male cirumcision


Annoying Customer
Sep 7, 2008
If you had a son, would you circumcise him! And why or why not!

They are talking about it on The Doctors right now! Show is kind of boring but they say it is not a health decsion anymore, but more of a personal or religion one!
I have a 17 year old boy. when he was born, i said I didn't want my son disfigured for mere convention. Well my then wife had him sliced anyway.

there is no reason to circumcise boys.

Is circumcision in males necessary?

However, the predominant driving forces for circumcision in males are tradition and peer pressure. Male newborns are circumcised because of the parents' belief in the traditional practice. Male adolescents and even adults are also circumcised because of the traditional need ("passage rite to manhood") and peer pressure (afraid to be teased as supot).

On the basis of medical reasons, routine circumcision in males is NOT necessary. The American Academy of Pediatrics has done extensive critical analysis of all published papers on the topic and has come out with a stand in 1999 that routine circumcision in males is not necessary.
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There are some minor health and sanitary issues.

Leave it up to the kid to decide for himself when he gets old enough.
Right, we don't already know where this is headed.

You are aware that the child will NEVER remember the procedure EVER? Of course if you wait till they are 18 they are not going to forget it ever.

It is a health issue, especially for those grow numbers of idiots that barely can care for themselves much less a child.

Ohh and How do we know cause Jillian spoke up what it will be about? You are aware she is not very observant of her religion? But on that note, religion would in fact be a reason to have it done as well. The old laws exist for a reason. And I do not just mean please God.
You are aware that the child will NEVER remember the procedure EVER? Of course if you wait till they are 18 they are not going to forget it ever.

It is a health issue, especially for those grow numbers of idiots that barely can care for themselves much less a child.

Ohh and How do we know cause Jillian spoke up what it will be about? You are aware she is not very observant of her religion? But on that note, religion would in fact be a reason to have it done as well. The old laws exist for a reason. And I do not just mean please God.

Actually, let me respond to that. I spoke up for a couple of reasons. One, yes, there are truly health reasons for it. But I HAVE also found that some people like to use the word "mutiliation" when they talk about circumcision...and there's a reason they do that. And it's to vilify the practice.

Now why would they want to use the word mutilation, particularly given the health benefits?
one major reason....penial cancer is unheard of in circumized men can lose the elasticity in the foreskin causing them to have to be circumiized.

I think a lot depends on the father...if he is or not..they say if the father is...its best for the son...uniformity i guess or just sexual idenification.

it does help with the transmition of std's etc. the foreskin gives germs a place to hide...but here is how i feel about it...a nasty man is nasty regardless of him having a foreskin or not....a clean man is clean with a foreskin or not.
I have a 17 year old boy. when he was born, i said I didn't want my son disfigured for mere convention. Well my then wife had him sliced anyway.

there is no reason to circumcise boys.

Is circumcision in males necessary?

However, the predominant driving forces for circumcision in males are tradition and peer pressure. Male newborns are circumcised because of the parents' belief in the traditional practice. Male adolescents and even adults are also circumcised because of the traditional need ("passage rite to manhood") and peer pressure (afraid to be teased as supot).

On the basis of medical reasons, routine circumcision in males is NOT necessary. The American Academy of Pediatrics has done extensive critical analysis of all published papers on the topic and has come out with a stand in 1999 that routine circumcision in males is not necessary.
I did not have my son circumcised, for one my doc told me it is not an issue anymore and that only about 50% of male babies are now! There is also the fact your health insurance does not pay for it. They also say you loose 15% of your feeling when you are circumcised! It is also self cleaning until about the time they are two and when he is the right age I will take him to his ped who is a male to teach him how to clean it.

Also on another not if your not circumcised you should let your girlfriend know. My first partner was not and it took a few times before I figured this out. My brother's wife didn't know until I asked him how he felt about it when I was making my descion and they have been married for eight years and dated five years before that!
A circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the glans (rounded tip) of the penis. Circumcision may be performed for religious or cultural reasons, or for health reasons. Newborn circumcision is thought to diminish the risk for cancer of the penis and lower the risk for cancer of the cervix in sexual partners. It is also believed to decrease the risk of urinary tract infections in infants and lower the risk of certain sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV.

Circumcision: Surgical Procedure Expectations, Complications and Information on

i would rather be minus a foreskin than minus the penis.

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