Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is running for the Democrat nomination 2008


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2003
Judging from his letter to the American public, he definitely sounds like he is in full agreement with all of the rest of the idiot leftist Democrats running for President in 2008. I'm sure he can count on Bully's, Jillian's, Dr Grump's, 1549's, and of course Redhot's vote. Read it kids and see if you don't see your views in his words....... dumbasses?

Iran leader's letter to Americans asks U.S. to leave Iraq
Missive also urges support to create a Palestinian state
Maggie Farley, Los Angeles Times
Thursday, November 30, 2006

(11-30) 04:00 PST United Nations -- Iran's president appealed directly to the "God-fearing, peace-loving and justice-seeking" American people in an open letter released Wednesday, saying the United States should leave Iraq and spend the billions of dollars meant for war on the welfare of Americans instead.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wrote that Iranians and Americans share common values to protect freedom and human dignity, and said "hundreds of thousands of my Iranian compatriots are living among you in friendship and peace."

He also urged support for the creation of a Palestinian homeland, portraying U.S. backing for Israel as the key difference that alienates the United States from much of the Middle East.

While he did not repeat earlier denials of the Holocaust or calls to wipe Israel "off the map," the Iranian president denounced the Bush administration's "blind support" for "Zionists," who he claimed "have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors."

The letter, with its appeal to American mothers, echoed President Bush's address to the U.N. General Assembly in September, in which Bush ignored the Iranian leadership and spoke directly to the Iranian people about their struggle for democracy.

Ahmadinejad struck a confident, self-righteous tone that was slightly more moderate than the scolding 18-page epistle he sent Bush in May. He said Wednesday that since the U.S. military presence in Iraq began, terrorism there has grown exponentially, and the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people is worse than under Saddam Hussein.

"I consider it extremely unlikely that you, the American people, consent to the billions of dollars of annual expenditure from your treasury for this military misadventure," he wrote.

The Bush administration dismissed the latest letter as a "public relations stunt."

Shibley Telhami, a senior fellow of the Brookings Institution in Washington, said the letter "shows that Ahmadinejad closely follows American politics, and may be anticipating recommendations by the Iraq Study Group to engage with Iran. But it also displays his naivete that the American public shares his world view.

"It is likely that much of his audience is outside the U.S., in the Arabic, Muslim world, and that it does increase and improve his standing by showing he can stand up to the United States," Telhami said.

Aside from the Quranic quotations and anti-Semitic sentiments, Ahmadinejad sounded more like an opposition candidate on the campaign trail than a leader of a government the United States has in its sights. He criticized the Bush administration for arbitrary detentions of prisoners in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons and for curtailing Americans' civil liberties in the name of the war on terror.

"Undoubtedly, the American people are not satisfied with this behavior, and they showed their discontent in the recent elections," he said. "I hope that in the wake of the midterm elections, the administration of President Bush will have heard and will heed the message of the American people."

Ahmadinejad did not address the conflict over Iran's nuclear program, perhaps in recognition that the prospect of U.N. sanctions is faltering. Iran has ignored the Security Council's demand that it halt the enrichment of uranium -- which could be used for either fuel or nuclear weapons -- or face sanctions. But on Tuesday, a new draft resolution circulated among council members that did not even mention penalties, due to objections by Russia and China.

In his only mention of nuclear weapons, Ahmadinejad said merely that they do not confer legitimacy and power; justice and compassion do, he said.

Karim Sadjapour, an Iran analyst at the International Crisis Group, said he doubted that Ahmadinejad's letter would have much impact on Americans' views of Iran.

"He hasn't furthered Iran's cause. He may have undermined it," he said. "He is trying to appeal to the people and the media, but Iran is the largest prison for journalists in the Middle East. He talks about American abuses at Abu Ghraib, but what about the Abu Ghraibs within Iran? What about the people who are unfairly imprisoned and unfairly executed? For him to be writing that from Iran rings a bit hollow."
Judging from his letter to the American public, he definitely sounds like he is in full agreement with all of the rest of the idiot leftist Democrats running for President in 2008. I'm sure he can count on Bully's, Jillian's, Dr Grump's, 1549's, and of course Redhot's vote. Read it kids and see if you don't see your views in his words....... dumbasses?

Iran leader's letter to Americans asks U.S. to leave Iraq
Missive also urges support to create a Palestinian state
Maggie Farley, Los Angeles Times
Thursday, November 30, 2006

(11-30) 04:00 PST United Nations -- Iran's president appealed directly to the "God-fearing, peace-loving and justice-seeking" American people in an open letter released Wednesday, saying the United States should leave Iraq and spend the billions of dollars meant for war on the welfare of Americans instead.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wrote that Iranians and Americans share common values to protect freedom and human dignity, and said "hundreds of thousands of my Iranian compatriots are living among you in friendship and peace."

