Marx Fought for Freedom


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
How did Karl Marx view the exchange value of human slavery?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Marx did not view the large-scale enslavement of Africans by Europeans, which began in the early sixteenth century in the Caribbean, as a repeat of Roman or Arab slavery, but as something new.

"It combined ancient forms of brutality with the quintessentially modern social form of value production.

"Slavery, he wrote in a draft for Capital, reaches 'its most hateful form … in a situation of capitalist production,' where 'exchange value becomes the determining element of production.'

"This leads to the extension of the workday beyond all limit, literally working enslaved people to death..."

"'Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns, as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"
Marx was anti-semetic, and lived off of others his whole life. He never knew what an honest days work was. And each time his funds dwindled from others, he wrote more of how unfair life was. He was a spoiled brat, living off of others. He was allergic to work.
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How did Karl Marx view the exchange value of human slavery?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Marx did not view the large-scale enslavement of Africans by Europeans, which began in the early sixteenth century in the Caribbean, as a repeat of Roman or Arab slavery, but as something new.

"It combined ancient forms of brutality with the quintessentially modern social form of value production.

"Slavery, he wrote in a draft for Capital, reaches 'its most hateful form … in a situation of capitalist production,' where 'exchange value becomes the determining element of production.'

"This leads to the extension of the workday beyond all limit, literally working enslaved people to death..."

"'Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns, as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"
Karl Marx was a fraud. He took the concept of slavery and merely made all citizens slaves and transferred ownership to the state.
Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"
That is simply not true

cotton was grown all over the world long before Columbus discovered America

Britain was the worlds leading textile before african slaves were brought to the Americas

yes, slavery was important to the southern economy, but not essential to the birth of the Industrial Age in europe
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Marx was a piece of shit, loser, rich kid who never worked a day in his life. His economic theories have failed everywhere they have been tried. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.
Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.
What about you?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Four hundred years after enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia, African Americans continue to experience the legacy of slavery in conditions of mass incarceration, institutionalized racism in both housing and employment, and a growing wealth gap.

"At the same time, we are faced with the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in our history, an administration that foments and feeds upon the foulest racism and misogyny to gain support among sections of the middle and working classes.

"In this light, Marx’s declaration, 'Labour in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin,' remains a motto that is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago."
Marx was a piece of shit, loser, rich kid who never worked a day in his life. His economic theories have failed everywhere they have been tried. Fuck him, and the horse he rode in on.
Your ignorance rivals Trump's.
Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.
What about you?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Four hundred years after enslaved Africans first arrived in Virginia, African Americans continue to experience the legacy of slavery in conditions of mass incarceration, institutionalized racism in both housing and employment, and a growing wealth gap.

"At the same time, we are faced with the most reactionary, anti-labor administration in our history, an administration that foments and feeds upon the foulest racism and misogyny to gain support among sections of the middle and working classes.

"In this light, Marx’s declaration, 'Labour in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is branded in a black skin,' remains a motto that is as relevant today as it was 150 years ago."

Marx was on the right side of the slavery issue.

And on the wrong side of everything else.

Nothing like basing something off of a person that failed to understand basic human instinct or even a general knowledge of economics.
What's the extent of your "general knowledge of economics"?

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university.

"He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843.

"Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile with his wife and children in London for decades, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in the reading room of the British Museum.

"His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, and the three-volume Das Kapital (1867–1883).

"His political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history, and his name has been used as an adjective, a noun and a school of social theory."
Marx was anti-semetic, and lived off of others his whole life. He never knew what an honest days work was. And each time his funds dwindled from others, he wrote more of how unfair life was. He was a spoiled brat, living off of others. He was allergic to work.
At the time of his birth, Marx's paternal line had supplied all of his hometown's rabbis for nearly a century; he was not religiously but ethnically Jewish.

On the Jewish Question - Wikipedia

"On the Jewish Question" is a work by Karl Marx, written in 1843, and first published in Paris in 1844 under the German title 'Zur Judenfrage' in the Deutsch–Französische Jahrbücher.

"It was one of Marx's first attempts to develop what would later be called the materialist conception of history..."

"A number of scholars and commentators regard 'On the Jewish Question', and in particular its second section, which addresses Bauer's work 'The Capacity of Present-day Jews and Christians to Become Free', as antisemitic;[4][5][6][7][8][9] however, a number of others disagree."
Nothing like basing something off of a person that failed to understand basic human instinct or even a general knowledge of economics.
What's the extent of your "general knowledge of economics"?

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university.

"He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843.

"Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile with his wife and children in London for decades, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in the reading room of the British Museum.

