Maan News Agency: An Insult to Professional Journalism

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
That's Right, Munnerdrone's Slander Mainstay is a bunch of Biased Hacks.
It's obvious to anyone/everyone.
And this is from a PALESTINIAN perspective.
Besides her personally inflating and Blowing up a tear-gas collateral damage into "Baby Killing", al-Munnerlyn's source is just Goofy NOT Credible HEARSAY.

The Maan News Agency: An Insult to Professional Journalism
4 September 2013
Khalid Amayreh
Alray: the Palestinian Media Agency
ALRAY-Palestinian Media Agency - The Maan News Agency: An insult to pr - ALRAY
When the Bethlehem-based M'aan News Agency (MNA) was launched in 2005, with generous funding from the Danish, Dutch and UK governments as well as the EU, UNDP, and UNESCO, many Palestinians thought, or more correctly hoped, it would be a qualitative addition to the highly polarized and chronically biased Palestinian media.

Some observers thought the European-funded outlet would soon overcome its numerous problems, including a shocking lack of professionalism, under-trained or untrained staff, serious reportorial flaws and the highly anti-Islamic tendentiousness characterizing the agency's general discourse.

However, eight years on, it seems that the overall performance of M'aan is exacerbating and regressing, almost from every conceivable perspective.

I don't claim to be the ultimate arbiter who determines what is journalistically professional and what is not. However, there is ample evidence indicting MNA for its excessive un-professionalism, biased news writing, and the brazenly scandalous mixing of hard news with personal opinions. One doesn't have to have a Ph.D. in journalism from a prestigious college to detect these flaws.

I am not happy about this sorry state of affair afflicting the agency. I don't think anyone is. Deviation-especially willful deviation-from professional standards and ethics is a cardinal sin in journalism. True journalists must always cling to the timeless journalistic maxim: facts are sacred, comments are free.

Last week, I sought to alert M'aan to the Rampant Mixing of hard news with Personal views by its reporters. I wrote an Arabic piece to that effect entitled ليست بريئة وعليها الالتزام بأخلاق المهنة معا" " وكالة ( The M'aan News Agency is not innocent and must abide by the ethics of the profession) in the hope that the agency would try to fix the serious flaws.

I spoke twice with an official at the agency headquarters in Bethlehem but to no avail. Eventually, M'aan, which promised to publish the article as an opinion piece, Reneged on its promise. Ostensibly, the editorial board viewed the piece too damaging to its reputation and image. But the article was published by some Palestinian newspapers and posted on several websites.

This writer can actually present HUNDREDS of examples where M'aan reporters Mixed their own views with hard news.
This is Not an exaggeration.
The mixing of hard news with personal views actually constitutes a sort of modus operandi at M'aan.
M'aan does this Every hour, Every day, Every week and Every month, either Willfully or out Ignorance or simply due to the Absence of Accountability."

IOW, Ma'an are Unaccountable amateur Criminals.
Indeed, Ma'an got this "Israel opened Dam Gates" Wrong last week.
Israel 'opens dams' flooding Gaza Strip near Deir al Balah | Maan News Agency
It's unchecked Hearsay/Slander that is Typical of Ma'an, MunnerLiar's MAIN source.
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I don't favor any one news paper, but I try not to reject any source either. I compare perspectives and seek the truth from them all.

Maan has been a helpful source, but I take the way they present it with a grain of salt.
"A grain of salt" is far too mild.
Obviously you should take it with a "Shovel of Manure".. as with ANYTHING Munnerlyn posts.
And she Lies and twists Ma'ans already Bogus stories into Full Fledged Anti-Israel Slander
Israel News: Ma'an's bias, and my response
"Commenters were outraged at the "petty" Israeli harassment of innocent Jerusalem Arabs.

I wrote:
Ma'an conveniently forgets to mention that residents of that neighborhood almost lynched 4 Israelis and an Australian student who accidentally entered the neighborhood last week, as they tried to trap them and Shattered their car windshield with Large rocks. And that an Israeli Ambulance was likewise Stoned nearby when trying to Save a Palestinian Arab's life a day later.

But since when does Ma'an practice responsible journalism?

In a more general sense, it is important for people to notice these stories being written in English and to respond with the facts as quickly as possible, so casual readers of the site can know that there is another side to the story that the media is ignoring."..."
Israel News: Ma'an's bias, and my response
"Commenters were outraged at the "petty" Israeli harassment of innocent Jerusalem Arabs.

