Maduro speaks before the UN


Nov 14, 2012
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally, but he nevertheless has a message for the world. It is time to relocate the UN out of the US to ensure its functioning, by the way.


President Maduro: Venezuela has had more than $30 billion taken from the U.S. and Europe

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, spoke on Wednesday in the high-level debate of the 75th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), in which he assured that Venezuela had had more than $30 billion taken from Venezuela, frozen and abducted into accounts of the United States and Europe , just as they pursue companies and the Government to market any good or service in the country, be it food, medicine, fuel, additives necessary to produce gasoline, among others.

Against this, the National Representative confirmed to the world that Venezuela has prepared to resist and continue to resist the criminal and inhuman assault offensive. "Venezuela has prepared to overcome this blockade of the United States, it is a battle for peace, for the homeland, for the region, for humanity, where our heroic people have assumed as in the past their historical role in the face of the ignominy of the most dangerous empire in universal history," he said.

In this regard, the Head of State thanked the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) António Guterres and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet for pronouncements demanding the immediate lifting of coercive and unilateral measures that are not only contrary to the Charter of the United Nations, but are obvious obstacles imposed on the countries concerned, to address the COVID-19 pandemic and the fulfillment of the country's social development objectives.

Foray into U.S.-funded terrorist mercenaries

He recalled that on 03 May 2020, he faced an attempt and a maritime incursion by a group of mercenaries and terrorists, funded by the United States Government and trained on Colombian territory with the absolute support of both governments, who were captured in real time by the civic-military-police union and are under the orders of the judicial institutions for due process.

He also announced that they recently captured an American spy with war weaponry and documents relating to the oil and electricity industry. "It's an everyday siege that we've been facing, dismantling, denouncing and unmasking," he stressed.

He stressed the need to vindicate the principles of respect for sovereignty, the self-determination of peoples, expressed in the Charter of the United Nations which united them all as peoples, whose illegal violation by some UN Member States, is jeopardizing the stability of the country and the Latin Caribbean region.

He called on peace-defending countries to activate and imply to the U.S. government that in the midst of a global pandemic, no one understands and no one is explained that there is an upsizing criminal goiter persecution against noble countries such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Syria, and other sister countries around the world.

He once again demanded the cessation of coercive and unilateral measures of all alleged sanctions and to allow peoples to exercise their own rights to development and the country. "America in going down in history has become the most significant threat to global peace in this world," he said.

Return of Venezuelan Connationals from other Latin American countries

On the other hand, he noted that Venezuela faces and lives a massive wave of voluntary returns of thousands of Venezuelan migrants from countries with very high levels of COVID-19 contagion such as Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and Brazil.

He added that the return of Venezuelans had been for a number of reasons and one of them had been the failure to manage against COVID-19 in those countries, systematic violation of human rights, anachronistic and xenophobic policies, including from high areas of government, discrimination, mistreatment, lack of socio-economic conditions, semi-slavery, human trafficking, calamities that Venezuelan migrants have suffered in clear violation of their human dignity.

In response, he highlighted that the fragility of the social protection systems of these countries has been evident, while he stated that despite the huge amounts of dollars that have been given to these governments for Venezuelan migrants, so the Head of State called for a rigorous review of the role that some United Nations agencies such as UNHCR and the International Organization of Emigration (IOM) have been playing.

Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Why should there be sanctions on Iran? Because they helped to defeat ISIS? Which US troops are in a UN peacekeeping mission?
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Why should there be sanctions on Iran? Because they helped to defeat ISIS? Which US troops are in a UN peacekeeping mission?
It doesn't matter whether they take part in missions or not. They can take part if it is needed virtually in every corner of the world, and can bear the burden of a leading force. Germany and the EU as a whole are far from that.

The Iranian nuclear deal is a very complicated matter. There weren't good solutions of it. What I can say is that I supported the signing of the agreement.
Trump's second term, the US leaves the useless UN, boots them out of the USA and converts their HQ to the Benito Cuomo Men's Homeless Shelter
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Why should there be sanctions on Iran? Because they helped to defeat ISIS? Which US troops are in a UN peacekeeping mission?
It doesn't matter whether they take part in missions or not. They can take part if it is needed virtually in every corner of the world, and can bear the burden of a leading force. Germany and the EU as a whole are far from that.

