love/hate the doberman


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
okay its the curse of the doberman owner....we love the dogs due to their great brains...they understand more words than most dogs and are quicker to train....this leads to them being tricky too...

so thor breaks his knee...of course thor cant have the cheaper operation for little bitty dogs....he weights 99.4 lbs...and yes, he is big to fix the need we have to borg him up....with the larger the operation goes fine...i go to pick him up and get the aftercare instructions...he cannot do more than a slow walk for 6 to 8 weeks....o hell, really? i ask...really they say....he cannot jump etc...he just can do a slow 3 minute walk ...he is not even up to the 5 circles this way and that on a 2.5 ft leash....well of course...he is feeling grand....doesnt get why suddenly his world has become the living room and short walks on the leash....we haz a ramp for him....soooooooooooo i am fixing the veggie terrine....checking on him back and forth...he is like 5 ft away...on his new expensive bed....when i duck my head around to jake and the sliding glass about a foot...just enough for the dogs to make their escape....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and i dont wanna go out there big fear...they have headed up the mtn and will blow that knee again....

whew about 10 ft from house....where i calmly called him back to me....calmly wanting to kick his ass...

so now we can add...opens the sliding glass door.. to the list ...damn he is smart and damn that is annoying... things dobermans do...
The best dog I ever loved was a doberman.


She was smarter than many humans I have known, more dependable than many men I served with, funnier than many clowns I have seen.

She was a beautiful being.

Now I have a beagle.

I feel like George in the Grapes of Wrath.

Tell me about the not shitting on the carpet George.............

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