I wrote:
Ma'an conveniently forgets to mention that residents of that neighborhood almost lynched 4 Israelis and an Australian student who accidentally entered the neighborhood last week, as they tried to trap them and Shattered their car windshield with Large rocks. And that an Israeli Ambulance was likewise Stoned nearby when trying to Save a Palestinian Arab's life a day later.

But since when does Ma'an practice responsible journalism?

In a more general sense, it is important for people to notice these stories being written in English and to respond with the facts as quickly as possible, so casual readers of the site can know that there is another side to the story that the media is ignoring."..."
Funny how your source doesn't provide a link to the 4 Israeli's getting attacked. Even if that story is true, not all the residents would've taken part in the attack. But all the residents were subject to Israeli harassment.

BTW, East Jerusalem is not Israel. They should have no jurisdiction whatsoever in that area. Their police and IOF need to get the fuck out!
gazans killed a worker fixing a hole in the fence. Israel strikes two hamas training bases, a child was killed by metal fragment.
Question: What was a child doing in a training camp. Safer at home just outside the camp. Putting child as human shields? Israel did not target the child since it was a stray metal fragment. Rockets were fired from the camps. Just as easily a fragment kicked up from the kassams.
gazans killed a worker fixing a hole in the fence. Israel strikes two hamas training bases, a child was killed by metal fragment.
Question: What was a child doing in a training camp. Safer at home just outside the camp. Putting child as human shields? Israel did not target the child since it was a stray metal fragment. Rockets were fired from the camps. Just as easily a fragment kicked up from the kassams.

are the parents of the GLORIOUS MARTYRS still being paid per dead body?
The only ones that Hamas does pay. It keeps them in power to do so. Every other shortcut and cutback is blamed on Israel or the PA.
Hamas got four months of fuel and they are still running 16 hr blackouts.
Other parts of gaza get electric from Israel or Egypt, neither of which as been stopped, except a short outage from the snow in Israel.
Hamas is near bankrupt, but they can still declare war on Israel after they fired rockets and killing a fence worker making repairs, causing Israel to strike a training camp in Gaza.

gazans killed a worker fixing a hole in the fence. Israel strikes two hamas training bases, a child was killed by metal fragment.
Question: What was a child doing in a training camp. Safer at home just outside the camp. Putting child as human shields? Israel did not target the child since it was a stray metal fragment. Rockets were fired from the camps. Just as easily a fragment kicked up from the kassams.

are the parents of the GLORIOUS MARTYRS still being paid per dead body?
gazans killed a worker fixing a hole in the fence. Israel strikes two hamas training bases, a child was killed by metal fragment.
Question: What was a child doing in a training camp. Safer at home just outside the camp. Putting child as human shields? Israel did not target the child since it was a stray metal fragment. Rockets were fired from the camps. Just as easily a fragment kicked up from the kassams.
are the parents of the GLORIOUS MARTYRS still being paid per dead body?
Good question.
I bet the Hamas is Still backed by Iran they are, so they gotta sacrifice a few kids just to shoe 'resistance' even if not 'per body'.

.And I see MunnerDrone is still relying on Ma'an.
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I don't favor any one news paper, but I try not to reject any source either. I compare perspectives and seek the truth from them all.

Maan has been a helpful source, but I take the way they present it with a grain of salt.

I haven't heard of Alray before - apparently it's a new news organization ALRAY-Palestinian Media Agency - ALRAY - not sure what voices lie behind it yet but that's an interesting editorial on Maan and I'll be intrigued as to their future reporting.

I think Maan is no better or worse than a lot of news outlets in that region. If I'm not sure of something they present, I try to find the same thing in other sources. The problem is though, Palestinian issues, particularly crimes targeting Palestinians often go unreported so it's difficult to know if legit, fabricated or simply skewed or incomplete. Maan can be helpful in at least reporting some of these things.
Hamas has proven itself incompetent at governance beyond an election coat of paint :mad:
gazans killed a worker fixing a hole in the fence. Israel strikes two hamas training bases, a child was killed by metal fragment.
Question: What was a child doing in a training camp. Safer at home just outside the camp. Putting child as human shields? Israel did not target the child since it was a stray metal fragment. Rockets were fired from the camps. Just as easily a fragment kicked up from the kassams.
If that fence is on Gazan land, then the worker is a legal target.

