Lowering self expectations


Sep 19, 2009
The Flew here;

It's been how long since I was last drawn to the creative endeavor of writing and breathing? Seems but not a long stay in memory or time that I was but a lad with hopes and aspirations, dirty socks, and poprocks. Somewhere between that walk to school uphill both directions, snow so hard I couldn't blow my nose for more than ice, and constant work, I have arrived. I'm broke, desolate, living on noodle de Fancy Soupa and .... remembering when.

It's not easy being me these days. I feel like I got caught in a crossfire, the result is just a whole lot of duck and cover...better than goose poop de verde.

God Bless America - I do mean that. "A poor man's trash is another man's gold'. Half Empty or half full, looks the same whether the lava lamp is right side up or upside down. That gives me hope people, that, and God.


Mister Flew
Good to see you MisterFlew!

I hope the ice has melted out of your nostrils by now!

Rainbow Bubble Gum.
Life is mostly what you make of it. A lot depends on what seeds you sow, but there is an element of luck as well.
I'd like to say that I don't agree with the cruelty inflicted upon me emotionally by those who have abilities not sanctioned by the military and or government. I'd like to see the whole lot of em unethicals shipped off to Georgia Island but then I'd feel bad for the penguins.

We' got some bad ones out there, and they are doing some very bad things to moi. Frankly, let AMW's John Walsh come to the rescue, I think I can trust that one. .. as long as his mental abilities are still in tact. For me, it isn't always what you see that causes all the trouble. It could be someone named PheonixRisingSun from a Got PSI website, days gone by. Pheonix was also the name of the Lagervall dance club in Seattle and the friend Stacy P and I had named Michelle's - business. It was Pheonix something or other.

Too Many Flew over Coo Coo's nest. GotPSI needs to be further explored to determine if PheonixRising goes back to

1) A Stiner gone Mad NSA Style
2) A creep whose name starts with Z
3) Or a Bryan Adams wanna be

Get em guys, fast.
If it helps I can't seem to get the guy out of my head. He's in my thoughts constantly though I'd prefer he not be. Does he have a magic ball he looks through to find me? Or travel silent on my shoulder, dash board, etc, ? his permanent residence seems to be "me" and my head. - STOP the madness.

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