?

One reason, it lowers the GDP.
To the consumer.

Which consumer, or maybe the wealthy need to have a higher tax bracket. What do you suggest to get rid of inequality, and to protect laborers?

What do you suggest to get rid of inequality

Why do we have to do that?

I don't know since you work for the wealthy, don't you do their taxes?

You don't know why we have to get rid of inequality, we just do?

One reason, it lowers the GDP.

How? Any specifics?
If we need unions again, they can return.

they just have to be smart, making sure someone is way overpaid only means the costs are passed on.

To who , the wealthy?
this is why I'm glad you like to start threads.

you think your op is well thought out, then this is your reply.

being a leftist really does require group idiotic think
If we need unions again, they can return.

they just have to be smart, making sure someone is way overpaid only means the costs are passed on.

To who , the wealthy?

To the consumer.

Which consumer, or maybe the wealthy need to have a higher tax bracket. What do you suggest to get rid of inequality, and to protect laborers?
they are in the highest tax bracket.

just admit your jealous of every rich person that isn't a Hollywood star and move on.

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