Manafort being treated worse than Charles Manson by New York Bureacracy

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)
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He's been held in solitary for his own protection, because he's a high profile inmate, and could possibly be targeted by other inmates who are looking to make a name for themselves.

And, while he is being transferred to Rikers, he's still going to be in solitary, and will be held in a wing that also houses other high profile inmates like police officers, high profile murderers, and cop killers.

Lots of upset over nothing.

Here.......................if anyone wants to read about it, here's another link that is a bit more informative.

Paul Manafort to Be Sent to Rikers, Where He Will be Held in Isolation

Paul J. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman who is serving a federal prison sentence, is expected to be transferred within the next few weeks to the Rikers Island jail complex in New York City, where he will most likely be held in isolation while facing state fraud charges, people with knowledge of the matter said.

High-profile inmates are generally held in protective custody on Rikers Island, a network of nine jails with a total of 7,500 inmates, including pretrial detainees and convicts serving sentences of a year or less. Inmates in protective custody are isolated from the general population under heavy guard.

A law-enforcement official familiar with the correction department’s practices, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss security measures, said Mr. Manafort would most likely be housed in a former prison hospital on the island. That is where most high-profile detainees are held, including police officers, those accused of killing police officers, politicians and celebrities.
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

I have no problem putting him in general population. I wonder how Manafort feels about that.
if you cant do the time dont do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So Martha Stewart should have been held in Solitary Confinement?

Come on, there is no reason for Manafort to have gotten 7 years in jail for tax evasion. There are people out on the streets who never did jail time for that. There are murders who get less than 7 years.

Quit trying to con me.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
So Martha Stewart should have been held in Solitary Confinement?

Come on, there is no reason for Manafort to have gotten 7 years in jail for tax evasion. There are people out on the streets who never did jail time for that. There are murders who get less than 7 years.

Quit trying to con me.

Tax evasion and bank fraud. Millions and millions and millions.

He's lucky, Capone ended up in Alcatraz. Ended up spending the rest of his life dealing with his own kind of personal Vietnam.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

youre an idiot
Why aren't the members of the house and senate that do exactly what Manaforte has done and worse sitting in the cell next to him?.....
Why is Adam Schiff not in jail for leaking classified information like Hillary Clinton did?

Those are really serious crimes, they have been protected from being prosecuted for.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

Joe Biden and the rest told Manafort to commit bank and tax fraud to personally benefit himself? Crazy, man.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

youre an idiot
It's "you're"......

It takes a village to raise an idiot......
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

youre an idiot
It's "you're"......

It takes a village to raise an idiot......
It's also OK and not ok, but whatever. Or 'the Ukraine' as opposed to 'The Ukraine'. Though technically it's just Ukraine.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

Joe Biden and the rest told Manafort to commit bank and tax fraud to personally benefit himself? Crazy, man.
No, Manaforte never received any of those monies. There is no record of it. The only record of it, is in the Ukraine and it is a payment to The Podesta Group which Podesta's Russian Board of Directors said they did not receive. Since The Podesta Group was given Immunity by Moscow Mueller, Manaforte cannot request Exculpatory Evidence from The Podesta Group's Finanacial Records.

Sound familiar?

With Holding Exculpatory Evidence is Mueller and Weissmann's M.O.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

Joe Biden and the rest told Manafort to commit bank and tax fraud to personally benefit himself? Crazy, man.
No, Manaforte never received any of those monies. There is no record of it. The only record of it, is in the Ukraine and it is a payment to The Podesta Group which Podesta's Russian Board of Directors said they did not receive. Since The Podesta Group was given Immunity by Moscow Mueller, Manaforte cannot request Exculpatory Evidence from The Podesta Group's Finanacial Records.

Sound familiar?

With Holding Exculpatory Evidence is Mueller and Weissmann's M.O.

Since you're calling people idiots for bad grammar. It's "Manafort" not "Manaforte".
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

I have no problem putting him in general population. I wonder how Manafort feels about that.

Actually, Manafort is going to be held in solitary, in the same wing that they keep cops, cop killers, and other high profile inmates. Post 2 has a link.
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

I have no problem putting him in general population. I wonder how Manafort feels about that.

Actually, Manafort is going to be held in solitary, in the same wing that they keep cops, cop killers, and other high profile inmates. Post 2 has a link.

Somebody better tell the world's worst grammar Nazi then, he thinks it's additional punishment.
if you cant do the time don do the crime -- Paulie should have thought about that.

F him, and his horse.
So he allegedly did "The Crime" while taking orders from Podesta, Obama, Joe Biden and Clinton.

Are you ok with those people doing jail time if it's proven they were involved, despite Mueller and Comey giving them immunity?

What if Joe Biden and his son took bribes from The Ukraine and China?

That is said to be a fact.

Are you ok with Joe Biden and his Son doing time in Solitary Confinement?

youre an idiot
It's "you're"......

It takes a village to raise an idiot......
It's also OK and not ok, but whatever. Or 'the Ukraine' as opposed to 'The Ukraine'. Though technically it's just Ukraine.
It's actually Uranus, that is buggered by Putin's satellites, not uranus.
First off, I am not defending anything anyone allegedly did. But Manafort's issues were actually dismissed during The Obama Administration because everything Manafort did in The Ukraine was done for The Podesta Group and on behalf of Obama and Clinton.

His issues only occurred when he worked for The Trump Campaign and the Deep State Machine started gearing up to try to keep Trump out of The White House. Even the alleged money he is said to have earned, there is no record of. The Only Record is that this money went to The Podesta Group, but since they were given immunity by Comey and Mueller, they claimed they never received 'said monies" and Manafort can never request documents that would prove his innocence from The Podesta Group due to The Immunity Mueller and Comey gave them.

All that being said, Why has a simple Tax Cheat being held in prison in solitary confinement, and now being sent to Rikers Island to spend even more time in Solitary Confinement?

Charles Manson was not even treated like this. He was allowed to be visited by groupies, had conjugal visits, and was treated far too kindly for the Evil Son of a Bitch he was.

And when is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to do jail time for not paying their taxes? Why is Manafort being tried twice, for the same crimes he allegedly committed, incurring double jeopardy for his alleged acts?

It is looking to me like Manafort is a political prisoner, and not a simple tax cheater. There was not a single citizen who colluded with Russia, so why is Manafort being treated like an Enemy of The State?

Alan Dershowitz: Why is Paul Manafort off to Rikers? Prepare to be shocked (and outraged)

I have no problem putting him in general population. I wonder how Manafort feels about that.

Actually, Manafort is going to be held in solitary, in the same wing that they keep cops, cop killers, and other high profile inmates. Post 2 has a link.

Somebody better tell the world's worst grammar Nazi then, he thinks it's additional punishment.
The 'E" is silent.

Kinda like the talk about 'Russian Collusion" these days.

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