The Iranian nuclear deal is a very complicated matter. There weren't good solutions of it. What I can say is that I supported the signing of the agreement.
The question is why Trump can´t negotiate a deal with Israel and Iran. They won´t get around each other´s existence.
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Why should there be sanctions on Iran? Because they helped to defeat ISIS? Which US troops are in a UN peacekeeping mission?
It doesn't matter whether they take part in missions or not. They can take part if it is needed virtually in every corner of the world, and can bear the burden of a leading force. Germany and the EU as a whole are far from that.

The Iranian nuclear deal is a very complicated matter. There weren't good solutions of it. What I can say is that I supported the signing of the agreement.
The question is why Trump can´t negotiate a deal with Israel and Iran. They won´t get around each other´s existence.
I dont think it is possible. The conditions of the mullahs won't be acceptable for Israel.
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Why should there be sanctions on Iran? Because they helped to defeat ISIS? Which US troops are in a UN peacekeeping mission?
It doesn't matter whether they take part in missions or not. They can take part if it is needed virtually in every corner of the world, and can bear the burden of a leading force. Germany and the EU as a whole are far from that.

The Iranian nuclear deal is a very complicated matter. There weren't good solutions of it. What I can say is that I supported the signing of the agreement.
The question is why Trump can´t negotiate a deal with Israel and Iran. They won´t get around each other´s existence.
I dont think it is possible. The conditions of the mullahs won't be acceptable for Israel.
If the even more islamist Sunni kingdoms can, they can too. Arabs have to get rid of their Palestine question. There is only one country for Jews, all others are for Arabs. Likewise painful for Israel would be a commitment to respect sovereignty.
Due to unjust threats made by the Trump regime, President Maduro was unable to attend the session personally
Is that what your buddies from RT told you? The sessions of the UN General Asembly are organized mostly with on-line speeches. The corona pandemic. Never heard of that?
If Maduro enters the US to attend an UN session, he will be arrested.
I dont know it is true or not. I dont care at all, anyway. The main point is not where the UN is located, but that it has become a useless organization. The existence of which doesn't make sense in its current form.
It is true:

And the purpose of the UN is not to serve US interests but to mediate and act against violations of rules members agreed upon.
The UN Security Council refused to place back the sanctions on Iran. How it serves the US interests?

If some members want their voice to be respected, they will have to be ready to make decisive actions to support it. If say Germany along with Venezuela and Mozambique will decide to start peacekeeping mission in Syria, would they be able to provide needed troops on the ground?
Why should there be sanctions on Iran? Because they helped to defeat ISIS? Which US troops are in a UN peacekeeping mission?
It doesn't matter whether they take part in missions or not. They can take part if it is needed virtually in every corner of the world, and can bear the burden of a leading force. Germany and the EU as a whole are far from that.

The Iranian nuclear deal is a very complicated matter. There weren't good solutions of it. What I can say is that I supported the signing of the agreement.
The question is why Trump can´t negotiate a deal with Israel and Iran. They won´t get around each other´s existence.
I dont think it is possible. The conditions of the mullahs won't be acceptable for Israel.
If the even more islamist Sunni kingdoms can, they can too. Arabs have to get rid of their Palestine question. There is only one country for Jews, all others are for Arabs. Likewise painful for Israel would be a commitment to respect sovereignty.
The Sunni monarchies understand full well they will need advanced allies in their struggle with Iran. Also, I think they are not too happy about the Turkish expansionist policy. They know a real value of Muslim brotherhood and get well that Turkish Sunni brothers now will be the worst enemy tomorrow.

Israel will be a state from the river to the sea, in one form or another. The more countries in the ME recognize that and the sooner that will be, the better it will be for them.
All the dope smugglers and gold smugglers and money launderers would object; it's the biggest illegal pipeline into the U.S. Most of the UN's members are criminal syndicates.

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