Market Tanked Like a Rock in a Well Today - Miserable...


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
Did Obama give a speech somewhere ?

Every time that idiot opens his mouth it costs me several grand.
Did Obama give a speech somewhere ?

Every time that idiot opens his mouth it costs me several grand.

He was prolly touting his "raise the taxes on the rich" mantra? :lol: Even Billy Clinton thinks this is an idea whose time is over.

Former President Bill Clinton tells Newsmax that Washington should not raise taxes until the slumping economy is turned around — and says President Obama’s plan to increase taxes on the wealthy won’t solve the debt problem.

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Is it a coincidence that the stock market tanks every time Obama gives a speech about the economy? Wall Street doesn't have a political agenda. It's only agenda is to make money and protect investors from losing money. Wall street is smart, smarter than most politicians and they can see right through bull sht. Obama's agenda does not include economic recovery and his followers have been taught that the people who really create wealth are the enemy.

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