Masks Hide The Difference Between Science And Politics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.Either the Covid is an actual danger to mankind on the order of the Bubonic Plague, or it is simply one more extensive and well designed plot on the order of these: Russia Collusion of 2016, Obstruction of Mueller, Impeachment, Trump’s a racist, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, phone call to Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching, one after another lead balloons.
I said they were well designed, if false, and certainly well-populated with every media ally of the Democrats playing along.

2. But let’s focus on production values: what could make everyone fear the Wuhan Red Death more than seeing every other person masked with disease regalia, making the whole nation appear to be an emergency room.

The optics alone cause the image, and there is noting Democrats like better than mandating stuff, anyway.

3. A quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data. An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.
And while the Chines flu certainly appears widespread, the symptoms are the same as the usual seasonal flu: “body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time.”

4. How to explain the mandates for masks….if they are ineffective at best? If that’s what science says… intelligent person might be led to believe that it is not science going on here….but simply an immense attack on a presidency.

Let’s check:
CDC March 17th.....masks should only be worn by healthcare workers

“In the 14 days before illness onset, 71% of case-patients and 74% of control-participants reported always using cloth face coverings or other mask types when in public.” That means that the majority who wore mask got the Wuhan. Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 ...

Dr. Carl Heneghan, University of Oxford, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and editor in chief of British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine: ‘It would appear that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.’(


Here's the rule: when you combine science and politics, all you get is politics.
We hear how great the economy is. We hear how bad it is. Around here everyone is working nothing is shut down except for schools because of numerous teachers are positive for virus and no substitutes will come in. I will side on the damage to the economy is not nearly as bad as the msm tells us.
How quickly most New Yorkers have become Mask Nazis, blindly following orders from Benito Cuomo.

Cuomo's brother is all over the news lecturing people that they must wear a mask...WAIT FOR an epic display of hypocrisy and do as I say not as I do Cuomo's brother receives a final notice from the building he lives in threatening a $500 fine for repeatedly refusing to wear a mask in the building and elevators.
The virus and masks and social distancing are just the modes of travel for the globalists to bring in their authoritarian control over the populace. This is needed to usher in a new world order. They telegraphed what they were going to do before it even happened and the masses bought it.
We hear how great the economy is. We hear how bad it is. Around here everyone is working nothing is shut down except for schools because of numerous teachers are positive for virus and no substitutes will come in. I will side on the damage to the economy is not nearly as bad as the msm tells us.

Now....about Trump's economic miracle....

"He created perhaps the greatest economy in U.S. history before COVID-19. And now he's doing it again!

Who's gonna vote against that?

Remember the brilliant wisdom of Democratic strategist James Carville: "It's the economy, stupid."

The first time, Trump had to rebuild former President Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden's disastrous economy. Obama and Biden were even worse when it came to jobs. It took them four years to get unemployment below 8%. But after the start of the disastrous COVID-19 pandemic, when unemployment hit 14%, it took Trump only five months to get unemployment back under 8%.

Let's go back to GDP. Because economic growth is what really matters. That's how you create jobs. That's how you make Americans feel "better off." The Atlanta Fed is projecting the third-quarter GDP number released on Oct. 29 will be 34.6%. That would be the fastest quarterly economic growth in history. Even if the projection is high, even if the number comes in at 30%, or 27%, or 25%, it would still be the highest in America's history, by a wide margin.

But wait; it gets better. Trump achieved this miracle with a large portion of the country closed for business. Trump did it with deep-blue states such as California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Illinois and Michigan mostly locked down and closed for business for most of the quarter.

What if all those states had been open for business?

But it gets better. On Friday, the government announced U.S. core retail sales were up a stunning 9.1% year to year -- the greatest rise in America's history. Again, this happened while a dozen blue states were still mostly shut down. They didn't even have indoor dining in California and most of New York City in September.

Optimism of small-business owners climbed to an all-time high in September. Even more significant, the National Federation of Independent Business optimism index October reading of 204 points was the highest since January. That means small-business owners are the most excited and optimistic they've been since before the pandemic.

By the way, economists predicted this small-business optimism index would rise to between 99 and 102 in September. Instead, it doubled to 204, ..."

Perhaps you've forgotten what a terrible job Hussein did on the economy.......

....and on foreign policy, too.
If masks work, why did they send so many people home from prison? Why not just require everyone in prison to wear a mask?

After all, "Masks Work"!
5. “The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective

…wildfires have been ravaging the State of California, sending people literally running for their lives….They just told us that smoke particulates are too small to be stopped by a cloth mask. While N95 masks will protect up to 95% of particles, down to .1 microns in size. A quick Google search will tell us that smoke particles and debris are usually .4 to .7 microns in size. According to the CDC, cloth masks are not effective in stopping materials that size.

Even if we factor for the “respiratory droplets” that are allegedly to blame for the spread of coronavirus, those droplets are as small as .5 microns, or as small or smaller than smoke and fire debris particulate.

The CDC cannot, on one hand, demand we wear masks because of the prevention of the spread of a disease (or droplets containing the disease) and then tell us that those same masks are ineffective in stopping particles that are bigger than the disease we are trying to prevent.”

If they want us to believe the hype......shouldn't they try to be consistent????
"Will Changes to American Life Become Permanent?
The coronavirus, widespread quarantines, an unprecedented self-induced recession, and unchecked rioting, looting, and protesting -- all in a presidential election year -- are radically disrupting American habits and behavior.

During the pandemic, government has become more intrusive and yet seemingly more impotent and incompetent. Pick a month and some government official issues yet more contradictory orders on mask wearing, social distancing, and lockdowns -- all to be soon reversed."
Now.....if the vast majority of mask-wearers come down with the can the, Democrats, mandate mask-wearing????

