Louisiana Black Man Gets Life In Prison At Angola For Selling $20 Worth Of Pot ( It's Justifiable)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
As a complete advocate against drug use, especially pot, this sentence is justified and needed to be carried out despite the circumstances. This black dealer would have eventually got young white girls hooked on dope, raped and possibly killed by these feral criminals in drug deals gone bad. This life sentence will end that possibility. More of these type people need to be taken off the streets and handed deserving sentences like what this type person recieved.. Kudos for the Shreveport PD for doing a job well done.

Louisiana man gets life in prison for selling 20 worth of pot
A hungry and homeless man who was entrapped into selling $20 worth of marijuana to an undercover narcotics officer in Louisiana has been sentenced to life in prison, with hard labor, and no parole.

How authorities expected Winslow to survive is a mystery. Multiple convictions left him without money, unable to get a job, and ineligible for government food or housing assistance thanks to President Bill Clinton's "end to welfare as we know it" nearly 20 years ago.

“I do remember it was a very small amount of marijuana. It was ridiculously small."

Some judges are also outraged by minimum mandatory sentencing that destroys the lives of defendants.

Read more: Louisiana man gets life in prison for selling 20 worth of pot

Parts of the US are truly third world. Just no excuse for this.

And some USMess posters ^^^ really need to get psychiatric treatment.
If the dealer were not a black man, the racist scumbag author of this worthless thread OP wouldn't have expressed support for such an outrageous "sentence."

It may be silly to say that he had no choice and was '"forced" to sell the weed due to poverty. In fact, that is pretty dumb.

On the other hand, with or without "need," nobody should be jailed for life (much less "at hard labor") for selling a bag of weed.
Twenty dollars worth of weed these days is not even a bag. Maybe a joint or two at the most.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I'd rather see drug offenders shot on site when arrested rather than wasting our time prosecuting and incarceration these wastes of flesh and oxygen. He'd have saved everyone's time and energy just tying a brick to his ankle and going swimming.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I'd rather see drug offenders shot on site when arrested rather than wasting our time prosecuting and incarceration these wastes of flesh and oxygen. He'd have saved everyone's time and energy just tying a brick to his ankle and going swimming.
Yeah, let's scrap the criminal justice system and just gun people down in the streets. What could go wrong?
Time for Steve to go on iggie. This guy is just flat out soulless. I don't want to "see" his idiotic posts any more.
Yeah, let's scrap the criminal justice system and just gun people down in the streets. What could go wrong?

No. Let's scrap it and replace it with something that works to....

A. Punish criminals who commit crimes in a severe manner.

B. Work to ensure nobody wants to commit crimes due to the sentences handed down.
Yeah, let's scrap the criminal justice system and just gun people down in the streets. What could go wrong?

No. Let's scrap it and replace it with something that works to....

A. Punish criminals who commit crimes in a severe manner.

B. Work to ensure nobody wants to commit crimes due to the sentences handed down.

How is smoking a crime? Drinking isn't.
Life for dealing $20 worth of grass? Was a documentary on CNBC a while back after some 80s drug dealer running pot and cocaine through Florida. He was out (and starring in the documentary) in less than 20.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I'd rather see drug offenders shot on site when arrested rather than wasting our time prosecuting and incarceration these wastes of flesh and oxygen. He'd have saved everyone's time and energy just tying a brick to his ankle and going swimming.
Same here. Weed to me is just as bad as alcohol. Do it in your home but don't be driving while high. Dude was a career criminal and got what he deserved.
Everything is okay, this guy violate the law and now he got what he deserved!
Every man who will break the law and commit crimes will be in jail, because LAW is order for all of us, without exceptions!
Even if pot were legal this guy would still be in prison the same as if he was selling illegal home brew.

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