Looks like McConnell wins again


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
6. Raise the Minimum Wage
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Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Wackoland from the commie left.....
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
More like..........................

Pack the Supreme Court like Obama did the federal courts so they win all their court cases and will do things like round up the guns and flush the 2nd amendment down the toilet.

Then add Washington DC and Puerto Rico so they can take over the Senate so that no GOP nomination ever occurs again and any GOP President that does not "behave" gets impeached.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
We all knew that the Republicans were lying in 2016..You can't trust a Repub nor a Dem politician...
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
We all knew that the Republicans were lying in 2016..You can't trust a Repub nor a Dem politician...
Nonsense! Only Trump lies.

Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.

No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
We all knew that the Republicans were lying in 2016..You can't trust a Repub nor a Dem politician...
Nonsense! Only Trump lies.

Trump is a Republican politician.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections

Expand the tax cuts
Repeal gun laws
Penalty is gone finally. Ocare is dead
Enforce the immigration laws that we ALREADY have
Continue to downsize the EPA
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
More like..........................

Pack the Supreme Court like Obama did the federal courts so they win all their court cases and will do things like round up the guns and flush the 2nd amendment down the toilet.

Then add Washington DC and Puerto Rico so they can take over the Senate so that no GOP nomination ever occurs again and any GOP President that does not "behave" gets impeached.

Republicans have a stranglehold on the courts. Dems need to have a stranglehold on upcoming legislation.

Forget ANY semblance of filibuster or listening to the minority party. If Dems take Congress, begin a reign of terror on Republicans
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Tell us how kav and gorsuch made the wrong decisions in the past Supreme court rulings?
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Ya never know.

We've seen Supreme Court judges grow into their position. Roberts certainly was expected to be more conservative. Kavanaugh has already demonstrated the ability to think independently. It seems like, for intelligent people, the gravity of the position can have some influence on their actions.

Obviously growing into the position didn't happen in the White House. But we may not want to assume too much.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Do you think that anyone would get violent on the other side? They have not done much up to now. I do know many will not rat on those if they did get violent.

No need for Democrats to get violent.
Republicans have won

Now all that matters is getting even
Pass every piece of legislation you have been putting off. Without a filibuster, Republicans will be powerless
I am talking about the Repub side. They have shown very little in violence so far. And if I was a conservative to the max I would say to you that they have not won much for over half a century. The extreme radical judges have made law and policy for us all. Unelected ones. It is like judicial dictatorship.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Ya never know.

We've seen Supreme Court judges grow into their position. Roberts certainly was expected to be more conservative. Kavanaugh has demonstrated the ability to think independently. It seems like, for intelligent people, the gravity of the position can have some influence on their actions.

Obviously growing into the position didn't happen in the White House. But we may not want to assume too much.
He has another 4 years to get taller in the position.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Ya never know.

We've seen Supreme Court judges grow into their position. Roberts certainly was expected to be more conservative. Kavanaugh has demonstrated the ability to think independently. It seems like, for intelligent people, the gravity of the position can have some influence on their actions.

Obviously growing into the position didn't happen in the White House. But we may not want to assume too much.
He has another 4 years to get taller in the position.
I think we can assume he won't. But I'll remain hopeful if he wins. Not much else I can do.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
More like..........................

Pack the Supreme Court like Obama did the federal courts so they win all their court cases and will do things like round up the guns and flush the 2nd amendment down the toilet.

Then add Washington DC and Puerto Rico so they can take over the Senate so that no GOP nomination ever occurs again and any GOP President that does not "behave" gets impeached.

Republicans have a stranglehold on the courts. Dems need to have a stranglehold on upcoming legislation.

Forget ANY semblance of filibuster or listening to the minority party. If Dems take Congress, begin a reign of terror on Republicans
So take the low road once again,


If only you guys where adults about clarence thomas
The election is coming and the Republicans will be going down in defeat: a stacked Dem court and NPV and M4all will be the first legislation passed in the 100 days.

The American people are coming for the loser right.

Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections
Ya never know.

We've seen Supreme Court judges grow into their position. Roberts certainly was expected to be more conservative. Kavanaugh has already demonstrated the ability to think independently. It seems like, for intelligent people, the gravity of the position can have some influence on their actions.

Obviously growing into the position didn't happen in the White House. But we may not want to assume too much.
You will find that if a democrat appoints someone to the bench, they not ever need to show up as they rule down party lines. But as you point out, if you have a Republican appoint someone to the bench, its like a box of chocolates as they sometimes vote with the democrats.

But conservatives are used to getting stabbed in the back as where democrats are like this monolithic group think fusion of insanity.
Nothing Democrats can do about it. McConnell will get his 6-3 Supreme Court and even Roberts will not be able to contain the Conservative Court.

Democrats have learned that elections have consequences and what matters most is getting your way, not doing what is right.

So what can Democrats do if they win the White House and Senate in November?

There is much talk about packing the court and expanding seats. But I think that is excessive. What they should do is end the filibuster in the Senate.

Democrats should immediately:

1. Repeal the Trump Tax Cuts
2. Pass effective Gun Control
3. Expand Obamacare and make it impossible to repeal
4. Pass Immigration Reform
5 Pass extensive Environmental Protections

Expand the tax cuts
Repeal gun laws
Penalty is gone finally. Ocare is dead
Enforce the immigration laws that we ALREADY have
Continue to downsize the EPA

Tax cuts did not pass filibuster and can quickly be repealed. I would like to see a return of Pre Bush tax rates for business and the wealthy

Ban assault rifles, large capacity magazines and enforce strict rules on who can purchase firearms.

Restore the mandate, expand Medicaid, expand Healthcare Exchanges......all leading to Medicare for All

Make DACA permanent, defund the wall, expand temporary work permits and a path to citizenship

Raise Minimum Wage to $15 and permanently tie increases to inflation.

Make permanent changes to Climate Change goals and environmental protections.

All can be done by Democrats if they repeal the Senate Filibuster

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