Managing The Narrative


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
But! China! Russia! < My opinion

Excerpts: Putting together what you no longer can find when you search the internet with government attempts to suppress alternative news sites one has to conclude that we Americans are in the middle of an information war. Who controls the narrative controls the people, or so it seems. It is a dangerous development, particularly at a time when no one knows whom to trust and what to believe. How it will play out between now and the November election is anyone’s guess.

Google, for example, ranks the information that it displays so it can favor certain points of view and dismiss others. Generally speaking, progressive sites are favored and conservative sites are relegated to the bottom of the search with the expectation that they will not be visited. In late July, investigative journalists noted that Google was apparently testing its technical ability to blacklist conservative media on its search engine which processes more than 3.5 billion online searches every day, comprising 94 percent of internet searching. Sites targeted and made to effectively disappear from results included NewsBusters, the Washington Free Beacon, The Blaze, Townhall, The Daily Wire, PragerU, LifeNews, Project Veritas, Judicial Watch, The Resurgent, Breitbart, Drudge, Unz, the Media Research Center and CNSNews. All the sites affected are considered to be politically conservative and no progressive or liberal sites were included.

Managing the Narrative
Corporations and government use internet to control information
I guess you better accuse the senate of misinformation al;so.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The WikiLeaks website played a key role in Russia's effort to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election in favor of now President Donald Trump and likely knew it was assisting Russian intelligence, a Senate intelligence committee report said on Tuesday.

The report also alleged that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort collaborated with Russians, including oligarch Oleg Deripaska, before during and after the 2016 U.S. election that pitted Republican Trump against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The panel found Manafort's role and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence, saying his "high-level access and willingness to share information with individuals closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services... represented a grave counterintelligence threat."
I find it very disturbing when government organizations are lying. This whole case of the man blm/antifa attacked in Portland is one of those cases. The official report on Portland PD's website claims tha man was transported without life threatening injuries and it is obvious by the videos the guy is bleeding out, neck looks broken as they roll him over and matter from the back of his head on the ground.

The videos that show what happened.

I sure do hope that a list of the supporters of this shit are being noted by the terrorist teams in our government.
I find it very disturbing when government organizations are lying. This whole case of the man blm/antifa attacked in Portland is one of those cases. The official report on Portland PD's website claims tha man was transported without life threatening injuries and it is obvious by the videos the guy is bleeding out, neck looks broken as they roll him over and matter from the back of his head on the ground.

The videos that show what happened.

I sure do hope that a list of the supporters of this shit are being noted by the terrorist teams in our government.
Your govt is the largest terrorist team of them all
Narrative is all thta matters anymore.
Truth is now whatever you create as being true. The exact total opposite of what you say can be the actual truth, yet if it follows the narrative everyone will just accept it, defend it and fight for it.
I give you BLM.
I find it very disturbing when government organizations are lying. This whole case of the man blm/antifa attacked in Portland is one of those cases. The official report on Portland PD's website claims tha man was transported without life threatening injuries and it is obvious by the videos the guy is bleeding out, neck looks broken as they roll him over and matter from the back of his head on the ground.

The videos that show what happened.

I sure do hope that a list of the supporters of this shit are being noted by the terrorist teams in our government.

You make a good point.
The government has at it's disposal an incredible array of intel gathering tools
In fact, they built a 1 billion square ft surveillance center in Utah about 10 years ago to collect and process all that data (on US citizens too)
It's said that EVERY conversation you have on any phone, every text, every email you send is recorded into that Utah data surveillance center.

The government also has the ability to see your eye color from orbit and listen to conversations from miles away.

Given all strikes me rather odd that the government seems to have difficulty determining who the "bad" guys are and how to find them.
it's almost as if the government is in on the act.
I find it very disturbing when government organizations are lying. This whole case of the man blm/antifa attacked in Portland is one of those cases. The official report on Portland PD's website claims tha man was transported without life threatening injuries and it is obvious by the videos the guy is bleeding out, neck looks broken as they roll him over and matter from the back of his head on the ground.

The videos that show what happened.

I sure do hope that a list of the supporters of this shit are being noted by the terrorist teams in our government.

You make a good point.
The government has at it's disposal an incredible array of intel gathering tools
In fact, they built a 1 billion square ft surveillance center in Utah about 10 years ago to collect and process all that data (on US citizens too)
It's said that EVERY conversation you have on any phone, every text, every email you send is recorded into that Utah data surveillance center.

The government also has the ability to see your eye color from orbit and listen to conversations from miles away.

Given all strikes me rather odd that the government seems to have difficulty determining who the "bad" guys are and how to find them.
it's almost as if the government is in on the act.
We have way too many people in government positions that have gone rogue.
I find it very disturbing when government organizations are lying. This whole case of the man blm/antifa attacked in Portland is one of those cases. The official report on Portland PD's website claims tha man was transported without life threatening injuries and it is obvious by the videos the guy is bleeding out, neck looks broken as they roll him over and matter from the back of his head on the ground.

The videos that show what happened.

I sure do hope that a list of the supporters of this shit are being noted by the terrorist teams in our government.

You make a good point.
The government has at it's disposal an incredible array of intel gathering tools
In fact, they built a 1 billion square ft surveillance center in Utah about 10 years ago to collect and process all that data (on US citizens too)
It's said that EVERY conversation you have on any phone, every text, every email you send is recorded into that Utah data surveillance center.

The government also has the ability to see your eye color from orbit and listen to conversations from miles away.

Given all strikes me rather odd that the government seems to have difficulty determining who the "bad" guys are and how to find them.
it's almost as if the government is in on the act.
We are still trying to figure out how 9/11 happened. But we found out the government had to take our rights away from the event. So it must have been the citizens fault.

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