Lori Lightfoot in a Game of 'COVID Chicken' With Cops: It's Not Going to End Well For Her


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Thank goodness we do still have many Americans who are not falling for this communist removal of our rights.

Fuck you mask and vax cultists.

“She’ll put it on me,” said Catanzara. “But this isn’t me, it’s about the members who showed up at the FOP the other night figuratively with pitchforks and torches. It’s about those who’ve already had Covid and don’t feel like getting the shot because they have immunity, and those who’ve been vaccinated, and still know the vaccinated can spread it. She’s all about her overreach. Let her play her political games.”

The consequence is that police, already 1,000 cops short under Lightfoot, could be down 50 percent over the weekend. The people expect three things from a mayor: Pick up the garbage, keep them safe and continue the fantasy that the public schools work, at least for some.

She’s the mayor, not some dangerous idiot kid playing chicken at 3 a.m. on Southwest Highway.

This government overreach has no basis in legislation.

Push back…these Nazis will cave.

Where is the text of the federal mandate?

Lefties, when is your Senile in Chief going to release the mandate language?
Sounds like a great way to rid a department of self-obsessed narcissistic assholes. It will save a lot of money in brutality settlements.
I'm sure she won't care. She will just use those cops as an example of people who don't want to fall in line and paint them as bad people. Then she will just want to not hire more as a way to defund the police and now have a easy way to claim she reduced police officers and if they do hire more they will passive pansies.

And when crime rises due to lack of cops they can take advantage of it by trying to impose more authoritarian laws and rules to gain more control.

Or the cops fold and get the vaccine like she demands.

In the end she can turn it into a win.
We live in the United States of America, and we are being confronted with a MANDATORY EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY SHOT?

Get this MANDATORY EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY SHOT or you cannot participate in society.

Such misguided sheep.

Thank goodness we do still have many Americans who are not falling for this communist removal of our rights.

Fuck you mask and vax cultists.

“She’ll put it on me,” said Catanzara. “But this isn’t me, it’s about the members who showed up at the FOP the other night figuratively with pitchforks and torches. It’s about those who’ve already had Covid and don’t feel like getting the shot because they have immunity, and those who’ve been vaccinated, and still know the vaccinated can spread it. She’s all about her overreach. Let her play her political games.”

The consequence is that police, already 1,000 cops short under Lightfoot, could be down 50 percent over the weekend. The people expect three things from a mayor: Pick up the garbage, keep them safe and continue the fantasy that the public schools work, at least for some.

She’s the mayor, not some dangerous idiot kid playing chicken at 3 a.m. on Southwest Highway.

PJMedia is fake news. Here's the real news version on Associated Press:

A judge Friday evening granted the city’s request for a temporary injunction barring Catanzara from making any public comments that encourage FOP members to disobey the city’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate until the next hearing on the city’s lawsuit on Oct. 25.

Thank goodness we do still have many Americans who are not falling for this communist removal of our rights.

Fuck you mask and vax cultists.

“She’ll put it on me,” said Catanzara. “But this isn’t me, it’s about the members who showed up at the FOP the other night figuratively with pitchforks and torches. It’s about those who’ve already had Covid and don’t feel like getting the shot because they have immunity, and those who’ve been vaccinated, and still know the vaccinated can spread it. She’s all about her overreach. Let her play her political games.”

The consequence is that police, already 1,000 cops short under Lightfoot, could be down 50 percent over the weekend. The people expect three things from a mayor: Pick up the garbage, keep them safe and continue the fantasy that the public schools work, at least for some.

She’s the mayor, not some dangerous idiot kid playing chicken at 3 a.m. on Southwest Highway.

They'll get their shots, just like everyone else who's come uo against the "vaccinate or lose your job" thing.

Thank goodness we do still have many Americans who are not falling for this communist removal of our rights.

Fuck you mask and vax cultists.

“She’ll put it on me,” said Catanzara. “But this isn’t me, it’s about the members who showed up at the FOP the other night figuratively with pitchforks and torches. It’s about those who’ve already had Covid and don’t feel like getting the shot because they have immunity, and those who’ve been vaccinated, and still know the vaccinated can spread it. She’s all about her overreach. Let her play her political games.”

The consequence is that police, already 1,000 cops short under Lightfoot, could be down 50 percent over the weekend. The people expect three things from a mayor: Pick up the garbage, keep them safe and continue the fantasy that the public schools work, at least for some.

She’s the mayor, not some dangerous idiot kid playing chicken at 3 a.m. on Southwest Highway.

<Yawn>. Another trumptard who is trying to ride the Rump loser express to political office.
Wow, talk about self awareness!

Look to yourself, tRumpling.

You mean like how Trump was booed at his own rally for telling everyone to get vaccinated?

Is that a cult? You are a fool.


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