"His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, and the three-volume Das Kapital (1867–1883).

"His political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history, and his name has been used as an adjective, a noun and a school of social theory."
You mean other then college and years in bussiness? No PH.D. But I have been in board rooms.
Karl Marx was a fraud. He took the concept of slavery and merely made all citizens slaves and transferred ownership to the state.

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

— Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto"

Marx understood the historical connections between master and slave, lord and serf, and owner and worker; obviously, you don't.

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"For Marx, social change was about conflict between opposing interests, driven in the background by economic forces.[214]

"This became the inspiration for the body of works known as the conflict theory.[244]

"In his evolutionary model of history, he argued that human history began with free, productive and creative work that was over time coerced and dehumanised, a trend most apparent under capitalism.[214]

"Marx noted that this was not an intentional process, rather no individual or even state can go against the forces of economy"
Nothing like basing something off of a person that failed to understand basic human instinct or even a general knowledge of economics.
What's the extent of your "general knowledge of economics"?

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university.

"He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843.

"Due to his political publications, Marx became stateless and lived in exile with his wife and children in London for decades, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in the reading room of the British Museum.

"His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto, and the three-volume Das Kapital (1867–1883).

"His political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history, and his name has been used as an adjective, a noun and a school of social theory."

If you've never had to make payroll every week for ten or more people you have zero businesses knowledge

Marx was a bum,a loser , and an idiot
Just like his modern followers
That is simply not true

cotton was grown all over the world long before Columbus discovered America

Britain was the worlds leading textile before african slaves were brought to the Americas

yes, slavery was important to the southern economy, but not essential to the birth of the Industrial Age in europe
King Cotton drove the global economy of the 19th Century the same way oil drives today's resource wars. Marx celebrated working class Englishmen and women who were willing to endure economic misery of their own as a price for ending chattel slavery:

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"During the war, a second form of resistance to capitalism and slavery emerged, not in the United States, but in Britain.

"While that country’s dominant classes ridiculed the United States as a failed experiment in republican government and even attacked the plebeian Lincoln as uncouth, the British working classes saw things differently.

"Still battling for the franchise in the face of steep property qualifications, the workers saw the United States as the widest form of democracy that existed at the time, especially after the North committed itself to abolition."
That is simply not true

cotton was grown all over the world long before Columbus discovered America

Britain was the worlds leading textile before african slaves were brought to the Americas

yes, slavery was important to the southern economy, but not essential to the birth of the Industrial Age in europe
King Cotton drove the global economy of the 19th Century the same way oil drives today's resource wars. Marx celebrated working class Englishmen and women who were willing to endure economic misery of their own as a price for ending chattel slavery:

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"During the war, a second form of resistance to capitalism and slavery emerged, not in the United States, but in Britain.

"While that country’s dominant classes ridiculed the United States as a failed experiment in republican government and even attacked the plebeian Lincoln as uncouth, the British working classes saw things differently.

"Still battling for the franchise in the face of steep property qualifications, the workers saw the United States as the widest form of democracy that existed at the time, especially after the North committed itself to abolition."
The english never invaded India for the tea they went for the cotton

Wtf do you know about cotton know nothing about cotton or business in general...which means you know even less about macro economics like the loser bum marx
How did Karl Marx view the exchange value of human slavery?

Karl Marx Fought for Freedom

"Marx did not view the large-scale enslavement of Africans by Europeans, which began in the early sixteenth century in the Caribbean, as a repeat of Roman or Arab slavery, but as something new.

"It combined ancient forms of brutality with the quintessentially modern social form of value production.

"Slavery, he wrote in a draft for Capital, reaches 'its most hateful form … in a situation of capitalist production,' where 'exchange value becomes the determining element of production.'

"This leads to the extension of the workday beyond all limit, literally working enslaved people to death..."

"'Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns, as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery that has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies that have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry.'"
Jesus Christ? Mohammed? The Buddha?
Naa It is Karl Marx who both curbed the excesses and transformed the the direction that led to the modern world!
You mean other then college and years in bussiness? No PH.D. But I have been in board rooms.
Do you sense any conflict between people, planet, and profit?

Socialist Studies - Marx Studies - Capitalist Theories of Profit

"Defenders of capitalism display a very raw nerve when it comes to the question of profit.

"They feel compelled to defend the word profit although they do not understand its source within the productive process of commodity production.

"In David Cameron's Big Society, for example, there are a group of investors called social entrepreneurs who believe in the mantra of the three p's; people, planet and profit and who carry on their business as though there is no contradiction or conflict associated with these three words and that profit appears from thin air as if by magic."

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