Mathematical Art in an Eight Dimensional Space


Gold Member
Apr 18, 2015
An eight dimensional algebraic space undergoing certain mathematical (fractal) transformations can be unimaginably complex. A slice through two of the dimensions can form an image. There are virtually an infinite ways of slicing the space and forming a tremendous variety of images. A sequence of slices can form a video.

This is the eleventh video in a series. It focuses on the serene side of fractals in an 8-D Octonion Algebra. The videos are HD size. Details can be seen better if it is expanded to full screen. Also turn on the sound.
Nothing special, cheap cartoons.

Fractal is a mathematical term to describe self-repetition, mathematics itself has nothing to do with it. The reflection in the trillage is a fractal, and it knows nothing about "mathematics".
In my experience, mathematicians are pretty stupid creatures and they are poorly oriented in abstract concepts.

For example, Gödel could not understand that his theorems are just a verbose explanation of the fact that postulates should not originate from themselves or the system they generate, this is, in principle, impossible. Therefore, there are axioms in mathematics and therefore mathematics sucks. In real science, nothing is postulated.

It seems that the mathematical mind comprehends with formulas what is self-evident to others
Nothing special, cheap cartoons.

Fractal is a mathematical term to describe self-repetition, mathematics itself has nothing to do with it. The reflection in the trillage is a fractal, and it knows nothing about "mathematics".
In my experience, mathematicians are pretty stupid creatures and they are poorly oriented in abstract concepts.

For example, Gödel could not understand that his theorems are just a verbose explanation of the fact that postulates should not originate from themselves or the system they generate, this is, in principle, impossible. Therefore, there are axioms in mathematics and therefore mathematics sucks. In real science, nothing is postulated.

It seems that the mathematical mind comprehends with formulas what is self-evident to others
Some fractals occur in nature. Others can be mathematically generated.

Gödel is far deeper than that.

Self-evident? Not quantum mechanics. eg.
Some fractals occur in nature. Others can be mathematically generated.

Gödel is far deeper than that.

Self-evident? Not quantum mechanics. eg.
quantum mechanics is fiction. It was precisely the replacement of science with mathematical speculations that made it possible to drag fictional models into science. In real science, this would not have passed the filter, because there science was clearly separated from scholasticism.
Gödel is far deeper than that.
No, he's not deeper, he's just a cretin. There is no such a problem in logic that he solving. It is clear that nothing can be solved by deduction only, because correct premises are needed. Methematics usually just invent this premisses, real scientists gets from experince
rupol2000 I think you might have a good in-depth discussion with grumblenuts. He has a thread in the S&T forum on complex numbers.
what problem did Gödel and the company solving?

Suppose I say that all elephants are red, which means that Jack the elephant is also red. And now from the fact that Jack is red, I must deduce that all elephants are red, thereby proving the premise.

This is a task for psychiatry. But it was these idiots who came to science in the 20th century.
what problem did Gödel and the company solving?

Suppose I say that all elephants are red, which means that Jack the elephant is also red. And now from the fact that Jack is red, I must deduce that all elephants are red, thereby proving the premise.

This is a task for psychiatry. But it was these idiots who came to science in the 20th century.
Ask grumblenuts. He thinks the way you do.
First, deductive reasoning by itself does not prove anything real; it is correct only within the framework of the model. That is, from the point of view of deduction, it is correct, but this does not mean that it is correct in the physical sense.
Second, contrary to Gödel, one can easily prove the premises by corollaries by backward induction. For example:

1) All people are cucumbers
2) Socrates is a man
3) Socrates is a cucumber

Correct deduction.

Now that we "know" that all people are cucumbers, we conclude that premise 1 is correct.

This is how mathematicians prove the natural series of numbers, with the help of "deductive induction". That is, a tautology that proves nothing real
And another "fundamental" question that "troubled the minds" of these autists: if language allows contradictory statements, is it correct or not?

1 = 1& 1 = 2

This is a grammatically correct contradictory statement. This means the arithmetic is incorrect.

This is the reason why Cantor's theory went to garbage.
In mathematics, autists and nerds hang around who are not able to wipe their ass without the help of their mother, but the problem here is not that they spend our taxes on buying themselves rattles and porn, but that this leads to the degradation of society.
There are 2 mistakes in Kleene's paradox at once: he has no real implication there, his conclusion does not follow from his premise, the second is that he uses tautology as a "proof"
And this is not schizophrenia, and not "noble madness", this is banal dementia
implication is possible only when the particular is derived from the general. Any thrown phrases are not implication, even if the autist put arrows there. lol
what problem did Gödel and the company solving?

Suppose I say that all elephants are red, which means that Jack the elephant is also red. And now from the fact that Jack is red, I must deduce that all elephants are red, thereby proving the premise.

This is a task for psychiatry. But it was these idiots who came to science in the 20th century.
Wolfgang Science

This scientific decadence, confusion, and mythology originated in the German universities. A student wasn't allowed to think for himself; he had to be obedient, a passive dummy. Then when he got his PhD after years of mind-slavery, he was allowed to think for himself and had never learned how to do that. This led to weird and undisciplined speculations; like an eight-year-old gobbling up all his Trick or Treat candy until he got sick to his stomach. Only it's our stomachs that have to put up with this brain-vomit.
Wolfgang Science

This scientific decadence, confusion, and mythology originated in the German universities. A student wasn't allowed to think for himself; he had to be obedient, a passive dummy. Then when he got his PhD after years of mind-slavery, he was allowed to think for himself and had never learned how to do that. This led to weird and undisciplined speculations; like an eight-year-old gobbling up all his Trick or Treat candy until he got sick to his stomach. Only it's our stomachs that have to put up with this brain-vomit.
This was most likely due to the fact that the Prussians ousted the Austro-Hungarians from the German lands.

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