Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!

Can you imagine pushing 80,000 dead Americans into their graves from TrumpO’s failed response to the Pandemic a few weeks before the election.

And every American will be reminded of the Press Conference where TrumpO assures the nation he has it all under control:

THE PRESIDENT: Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low.

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference | The White House

President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference. James S. Brady Press Briefing Room. February 26, 2020 6:37 P.M. EST
And you will be right there counting body bags for Politics...............

sucks more to be you since you can’t be bothered to count the pile of bodies that were not worth saving if it killed the TrumpO economy and Wall Street Rally.
UTTER BS.............My point stands...........Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS.......and I see the dang bodies starting to ramp up...........but this has happened before........probably happen again..........That is Reality...without a vaccine to stop this..............THIS IS MATH......and MATH doesn't give a damn about your BS
And you will be right there counting body bags for Politics...............

sucks more to be you since you can’t be bothered to count the pile of bodies that were not worth saving if it killed the TrumpO economy and Wall Street Rally.
UTTER BS.............My point stands...........Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS.......and I see the dang bodies starting to ramp up...........but this has happened before........probably happen again..........That is Reality...without a vaccine to stop this..............THIS IS MATH......and MATH doesn't give a damn about your BS

Without a vaccine to stop it the best we can do is mitigate the initial damage done by it and then work from there. It is not that complicated.
And you will be right there counting body bags for Politics...............

sucks more to be you since you can’t be bothered to count the pile of bodies that were not worth saving if it killed the TrumpO economy and Wall Street Rally.
UTTER BS.............My point stands...........Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS.......and I see the dang bodies starting to ramp up...........but this has happened before........probably happen again..........That is Reality...without a vaccine to stop this..............THIS IS MATH......and MATH doesn't give a damn about your BS

Without a vaccine to stop it the best we can do is mitigate the initial damage done by it and then work from there. It is not that complicated.
And that may be next year............they are speading up the process........human trials already going......but APPROVAL........different story......Billions of doses a different story.

We can't go that long like we are now.
.Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS.

You must be one of them idiots from that group of idiots that TrumpO mentioned today who told him to “just ride it out” LIKE A COWBOY”

“What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, ‘Let’s just ride it out,’ Mr. Trump said, without saying what “group” he was referring to.”​
And now look at the biggest fearmongering panic driver in the world:
“Mr. Trump said that as many as 2.2 million people “would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on with our life.”​

“You would have seen people dying on airplanes, you would have seen people dying in hotel lobbies — you would have seen death all over,” Mr. Trump said. By comparison, he said, a potential death toll of 100,000 “is a very low number.”​
Good thing TrumpO was the greatest leader ever In history who decided to destroy the economy in order to save two million Americans from a cruel death from the silent invisible mass killer Coronavirus 19.​
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.Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS.

You must be one of them idiots from that group of idiots that TrumpO mentioned today who told him to “just ride it out” LIKE A COWBOY”

“What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, ‘Let’s just ride it out,’ Mr. Trump said, without saying what “group” he was referring to.”​
And now look at the biggest fearmongering panic driver in the world:
“Mr. Trump said that as many as 2.2 million people “would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on with our life.”​

“You would have seen people dying on airplanes, you would have seen people dying in hotel lobbies — you would have seen death all over,” Mr. Trump said. By comparison, he said, a potential death toll of 100,000 “is a very low number.”​
Good thing TrumpO was the greatest leader ever In history who decided to destroy the economy in order to save two million Americans from a cruel death from the silent innovations mass killer Coronavirus 19.​
They are projections........and they may be right or wrong........This is 2.5 RO........spreads faster than the flu...............For every person infected they infect about 3 people...........on average......Flu spreads GLOBALLY......we can only slow it for a bit to buy time..........without the vaccine and cures......it's gonna drop the hammer anyways.......We CAN'T KEEP AT HOME FOREVER...........

They need to go postal getting that vaccine.......or we haven't seen nothing yet.
and i approve of this. LOCK 'EM UP!

All those nice high rises............Positive ventilation in the building.......filtration systems that do not stop the small microbes of Coronavirus.............windows open that allow upward airflow building to building..............Window AC units........filters that don't stop squat.....

All of this studied in Hong Kong for SARS........a case we were lucky that they stopped early.....RO of 3.5 there.........

I'm glad I live in my own home in the country.............New York and big cities are gonna get hammered .......STAYING AT HOME.
History will prove who's right.

Don’t need history to know you are a Trump
Voter idiot. TRUMPO fucked up
Calling it a hoax from the start. Now you think you can cover for that idiot

On this thread a Trump voter lied about the 2009 H1N1 mortality rate saying it was 0 .1%

Then he admits it was 0.02% which is way lower than the lowest Coronavirus out there.

C19 at this moment is 2.87%.

There has been no such thing as fake news hysteria
C19 is way way lower than that. Your number is based on ignorance
History will prove who's right.

