Mark Levin interviews the FCC Commissioner on massive internet takeover


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Here it comes.....

The Right Scoop ^
Mark Levin had on his show tonight Ajit Pai, the FCC Commissioner who is trying to expose how Obama and his cronies at the FCC are going to takeover the internet. Pai told Levin that after the 2012 election, Obama told the FCC what he wanted them to do and wallah, now we have a 332 page Internet takeover plan. That’s why he calls it Obama’s plan. To sum up the takeover, Pai characterized it like this: “We’re adopting solutions that won’t work to a problem that doesn’t exist using legal authority we don’t have.” Sound familiar? Listen to the...

Uh...... "wallah"??
We must be in deep intellectual erudiion here. "Wallah". Sounds like an old dialect you'd hear in the Sea Islands off Georgia.

"Wallah" --- wasn't he Beaver Cleaver's big brother?

"Wallah" -- where I keep my driver's licen.

"Wallah". Ohmyfuckingod.

So essplain to us all, Pissyante -- who's "taking over" the internets? What are they gonna do with it?

Oh this is gonna be golden....
I heard it. Amazing interview. Thank heavens he's breaking ranks and getting this freaking diabolical plan out there.

Mega kudos to the Commissioner.
Uh...... "wallah"??
We must be in deep intellectual erudiion here. "Wallah". Sounds like an old dialect you'd hear in the Sea Islands off Georgia.

"Wallah" --- wasn't he Beaver Cleaver's big brother?

"Wallah" -- where I keep my driver's licen.

"Wallah". Ohmyfuckingod.

So essplain to us all, Pissyante -- who's "taking over" the internets? What are they gonna do with it?

Oh this is gonna be golden....
You haven't heard??

Uh...... "wallah"??
We must be in deep intellectual erudiion here. "Wallah". Sounds like an old dialect you'd hear in the Sea Islands off Georgia.

"Wallah" --- wasn't he Beaver Cleaver's big brother?

"Wallah" -- where I keep my driver's licen.

"Wallah". Ohmyfuckingod.

So essplain to us all, Pissyante -- who's "taking over" the internets? What are they gonna do with it?

Oh this is gonna be golden....
You haven't heard??

One might to say that when it comes to control of internet, it will apply to all, conservatives and 'liberals' alike. They are looking at blogs, messageboards and businesses.
Poor little cons.

Always carrying water for the big corporations.
Uh...... "wallah"??
We must be in deep intellectual erudiion here. "Wallah". Sounds like an old dialect you'd hear in the Sea Islands off Georgia.

"Wallah" --- wasn't he Beaver Cleaver's big brother?

"Wallah" -- where I keep my driver's licen.

"Wallah". Ohmyfuckingod.

So essplain to us all, Pissyante -- who's "taking over" the internets? What are they gonna do with it?

Oh this is gonna be golden....
You haven't heard??


Of course I've heard. That's not the point.
I'm here for the sparkling in-depth analysis by drive-by poster boy. 'Cause he's such a thinker. You just know an intellect of that profundity is gonna come up with sump'm deep. I for one appreciate that, as it shows the OP truly understands his topic rather than just parroting some bloviator who gets paid to attract attention.

Deep thinkers are like that -- they'd never just post a link to some snake oilist and go, "uh -- what he said". Nosiree, they're gonna expound, copiously. Gonna dissect all the machinations for us, right here. I tell ya it's gonna be somewhere between the diagrams of a complex NFL play and a course in microbiology. We're talkin' extreme condition of erudition.


He's taking a long time. Must be working with a new element. Thought.
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Uh...... "wallah"??
We must be in deep intellectual erudiion here. "Wallah". Sounds like an old dialect you'd hear in the Sea Islands off Georgia.

"Wallah" --- wasn't he Beaver Cleaver's big brother?

"Wallah" -- where I keep my driver's licen.

"Wallah". Ohmyfuckingod.

So essplain to us all, Pissyante -- who's "taking over" the internets? What are they gonna do with it?

Oh this is gonna be golden....
You haven't heard??


Of course I've heard. That's not the point.
I'm here for the sparkling in-depth analysis by drive-by poster boy. 'Cause he's such a thinker. You just know an intellect of that profundity is gonna come up with sump'm deep. I for one appreciate that, as it shows the OP truly understands his topic rather than just parroting some bloviator who gets paid to attract attention.

Deep thinkers are like that -- they'd never just post a link to some snake oilist and go, "uh -- what he said". Nosiree, they're gonna expound, copiously. Gonna dissect all the machinations for us, right here. I tell ya it's gonna be somewhere between the diagrams of a complex NFL play and a course in microbiology. We're talkin' extreme condition of erudition.


He's taking a long time. Must be working with a new element. Thought.

Sounds like OCDPogoGirl, has her PMS on full tilt today! What's the matter hun, the article didn't say everything you wanted to hear?..
See what I mean, Greg? Poster Boy did not disappoint. I toldja he'd bring his grokkin' shoes.

Profound. My head swims in the adrenaline of ruminational awakening coupled with a delicious chewy center of elucidatory transmogrification.
If you like your Internet connection, now you have to pay double. You need to also add the government mandated taxes for services to the poor. Plus the Cadillac plan tax surcharge.
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Levin can't break into drive time radio. Why not? He is so awesome.

uumm, he's on 3-6 in the afternoon here on the West Coast.. Just so ya know :coffee:


I'm just glad that assclown Sean Hannity got dropped and a real talk show host took his Cumulus Media prime time slot. Limbaugh then Savage then Levin makes a perfect day for me, not having to turn off the radio for that trailer trash asshole Hannity.
Levin can't break into drive time radio. Why not? He is so awesome.

uumm, he's on 3-6 in the afternoon here on the West Coast.. Just so ya know :coffee:


I'm just glad that assclown Sean Hannity got dropped and a real talk show host took his Cumulus Media prime time slot. Limbaugh then Savage then Levin makes a perfect day for me, not having to turn off the radio for that trailer trash asshole Hannity.

I have to be honest, Michael Weiner, just doesn't cut it for me. Sometimes he makes strong points, but at a drop of a hat, he's off talking about Teddy, what he had for lunch, his fathers pants, and not to eat these mushrooms, amongst a hundred other things he gets fixated on.....and his INCESSANT SELF PRAISE makes the Obumanation seem almost normal! I don't care how many Ph.D's he has, he's just not that informative! Hannity isn't much better, but, most of the time, he will stay on a topic, and his fill ins are excellent. BUT FEW do it as good as Levin, and less have the knowledge of Constitutional law that he has.

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