Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal Become Focus Of Bipartisan Birthers


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Jason Linkins

Rubio was born in 1971 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, his office said, but his parents did not become citizens until 1975.

"The birthers say Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose parents are from India and were not citizens at the time of his birth, is also unqualified," according to this report.

Article 2 of the Constitution, which says “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

More: Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal Become Focus Of Bipartisan Birthers
No way Dems run on Obama's record!

Palin's ****, Christie's gut and now this -- a guy who's not running.


Record debt, deficits, homelessness, poverty, food stamps, 6 wars, credit down graded, and this is what Dems think will help win in 2012.

Yeah, run on that. Please!
Both Jindal and Rubio wouldn't qualify for Article 2 Section 1 like Obama. They're all non natural born Citizens.
So, it sounds like Rubio and Jindal should be immediately removed from office! Also, maybe Rubio should face criminal charges!

Record debt, deficits, homelessness, poverty, food stamps

All of which existed before he took office.

2 wars. The same 2 wars that we were in before he took office.

credit down graded

Thanks to the House GOP, according to S&P.

and this is what Dems think will help win in 2012.

Yeah, run on that. Please!


Record debt, deficits, homelessness, poverty, food stamps

All of which existed before he took office.

2 wars. The same 2 wars that we were in before he took office.

credit down graded

Thanks to the House GOP, according to S&P.

and this is what Dems think will help win in 2012.

Yeah, run on that. Please!


Yes, Bush's fault too. I forgot.

Don't let me stop you.

Rubio!! Bush's Fault! Obama 2012!
So, it sounds like Rubio and Jindal should be immediately removed from office! Also, maybe Rubio should face criminal charges!

How would anything birthers' say imply they should be removed from any office lower than Veep?

Not that I agree with birthers, coz I don't. But it's only Pres & Veep which require natural born citizenship.
So, it sounds like Rubio and Jindal should be immediately removed from office! Also, maybe Rubio should face criminal charges!
No, citizens qualify for Senators, Representatives or Governors. Only natural born Citizens can become presidents. Jindal and Rubio qualify for their respective jobs as stated in the Constitution.
Yes, Bush's fault too. I forgot.

Don't let me stop you.

Rubio!! Bush's Fault! Obama 2012!

I believe you're referring to this quote:

josefk said:
Record debt, deficits, homelessness, poverty, food stamps

All of which existed before he took office.

Are you suggesting that Bush didn't leave behind record deficits, and that homelessness, poverty and food stamps weren't around before Obama took office? :lol::lol::lol:
The birthers make me laugh. Well, at least I have to give them props for picking on both parties (even if they're probably racist).
Next thing ya know, Rubio will move to Boston and claim his folks came from Ireland during the Great Famine

Like Obama did
By Jason Linkins

Rubio was born in 1971 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, his office said, but his parents did not become citizens until 1975.

"The birthers say Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose parents are from India and were not citizens at the time of his birth, is also unqualified," according to this report.

Article 2 of the Constitution, which says “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

More: Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal Become Focus Of Bipartisan Birthers

you know... i can't stand bobby jindal or marco rubio... but birfers are imbeciles...

they also seem to be racists... going after the black guy, the indian guy and the cuban guy.

i'd almost vote for jindal or rubio to annoy them. (well, not really... but you get the idea).
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By Jason Linkins

Rubio was born in 1971 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, his office said, but his parents did not become citizens until 1975.

"The birthers say Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose parents are from India and were not citizens at the time of his birth, is also unqualified," according to this report.

Article 2 of the Constitution, which says “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

More: Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal Become Focus Of Bipartisan Birthers

you know... i can't stand bobby jindal or marco rubio... but birfers are imbeciles...

they also seem to be racists... going after the black guy, the indian guy and the cuban guy.

i'd almost vote for jindal or rubio to annoy them. (well, not really... but you get the idea).
Why are you for Article 2 Section 1 Clause 5 being subverted?

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