"Mass Incarceration" - Baloney


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Is there any rational justification for the use of the expression, "Mass Incarceration"? It is constantly trotted out by race pimps as "proof" of "social injustice."

But seriously, what is "mass incarceration"? Has a "mass" of [Black] people ever been convicted of anything? How would that work? It could only work if the cases, proofs, witnesses, evidences where identical against all the defendants, and that would be a rare case indeed.

The expression, "Mass incarceration" seeks to make the case that the overwhelming presence of "Blacks" in prison is the result of something other than their INDIVIDUAL criminality - which is nonsense.

The bullshit matter of "white" cocaine offenders getting lighter sentences than "Black" cocaine offenders fell apart when it was pointed out that it was the Blacks in Congress who insisted on greater penalties for "crack" cocaine, which was a scourge in the "Black" community.

Seriously, isn't the expression, "Mass Incarceration" itself a fraud?
Using that "logic", then we have a "mass incarceration" of males since men make up the great majority of those in prison.

Does anyone ever complain about that?

Is there any rational justification for the use of the expression, "Mass Incarceration"? It is constantly trotted out by race pimps as "proof" of "social injustice."

But seriously, what is "mass incarceration"? Has a "mass" of [Black] people ever been convicted of anything? How would that work? It could only work if the cases, proofs, witnesses, evidences where identical against all the defendants, and that would be a rare case indeed.

The expression, "Mass incarceration" seeks to make the case that the overwhelming presence of "Blacks" in prison is the result of something other than their INDIVIDUAL criminality - which is nonsense.

The bullshit matter of "white" cocaine offenders getting lighter sentences than "Black" cocaine offenders fell apart when it was pointed out that it was the Blacks in Congress who insisted on greater penalties for "crack" cocaine, which was a scourge in the "Black" community.

Seriously, isn't the expression, "Mass Incarceration" itself a fraud?
Whites have race pimped since 1776. Your post is a prime example of how they do it.
Is there any rational justification for the use of the expression, "Mass Incarceration"? It is constantly trotted out by race pimps as "proof" of "social injustice."

But seriously, what is "mass incarceration"? Has a "mass" of [Black] people ever been convicted of anything? How would that work? It could only work if the cases, proofs, witnesses, evidences where identical against all the defendants, and that would be a rare case indeed.

The expression, "Mass incarceration" seeks to make the case that the overwhelming presence of "Blacks" in prison is the result of something other than their INDIVIDUAL criminality - which is nonsense.

The bullshit matter of "white" cocaine offenders getting lighter sentences than "Black" cocaine offenders fell apart when it was pointed out that it was the Blacks in Congress who insisted on greater penalties for "crack" cocaine, which was a scourge in the "Black" community.

Seriously, isn't the expression, "Mass Incarceration" itself a fraud?
Whites have race pimped since 1776. Your post is a prime example of how they do it.
Po poooooo wittle victim :(
Is there any rational justification for the use of the expression, "Mass Incarceration"? It is constantly trotted out by race pimps as "proof" of "social injustice."

But seriously, what is "mass incarceration"? Has a "mass" of [Black] people ever been convicted of anything? How would that work? It could only work if the cases, proofs, witnesses, evidences where identical against all the defendants, and that would be a rare case indeed.

The expression, "Mass incarceration" seeks to make the case that the overwhelming presence of "Blacks" in prison is the result of something other than their INDIVIDUAL criminality - which is nonsense.

The bullshit matter of "white" cocaine offenders getting lighter sentences than "Black" cocaine offenders fell apart when it was pointed out that it was the Blacks in Congress who insisted on greater penalties for "crack" cocaine, which was a scourge in the "Black" community.

Seriously, isn't the expression, "Mass Incarceration" itself a fraud?
The mass incarceration of blk men is because of drug laws.

But most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black.

That is where the real money is.

The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers.

They are almost never caught.

If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever.

So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year.
Is there any rational justification for the use of the expression, "Mass Incarceration"? It is constantly trotted out by race pimps as "proof" of "social injustice."

But seriously, what is "mass incarceration"? Has a "mass" of [Black] people ever been convicted of anything? How would that work? It could only work if the cases, proofs, witnesses, evidences where identical against all the defendants, and that would be a rare case indeed.

The expression, "Mass incarceration" seeks to make the case that the overwhelming presence of "Blacks" in prison is the result of something other than their INDIVIDUAL criminality - which is nonsense.

The bullshit matter of "white" cocaine offenders getting lighter sentences than "Black" cocaine offenders fell apart when it was pointed out that it was the Blacks in Congress who insisted on greater penalties for "crack" cocaine, which was a scourge in the "Black" community.

Seriously, isn't the expression, "Mass Incarceration" itself a fraud?
The mass incarceration of blk men is because of drug laws.

But most of the distributes and suppliers of the drugs aren’t black.

That is where the real money is.

The black criminals are nothing but bullet fodder and a source of income for those who gain jobs in the prisons.

The distributors live in communities divorced from the street level dealers.

They are almost never caught.

If a black dealer, goes down, there is always another to take their place.

For every white drug dealer they apprehend, 99% get away. Plus they are not stopped as much. Hence it would appear to the people that it is mostly blacks who are committing these crimes.

For every black criminal who is incarcerated, there is many more white ones walking free, or in rehab, as the notion here is that they don’t want to ‘destroy’ a promising young person’s life.

Because of the socioeconomic deprivations of these black criminals, they will be hard pressed to find good legal representation. And in most cases we are not even talking about the hard stuff, like heroin, crack or cocaine, but marijuana – weed.

And even after they do their time they do not get to start over clean.

1) Almost no one will hire you.
2) Most professional licences are out of the question too.
3) For the first five years you cannot get public housing – just when you need it most.
4) You will never again get food stamps. And on and on.

Your life is messed up forever.

So what becomes of them ? We already know : Within three years there is a 70% chance you will be back in prison.

And all this is explained away by guys like you that blacks are just low IQ savages who can't do no good, and then endless stats about 'black crime' is churned out to people who already have preconceived ideas about black people.

Which further encourages the police to target black men, lock up black men and even kill black men and cycle continues, year after year after year.
Small time drug dealers are easy to catch. Because they do it on the street. Selling to end users who will flip on a dime.
If they were good at selling, they wouldnt be small time.
But god forbid we be real about that. After all, your victimized ass has an agenda to push!
z.Umar Johnson INCUBATOR.jpg

"Dr. Umar Johnson Preventing Future Mass Incarceration, Admonishing Parents About Child Literacy"

_sandra bland MY QUESTION.jpg

Sharing her PAIN, the late Social Activist & Integrationist Ms. Sandra Bland passionately pleads w/ America's INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & HATE practicing PRO BLACK community to END TERRORISM & THUGLIFE CHILD ABUSE!

Sandra Bland, Let's Go To WAR


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