Zone1 Man Disqualified From Tournament For Nervous Laughter After Being Asked His Pronouns

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

Without a doubt it is (stupid and idiotic). This is Thought Police emerging. It could eventually evolve into the Thought Gestapo and then the Thought SS.
Probably no more stupid or idiotic than participating in a Pokemon tournament.
Maybe, but today it is a Pokémon tournament, tomorrow it may well be for the nomination to a party's seat, for school board or the House of Representatives.

Folks should probably be aware, before this sort of thought policing gets out of hand.
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Liberal 'stupid agenda' policy enforcers run amuk.

(Remember, 'stupid policies' and their necessary enforcement have serious, comsequential purposes: Mask mandates, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, 'pronoun nazis' - its all about 'conditioned compliance'. You are the 'frog' in the pot of luke warm water, and the temperature is rising.)
No one should be forced to qualify who they are. I don't need a "cis" or any other nonsense prefix as I am a man, plain and simple. If someone else wants a label, they can make themselves a label, but they don't have to put one on me and I don't feel the need to put one on myself. I should be able to say, "Male, classic definition", and leave it at that.
Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

I think you should stop going to gateway pundit.
No one should be forced to qualify who they are. I don't need a "cis" or any other nonsense prefix as I am a man, plain and simple. If someone else wants a label, they can make themselves a label, but they don't have to put one on me and I don't feel the need to put one on myself. I should be able to say, "Male, classic definition", and leave it at that.

Don't get sucked into Democrat arguments...

The same answer applies, no matter if they ask you why you think you believe you need an AR-15, what gender you associate with, or what pronouns you prefer:


You are not required by law (yet) to give an explanation or answer to any of these.
Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

It is transgender ideology being forced on the society .. and the society must accept it. Why are pronouns relevant in a Pokemon competition?
I think you snowflakes need a better argument than attempting to undercut a source just because YOU say it isn't trustworthy ... like CNN or the NY Times.

Since none of us are present when these events happen, we are totally dependent on sources who ALSO were not present to tell us what happened. When multiple sources do not agree on what happened, we are left with picking sources we want to believe, and when somebody starts railing against one or a group of them, it's basically a "My Dad can beat up your dad" playground moment.
'Since none of us are present when these events happen, we are totally dependent on sources who ALSO were not present to tell us what happened.

You don't have to be present.

If 'The News Goat' reports VP Harris drove a tank to work one day, prive the story wrong - debunk it.

Too often partisans arrempt to dismiss a reported story by nothing more than declaring - based on their own opinion - a source is not trustworthy.

When someone does this instead of debunking what is being reported I just ignore them....

...but that's just me.
You don't have to be present.

If 'The News Goat' reports VP Harris drove a tank to work one day, prive the story wrong - debunk it.

Too often partisans arrempt to dismiss a reported story by nothing more than declaring - based on their own opinion - a source is not trustworthy.

When someone does this instead of debunking what is being reported I just ignore them....

...but that's just me.
If the first thing they write is an attack on the source, there's no reason to read further.
Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

To clarify, it was a 14 year old kid, and the judge was supposedly an adult.
Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

No. Pandering to these insane little petty gimps should be a criminal offense.
Do you think that he should have been disqualified? I personally believe that this is stupid/idiotic. :rolleyes:

Anybody ask me what my pronouns are I will tell them to go to hell. If they don't know what my pronouns are then they are dumber than a door knob.

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