Mass-grave burials on Hart Island in New York rise fivefold

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
What happens if the terms reported on the death certificate indicate uncertainty?
If the death certificate reports terms such as “probable COVID-19” or “likely COVID-19,” these terms would be assigned the new ICD code. It Is not likely that NCHS will follow up on these cases.
If “pending COVID-19 testing” is reported on the death certificate, this would be considered a pending record. In this scenario, NCHS would expect to receive an updated record, since the code will likely result in R99. In this case, NCHS will ask the states to follow up to verify if test results confirmed that the decedent had COVID- 19.

Do I need to make any changes at the jurisdictional level to accommodate the new ICD code?
Not necessarily, but you will want to confirm that your systems and programs do not behave as if U07.1 is an unknown code.

Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?
COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc. If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II. (See attached Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths)

They are DRIVING statistics.

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
Seriously. No one will care. When the coffins of dead servicemen came back from Vietnam Americans were going to work. They had their homes. Children went to school. The public could afford a little sympathy.

Showing mass graves on Hart Island are the graves of the unclaimed. The homeless derelict. The illegal that sneaked across the border looking for sanctuary and a bit of benefits. No one cared when they died and no one is going to care now. The people you want to care are scared. Democrats have run up the hysteria flag to the top. People have lost their jobs, businesses, homes. They have lost a lifetime of labor. And you want them to feel sorry! It's not happening. People are going to take care of their own. Fuck the rest.

Now that this hogwash has gone on for a effing month, the majority of people don't know anyone who died. They know that their knee replacement surgery has been cancelled and they are in pain. Women look at their cancer damaged bodies and are depressed that they can't get reconstructive surgery. Children's surgeries have been cancelled. Even the dentists offices are closed stranding people mid procedure. Many know of doctors and nurses laid off at empty hospitals.

Spare me the fake sympathy for dead. All you want is to keep this shutdown going until the economy is completely destroyed. Then you can remake your communist USSA.

God Bless Trump. May he stop you cold and end your evil aspirations.

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
So many called it no worse than the flu and a hoax.

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
So many called it no worse than the flu and a hoax.
It is no worse than the flu and the democrat hysteria is the cruelest hoax ever perpetrated on a nation.

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
So many called it no worse than the flu and a hoax.
It is no worse than the flu and the democrat hysteria is the cruelest hoax ever perpetrated on a nation.
There is the 1st on this thread. Can't help itself.
I've seen some very disturbing images lately.

Some of them are of mass graves.


But. . .

At least THEY were respected enough to get a burial.
I've seen some very disturbing images lately.

Some of them are of mass graves.


But. . .

At least THEY were respected enough to get a burial.
I was a bit surprised at that. I would have expected cremation. But... Cremation costs. Prison inmates provide free labor and the state owns the land. Mass burial is the cheapest alternative.

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
Maybe if the NY politicians wouldn't have told their constituents not to be alarmed they can't catch it from another person they wouldn't have been hit so hard...but I'm also questioning the number of corona deaths in NY...I'm beginning to think much of it is bullshit...

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.

So less deaths than kidney disease, and still only a fraction of heart disease and cancer.

Do you people really want to reopen the economy?
American media needs to start doing their job. The Vietnam War only stopped because the media brought back pictures of dead soldiers for the American people to see - parades of coffins landing at airports. The same needs to happen here, the media need to show the piles of dead American bodies from the virus being buried in mass graves. It's the only way these people stop treating the virus as a joke, or something that is only happening to someone else. Otherwise, these uneducated people will just keep on listening to Trump and 36,000 dead Americans is only number.
If you are going to post a link please find one that you don't have to subscribe to in order to read it or all you are doing is wasting your time....

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