He also urged support for the creation of a Palestinian homeland, portraying U.S. backing for Israel as the key difference that alienates the United States from much of the Middle East.

While he did not repeat earlier denials of the Holocaust or calls to wipe Israel "off the map," the Iranian president denounced the Bush administration's "blind support" for "Zionists," who he claimed "have imposed themselves on a substantial portion of the banking, financial, cultural and media sectors."

The letter, with its appeal to American mothers, echoed President Bush's address to the U.N. General Assembly in September, in which Bush ignored the Iranian leadership and spoke directly to the Iranian people about their struggle for democracy.

Ahmadinejad struck a confident, self-righteous tone that was slightly more moderate than the scolding 18-page epistle he sent Bush in May. He said Wednesday that since the U.S. military presence in Iraq began, terrorism there has grown exponentially, and the pain and suffering of the Iraqi people is worse than under Saddam Hussein.

"I consider it extremely unlikely that you, the American people, consent to the billions of dollars of annual expenditure from your treasury for this military misadventure," he wrote.

The Bush administration dismissed the latest letter as a "public relations stunt."

Shibley Telhami, a senior fellow of the Brookings Institution in Washington, said the letter "shows that Ahmadinejad closely follows American politics, and may be anticipating recommendations by the Iraq Study Group to engage with Iran. But it also displays his naivete that the American public shares his world view.

"It is likely that much of his audience is outside the U.S., in the Arabic, Muslim world, and that it does increase and improve his standing by showing he can stand up to the United States," Telhami said.

Aside from the Quranic quotations and anti-Semitic sentiments, Ahmadinejad sounded more like an opposition candidate on the campaign trail than a leader of a government the United States has in its sights. He criticized the Bush administration for arbitrary detentions of prisoners in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons and for curtailing Americans' civil liberties in the name of the war on terror.

"Undoubtedly, the American people are not satisfied with this behavior, and they showed their discontent in the recent elections," he said. "I hope that in the wake of the midterm elections, the administration of President Bush will have heard and will heed the message of the American people."

Ahmadinejad did not address the conflict over Iran's nuclear program, perhaps in recognition that the prospect of U.N. sanctions is faltering. Iran has ignored the Security Council's demand that it halt the enrichment of uranium -- which could be used for either fuel or nuclear weapons -- or face sanctions. But on Tuesday, a new draft resolution circulated among council members that did not even mention penalties, due to objections by Russia and China.

In his only mention of nuclear weapons, Ahmadinejad said merely that they do not confer legitimacy and power; justice and compassion do, he said.

Karim Sadjapour, an Iran analyst at the International Crisis Group, said he doubted that Ahmadinejad's letter would have much impact on Americans' views of Iran.

"He hasn't furthered Iran's cause. He may have undermined it," he said. "He is trying to appeal to the people and the media, but Iran is the largest prison for journalists in the Middle East. He talks about American abuses at Abu Ghraib, but what about the Abu Ghraibs within Iran? What about the people who are unfairly imprisoned and unfairly executed? For him to be writing that from Iran rings a bit hollow."

Considering how he says the same things about America as the libs,the US military, the war on terror; he should when the Dem nomination with ease
He may be a raving lunatic shouting slogans against America and Bush in Tehran's Revolutionary Square but ya gotta admit he is shrewd and bloody well defiant. You might call him suicidal but he is cunning and knows his job.

Ummmmm......he's a radical RIGHT WING QURAN (BIBLE) THUMPING IDIOT......just like the NEOCONS of America.

He is exactly the opposite of anyone that believes in the Bible's teachings dimwit but we would expect loser comments like yours coming from anyone that proclaims proudly to be from the "bay area". Are you typing this from your favorite bathhouse or are you living in the public library using their computer? Fags and homeless are the only ones living in the "bay area'' right?
It is ashame that such a beautiful place is inhabited by some of the worst shits of society.

Oh and dumbass, the Qur'an is neither holy or the Bible, it's just the words of a diseased pedophile named muhammad.
If I was a Democrat.....
I'd be holding my head high......