Don't talk to me about rockets, when you shoot at people fishing and farming.
Hamas has proven itself incompetent at governance beyond an election coat of paint :mad:
Maybe if they weren't constantly targeted and allowed to govern, they'd do a better job of it?

When they put in street lights and the IDF comes along a little later and shoots out the lamps at the top, what do you call that? Is that Hamas's fault?

What do street improvements have to do with terrorism?
Hamas has proven itself incompetent at governance beyond an election coat of paint :mad:
Maybe if they weren't constantly targeted and allowed to govern, they'd do a better job of it?

When they put in street lights and the IDF comes along a little later and shoots out the lamps at the top, what do you call that? Is that Hamas's fault?

What do street improvements have to do with terrorism?

I don't think so Billo, or at least not entirely. They're very effective at doing things to get the vote - for example a considerable amount of charity. I think they did so well in the elections primarily because people were sick and tired of Fatah. You have a point that Israel's actions have certainly complicated things for them - but I'm not convinced Hamas would have done any better even without it.
That's Right, Munnerdrone's Slander Mainstay is a bunch of Biased Hacks.
It's obvious to anyone/everyone.
And this is from a PALESTINIAN perspective.
Besides her personally inflating and Blowing up a tear-gas collateral damage into "Baby Killing", al-Munnerlyn's source is just Goofy NOT Credible HEARSAY.

The Maan News Agency: An Insult to Professional Journalism
4 September 2013
Khalid Amayreh
Alray: the Palestinian Media Agency
ALRAY-Palestinian Media Agency - The Maan News Agency: An insult to pr - ALRAY
When the Bethlehem-based M'aan News Agency (MNA) was launched in 2005, with generous funding from the Danish, Dutch and UK governments as well as the EU, UNDP, and UNESCO, many Palestinians thought, or more correctly hoped, it would be a qualitative addition to the highly polarized and chronically biased Palestinian media.

Some observers thought the European-funded outlet would soon overcome its numerous problems, including a shocking lack of professionalism, under-trained or untrained staff, serious reportorial flaws and the highly anti-Islamic tendentiousness characterizing the agency's general discourse.

However, eight years on, it seems that the overall performance of M'aan is exacerbating and regressing, almost from every conceivable perspective.

I don't claim to be the ultimate arbiter who determines what is journalistically professional and what is not. However, there is ample evidence indicting MNA for its excessive un-professionalism, biased news writing, and the brazenly scandalous mixing of hard news with personal opinions. One doesn't have to have a Ph.D. in journalism from a prestigious college to detect these flaws.

I am not happy about this sorry state of affair afflicting the agency. I don't think anyone is. Deviation-especially willful deviation-from professional standards and ethics is a cardinal sin in journalism. True journalists must always cling to the timeless journalistic maxim: facts are sacred, comments are free.

Last week, I sought to alert M'aan to the Rampant Mixing of hard news with Personal views by its reporters. I wrote an Arabic piece to that effect entitled ليست بريئة وعليها الالتزام بأخلاق المهنة معا" " وكالة ( The M'aan News Agency is not innocent and must abide by the ethics of the profession) in the hope that the agency would try to fix the serious flaws.

I spoke twice with an official at the agency headquarters in Bethlehem but to no avail. Eventually, M'aan, which promised to publish the article as an opinion piece, Reneged on its promise. Ostensibly, the editorial board viewed the piece too damaging to its reputation and image. But the article was published by some Palestinian newspapers and posted on several websites.

This writer can actually present HUNDREDS of examples where M'aan reporters Mixed their own views with hard news.
This is Not an exaggeration.
The mixing of hard news with personal views actually constitutes a sort of modus operandi at M'aan.
M'aan does this Every hour, Every day, Every week and Every month, either Willfully or out Ignorance or simply due to the Absence of Accountability."

IOW, Ma'an are Unaccountable amateur Criminals.
Indeed, Ma'an got this "Israel opened Dam Gates" Wrong last week.
Israel 'opens dams' flooding Gaza Strip near Deir al Balah | Maan News Agency
It's unchecked Hearsay/Slander that is Typical of Ma'an, MunnerLiar's MAIN source.
I see Munnerturd is back using this Disreputable source for an allegation that..
Drum roll... "a soldier threatened"
And this passes for news with Bigot Munnrelyn who avoids that Christians are being persecuted Daily in Palestine while she spouts/spits the NT

You are Hypocrite Filth Munnertwins.

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