Manchin can be gotten to ,


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.
Name a Congresscritter who doesn't take money from special interests.

Manchin is the rule, not the exception. There are no exceptions.

Lefties are pissed off because Manchin is in the way of putting us several more trillion dollars in debt and blocking all their pet projects to buy votes with bridges to nowhere.

This whole anti-Manchin campaign is as hypocritical as it gets.
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.
Have you threatened to kill his dog yet?
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.
Is English your second language?
Name a Congresscritter who doesn't take money from special interests.

Manchin is the rule, not the exception. There are no exceptions.

Lefties are pissed off because Manchin is in the way of putting us several more trillion dollars in debt and blocking all their pet projects to buy votes with bridges to nowhere.

This whole anti-Manchin campaign is as hypocritical as it gets.
He's screwing over his own state...why? Because he owns a coal brokerage?

To please Republicans who won't vote for him anyway?
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.
It won't happen, though. Democrats don't really do the pressure thing very well.
He's a senator from a state trump more than 40 points.......

He's untouchable
He's screwing over his own state...why? Because he owns a coal brokerage?

To please Republicans who won't vote for him anyway?
Because he believes $3.5 trillion is too much. You can be sure that bill is loaded with several tons of pork.

Like I said, hypocrisy in the extreme on the part of those who want that pork. All kinds of shit to buy votes from their constituents at taxpayer expense so they can stay in power in 2022.

This whole coal brokerage narrative is mudslinging by people desperate to rape taxpayers up the ass.
Because he believes $3.5 trillion is too much. You can be sure that bill is loaded with several tons of pork.
So now Mr. Coal Brokerage has scruples?

Sure. all the pork. I mean unless you want to sound like a garden variety Trumper.

Must be that Medicare expansion...or the Child Care Credit... huh?

I mean what says "pork" more than eyecare, dental care and hearing aids for the elderly and child care for poor folks huh?
So now Mr. Coal Brokerage has scruples?

Sure. all the pork. I mean unless you want to sound like a garden variety Trumper.

Must be that Medicare expansion...or the Child Care Credit... huh?

I mean what says "pork" more than eyecare, dental care and hearing aids for the elderly and child care for poor folks huh?
If you don't believe there is a shit ton of pork in that bill, you are incredibly naive.

They want to have a subsidy for electric vehicles made in America in unionized points, but not plants that are not unionized.

The Journal has also walked readers through the array of accounting fictions that make the bill appear cheaper on paper. The true expense may reach $5.5 trillion over a decade, and much more beyond that. The larger cost will be conditioning the American middle class to rely on government for ever more of life’s needs.
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.

Keep fucking with Manchin and he'll likely switch parties and kill everything xiden wants to do. Would be the best thing for the country.

the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along
I thought you already did that in 2009!

he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican.
Are the Dictators the new party replacing the Independents?

Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway.
Yes, that messy stuff is just polluting the ground where it has been the past 700 million years.

So America and democrats can't lose
Those two are usually mutually exclusive anyway.

Manchin can be gotten to
What is your plan, to climb in his 2nd story window like the Halloween Beagle and haunt him?

If our government wanted to cut down on corruption they should put a 50 billion dollar cap on any reconciliation bill or maybe even do away with them all together. That way, maybe these assholes would be forced to debate all these totalitarian bills separately so people can see their true motives.
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.
Manchin has already been gotten to. Why else would he work so hard to disrupt his party to the advantage of the trump party? Accept that he is an enemy, and not an ally. It's better to go ahead and accept that fact and plan accordingly than to allow him to disrupt everything.
He cares about nothing but his bottom line , so what you do is simply ,under the table ,say that the democratic party will go after coal non stop if he doesn't play along with the dems. He doesn't care about any issues other then just how much he can make with his coal company. You threaten that and he will start talking as a democrat and not a dictator or Republican. Best thing we could do for the environment is dump coal completely anyway. So America and democrats can't lose, and can only gain by doing it anyway.

Pretty sure Manchin, as a democrat, know he can't trust democrats.
If you don't believe there is a shit ton of pork in that bill, you are incredibly naive.

They want to have a subsidy for electric vehicles made in America in unionized points, but not plants that are not unionized.

The Journal has also walked readers through the array of accounting fictions that make the bill appear cheaper on paper. The true expense may reach $5.5 trillion over a decade, and much more beyond that. The larger cost will be conditioning the American middle class to rely on government for ever more of life’s needs.
Look at you sounding like a garden variety Trumper. When asked to supply examples of "pork" you come up with vague opinion attacking unions.

Whatever. Republicans be Republicans
Pretty sure Manchin, as a democrat, know he can't trust democrats.
It was "conservative" Republicans Democrats that sabotaged the Stimulus and prevented us from getting a Medicare for All Buy in.

And here they are doing it again.
Keep fucking with Manchin and he'll likely switch parties and kill everything xiden wants to do. Would be the best thing for the country.


No way he does that. He is enjoying his 15 minutes too much to let it end like that. For the first time in his life he is actually important. This is what is driving everything he does, he has both sides kissing his ass and he is loving it. The minute he became a Repub nobody would ever care about him again.

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