Hell we have the lunatic from Iran(applauding them)
Hugo Chavez is cheering....
I'm sure Castro, if he's still alive...(is cheering them on)
The little dip shit from North Korea....
Not to mention a few child molesters(stubbs)
Barney Franks is questionable..... who have been reelected...
A impeached judge...
A member of the KKK...(who is 110 yrs old.......sheeeesh...
Now they have a Muslim who is associated with a terrorist group...
A senator who (accidentally drowned someone in a car accident) and swam away to save his own ass before he reported it....
Another Rep...who had 90,000 dollars stashed away in his freezer..(still under investagition)
Another who was involved in the Abscam affair..And Pelosi is hooked up with this person BIG TIME........(search for info, these two are as tight as a frogs ass)
Another had his land sold and didn't know he made a crooked deal...
But that's ok, he will just ADJUST his papers,
Cause It was Just a Mistake...
Even their pretty boy Oboma is being looked at for some shady deals(just not out in the open Yet)......

shit I'm too tired right now to continue the list.....

But it goes on and on and on...........

Democrats......Stand Tall...Be Proud......
Ummmmm......he's a radical RIGHT WING QURAN (BIBLE) THUMPING IDIOT......just like the NEOCONS of America.

Right wing? Explain. Because i believe, as usual, there is a misconception with the words right wing.

Far left is of the socialist mentality where the government is to run everything whether through a collective or 1 man, i.e. Dictatorship. There is a politically correct line of speech that will get you punished if not followed. All wealth goes to the state or the ruling party. All property belongs to the state or the ruling party. Dictatorship, Communism, Socialism all have the same goals. Provide everything the people need through the government while controlling everything the people do through the government.

Far Right is the absence of government. The ultimate measure of the "Far Right" is pure anarchy. There is no law. No restrictions on freedoms. No restrictions on where you can get your food, resources etc. Unfortunately there are no restrictions on what others can do to you. You must protect yourself. It's literally every man for themselves with no government telling you what to do.

So i assume that you incorrect label of "Far Right" on Ahmadbedenijad (or President Tom since his name is too hard to spell) is based more on talking points and not personal deduction.
Right wing? Explain. Because i believe, as usual, there is a misconception with the words right wing.

Far left is of the socialist mentality where the government is to run everything whether through a collective or 1 man, i.e. Dictatorship. There is a politically correct line of speech that will get you punished if not followed. All wealth goes to the state or the ruling party. All property belongs to the state or the ruling party. Dictatorship, Communism, Socialism all have the same goals. Provide everything the people need through the government while controlling everything the people do through the government.

Far Right is the absence of government. The ultimate measure of the "Far Right" is pure anarchy. There is no law. No restrictions on freedoms. No restrictions on where you can get your food, resources etc. Unfortunately there are no restrictions on what others can do to you. You must protect yourself. It's literally every man for themselves with no government telling you what to do.

So i assume that you incorrect label of "Far Right" on Ahmadbedenijad (or President Tom since his name is too hard to spell) is based more on talking points and not personal deduction.

The problem is the left has a rather narrow view of the political specrtum. This is their spectrum:

Communism <--------------------------------> Fascism

Their spectrum is limited to the various forms of socialism. We don't believe in socialism, however, so we have a broader view. This is our view:

Totalitarian <-------------------------------> Anarchy

Only the totalitarian side all the socialist views, communism, fascism, etc exist. on the far right anarchy and no restrictions.

Conservatism is a belief in free government. we realize that we cannot have anarchy so we try to create a government with that will keep us from anarchy and prevent the totalitarian state.

Rules and laws are necessary for a people to truly be free, but if there are too many the people can be overburdened. That is the beauty of our constitution, it separates the various powers between federal government and states as well as between the several branches of government so they can all work together to create laws preventing anarchy and yet prevent any govenment power from becoming too powerful and create the totalitarian state.

The problem we face now is we've had Congress and the Judicial branch stealing the power asserted to the Executive for years trying to weaken him. If the trend continues and the balance isnt restored the system will start weighing too far towards the other branches and before long will topple over.

Its actually another aspect of the Roman Republic that is quite analogous. towards the end of the Roman Republic there were three major powers, the Triumvirite (Sp?). Three of the major fractions worked together and created a stable balance in the Senate, they were able to work together, as well, but the second one of the three leaders was killed it turned into an all out power struggle between the remaining two leading to civil war. Three separate powers tends to lead to stability, but two tends to lead for war.

Luckily if we continue to elect executives with strong leadership skills they will likely do what they can to restore the executive branch to its constitutionally appointed strength. That should restore the balance.
He may be a raving lunatic shouting slogans against America and Bush in Tehran's Revolutionary Square but ya gotta admit he is shrewd and bloody well defiant. You might call him suicidal but he is cunning and knows his job.


Just like every other madman that rose to power: Napoleon, Hitler, Saddam, Hillary....

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