Don’t need history to know you are a Trump
Voter idiot. TRUMPO fucked up
Calling it a hoax from the start. Now you think you can cover for that idiot

On this thread a Trump voter lied about the 2009 H1N1 mortality rate saying it was 0 .1%

Then he admits it was 0.02% which is way lower than the lowest Coronavirus out there.

C19 at this moment is 2.87%.

There has been no such thing as fake news hysteria
C19 is way way lower than that. Your number is based on ignorance

Seeing we do not have a accurate count for those infected and China Government numbers are most likely false we will never know the actual infected versus the true death percentage but one thing is for sure the left will not want that number to lower because then their chant about Trump killing trillions will be weaken...

( I know we do not have Trillions of people on this planet and just using Progressive math when exaggerating the total number of deaths... )
UTTER BS.............My point stands...........Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS....

They are projections........and they may be right or wrong....

TrumpO has latched onto the low end of the projections preparing the electorate for at least 80,000 dead Americans to be a winner. He now tells his idiot supporters that it would have been 2 million dead Americans if he had not have not taken charge - and they believe him.
Democrats won't even give Trump credit for discovering the drug with will end up being the cure.
UTTER BS.............My point stands...........Destroy or Nation for a virus..........that is BS....

They are projections........and they may be right or wrong....

TrumpO has latched onto the low end of the projections preparing the electorate for at least 80,000 dead Americans to be a winner. He now tells his idiot supporters that it would have been 2 million dead Americans if he had not have not taken charge - and they believe him.

You think I get my stats from him.........Unlike you I read a lot.......many sources to make my decisions............and History doesn't lie.......UNLIKE YOU.

You will lose the next election because of TDS.....using death for propaganda........doing a BS impeachment with death at the door.............and for running a corrupt clown for president.

Face it..............You SUCK.
Notfooled need a nickname............something along the lines with Bodybag..........I can't think of something that suits him yet..........Bodycountman..............IDK........anybody got any ideas.............
That's a rainy Tuesday at the abortion clinics for you twisted fucks.

Another floor licker brings his church ignorance to the discussion apparently unaware of the facts of TrumpO’s failure to take an early leadership role to protect American citizens from being killed by the oncoming COVID-19 epidemic.

Of course being a healthcare idiot is quite common in most TrumpO super hyped up religious voters who don’t realize that patient deaths from legal abortions are exceedingly rare.

24 women died from hemorrhage after legal abortion in the US from 1972-79. During this interval, 7,298,000 legal abortions were reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The death to case rate for hemorrhage from legal abortion during this period was 0.3 deaths/100,000 abortions.

Sorry TrumoOroid I am not “pretending” to be human, I am a human with a fully functioning brain who would.never lick a Church Floor or any floor to prove devotion to someone as inhuman as TrumoO.
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...Unlike you I read a lot.......many sources to make my decisions..........

What decision? Aren’t you in the pro-TrumpO camp that wants to keep schools, businesses, sports, MARCH MADNESS, and bars and restaurants, gambling casinos, TRUMPO’s hotels and Mar a Lago open, and ride a novel virus epidemic out (ride it like a cowboy) because that’s what we did in 2009 when Obama was President.

Ate you talking about that decision?

The decision that TrumpO now says would have killed 2 million US CITIZENS.
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!



The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic, a change from just one week prior, according to a new Ipsos/ABC News poll.

Of those surveyed, 55 percent said that they approved of the president's handling of the situation, while 43 percent said they disapproved. The numbers were basically reversed from one week ago when 54 percent said they disapproved and 43 percent approved.

Trump's tone and approach to the outbreak has changed in recent weeks, with the president now appearing at daily briefings at the White House with his coronavirus task force. Trump said this week that he knew that COVID-19 was a pandemic before it was labeled as such by the World Health Organization, despite his previous rhetoric downplaying the severity of the virus.

The president has passed two coronavirus stimulus packages that include paid sick leave for certain workers and free coronavirus testing.

Despite the improvement in the approval rating, the public remains strongly partisan......(Absolutely amazing how many TRULY STUPID LOW 2 DIGIT IQ'D AMERICANS BELIEVE THE LIES AND BULLSHIT OF THE DEATHRATS AND THEIR LAPDOG MEDIA!!!!!)

Nearly 70 percent of Democrats still disapprove of how Trump is dealing with the pandemic, while 92 percent of Republicans approve of how he's handled the crisis.


(Excerpt) Read more at thehill.com ...

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by nine points nationally, and his advantage in key battleground counties is even greater, according to a new Fox News poll.

This article first appeared in Salon.

Biden leads Trump 49-40, according to the survey, which is roughly the same margin he held a month ago in the right-leaning network’s last poll. The poll shows that Biden leads the president by eight points in key battleground states and by 25 points, 57-32, in key battleground counties decided by fewer than 10 points in 2016.


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