March Study Points to Pervasive Mental Illness Among White American Liberals


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The fact is we see it here on this forum a hundred times a day from the lefties. The study is: PROVEN.

Survey data from a March Pew poll indicates that white liberals disproportionately suffer from mental illness.

Nearly half of self-identifying white liberals between the ages of 18 and 29 reported telling a doctor or a healthcare provider that they have a mental health condition.

Only 20.9% of white conservatives in the same category reported as such.


Goldberg calculated that ‘very liberal’ poll respondents were dramatically more likely to report a history of mental health conditions.



The fact is we see it here on this forum a hundred times a day from the lefties. The study is: PROVEN.

Survey data from a March Pew poll indicates that white liberals disproportionately suffer from mental illness.
Nearly half of self-identifying white liberals between the ages of 18 and 29 reported telling a doctor or a healthcare provider that they have a mental health condition.
Only 20.9% of white conservatives in the same category reported as such.
Goldberg calculated that ‘very liberal’ poll respondents were dramatically more likely to report a history of mental health conditions.

Completely aside from the facts that 1) leftists are manifestly nuttier than squirrel shit, and 2) leftism itself is a mental disorder, there's another angle to consider. We live in an over-therapied society where everyone is taught to hyper-analyze themselves and describe everything about themselves in therapeutic terms; we also live in a society where being a victim and having a sob story have immense social currency, whereas being sane, normal, and functional have no social value at all. This is why, for example, we are now treated to people telling us about their "unique sexual identity" as demi-sexuals, people who are only sexually attracted to those with whom they have an emotional bond. Or, as we used to call them, normal women.

Leftists, of course, are more susceptible to victim chic than those on the right, so it makes sense from this perspective that they'd be eager to claim some sort of "poor me, I'm so broken" status.

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