6. “CDC Study: 85% of Coronavirus Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’

It compared 154 “case-patients,” those who tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus disease), and a control group of 160 “control-participants,” those who were symptomatic but tested negative.

The researchers found that 71 percent of the case-patients contracted the virus despite reporting “always” wearing a cloth face covering or mask at least 14 days before illness onset, and 14 percent contracted the virus despite reporting “often” wearing one at least 14 days before illness onset.

That indicates 85 percent of the COVID-19 study participants contracted the virus even after either always (71 percent) or often (14 percent) wearing a face covering or mask
, suggesting the masks are not entirely effective at preventing the spread of the coronavirus.”

Are you startin' to figure out what's really goin' on???????

Startin' to resent the Democrats?

I'm way ahead of ya'.......
Many people may wear masks after the pandemic is over. That's not any kind of big deal at all. People should be free to wear one as well as not wear one.
Many people may wear masks after the pandemic is over. That's not any kind of big deal at all. People should be free to wear one as well as not wear one.

I'm a big believer that you should wear one.

Nothing to do with the Wuhan Red Death, though.
1.Either the Covid is an actual danger to mankind on the order of the Bubonic Plague, or it is simply one more extensive and well designed plot on the order of these: Russia Collusion of 2016, Obstruction of Mueller, Impeachment, Trump’s a racist, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, phone call to Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching, one after another lead balloons.
I said they were well designed, if false, and certainly well-populated with every media ally of the Democrats playing along.

2. But let’s focus on production values: what could make everyone fear the Wuhan Red Death more than seeing every other person masked with disease regalia, making the whole nation appear to be an emergency room.

The optics alone cause the image, and there is noting Democrats like better than mandating stuff, anyway.

3. A quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data. An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.
And while the Chines flu certainly appears widespread, the symptoms are the same as the usual seasonal flu: “body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time.”

4. How to explain the mandates for masks….if they are ineffective at best? If that’s what science says… intelligent person might be led to believe that it is not science going on here….but simply an immense attack on a presidency.

Let’s check:
CDC March 17th.....masks should only be worn by healthcare workers

“In the 14 days before illness onset, 71% of case-patients and 74% of control-participants reported always using cloth face coverings or other mask types when in public.” That means that the majority who wore mask got the Wuhan. Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 ...

Dr. Carl Heneghan, University of Oxford, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and editor in chief of British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine: ‘It would appear that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.’(

View attachment 405067

Here's the rule: when you combine science and politics, all you get is politics.

Thank you.....:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Must be politics and not science when you see the full-court press to silence any who don’t say what the Democrats want said…..

7. “Twitter removed a tweet from Dr. Scott Atlas, an advisor to President Donald Trump on COVID-19, because it violated the platform’s coronavirus “Misleading Information Policy.” The tweet in question, posted Saturday by Dr. Scott Atlas, read: “Masks work? NO: LA, Miami, Hawaii, Alabama, France, Phlippnes, UK, Spain, Israel. WHO:’widesprd use not supported’ + many harms; Heneghan/Oxf CEBM:’despite decades, considerble uncertainty re value’; CDC rvw May:’no sig red’n in inflnz transm’n’; learn why.”


Atlas provided this information to The Federalist as well:

In the deleted tweet, I cited the following evidence against general population masks:

1) Cases exploded even with mandates: Los Angeles County, Miami-Dade County, Hawaii, Alabama, the Philippines, Japan, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Israel.

2) Dr. Carl Heneghan, University of Oxford, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and editor in chief of British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine: ‘It would appear that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.’


3) The WHO: ‘The widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider’ (

4) The CDC: ‘Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.’ (

I also cited an article giving detailed explanation of the reasons why masks might not prevent spread:

They always knew the masks were simply to increase panic and fear.

If the Democrats didn't know from the start that masks are nonsense, why wouldn't they simply have given prisoners masks, instead of releasing them from the jails?
"Biden Slammed For Saying Best Way To Beat Coronavirus Is To “Wear A Mask All The Time”

Joe Biden was roundly criticised Thursday for stating during the presidential debate that the best way to defeat COVID-19 is to “wear a mask all the time”.
Biden accused President Trump of having ‘no comprehensive plan’ to deal with the virus, and declared that his plan is to “make sure everyone was encouraged to wear a mask all the time.”

As has been exhaustively noted, masks are not a solution to the virus, and were almost universally dismissed as an effective weapon against it early on, before governments seized the concept and began mandating them to make it appear they were taking action.
Many were quick to point out that wearing a mask all the time isn’t a plan..."
"Hero: Man Stranded On Desert Island Still Obediently Wearing His Mask
October 23rd, 2020

CARIBBEAN—The U.S. Coast Guard announced today that they discovered a man who has been stranded on a deserted island in the Caribbean Ocean for over 5 months after his boat sunk in a storm. A spokesman for the USCG reported that this heroic man has been responsibly wearing his mask the entire time on the island, even though he is the only living soul in a thousand-mile radius.

"This man is a true hero," said Governor Gavin Newsom of California. "He is a shining example of an obedient citizen who dutifully wears his mask even when it makes absolutely zero sense for any sane person to do so. California citizens ought to look to this survivor and emulate him in every way."
Celebrities took to Twitter to respond to the news and congratulate the stranded man on his unwavering commitment to obeying every single thing politicians and experts told him to do. "Thank you," said superstar Mark Ruffalo, "for showing us all how it's done!"
Authorities were planning on rescuing the survivor but later decided his story is just too inspiring and that he will serve a greater purpose if they just leave him there to continue wearing his mask.
"He has enough coconuts to last him a couple of years, he'll be fine," said the USCG spokesman. "Besides, wait till you see how he re-applies his mask between bites!"

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