Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

Did you miss “of the WORLD’S POPULATION” In your calculation, not of those infected?


yes I did., but I did NOT lie. A simple mistake. BriPat lied when he wrote The death rate for the Swine flu is 0.1%”

It’s 0.02.

Comparison with other viruses

For comparison, the case fatality rate with seasonal flu in the United States is less than 0.1% (1 death per every 1,000 cases).

Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.

VirusDeath Rate
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)2%*
Swine Flu0.02%


Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer
YAWN.........those are death rates of ONLY THOSE REPORTED..........The best sample case for statistics was the Cruise liner..........it's rate was 1.2%.........and there were a lot of old there.

South Korea had better testing than anyone.........and showed a 0.7% rate............

SARS .............funny thing about it.............we didn't shut down the entire world for it..........Hell we didn't shut down the world for MERS..........

People stayed at work...........some got sick........some died.......and life went on............But we didn't have the media......and BS we have today.............

a lot of people have died from these things..............just can't remember the BAT SHIT CRAZY that went with them...........
#363 reply to #360
Wrong. That's not the Swine flue death rate.

why did you lie that the Swine Flu death rate was 0.1%

When It is 0.02%

Post #354
BriPat lied when he wrote @The death rate for the Swine flu is 0.1%”

It’s 0.02.

Comparison with other viruses

For comparison, the case fatality rate with seasonal flu in the United States is less than 0.1% (1 death per every 1,000 cases).

Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.

VirusDeath RateWuhan Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)2%*SARS9.6%MERS34%Swine Flu0.02%

And you ought to quit calculating the COVID19 mortality rate and leave that to the professionals.

We have plenty of “evidence” that COVID19 is many times more deadly than H1N1.

So you lied.
Once an epidemic has ended, it is calculated with the formula: deaths / cases.​

But while an epidemic is still ongoing, as it is the case with the current novel coronavirus outbreak, this formula is, at the very least, "naïve" and can be "misleading if, at the time of analysis, the outcome is unknown for a non negligible proportion of patients."​

How to calculate the mortality rate during an outbreak
At present, it is tempting to estimate the case fatality rate by dividing the number of known deaths by the number of confirmed cases. The resulting number, however, does not represent the true case fatality rate and might be off by orders of magnitude [...]

A precise estimate of the case fatality rate is therefore impossible at present.
2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): estimating the case fatality rate – a word of caution - Battegay Manue et al., Swiss Med Wkly, February 7, 2020

The case fatality rate (CFR) represents the proportion of cases who eventually die from a disease.

Once an epidemic has ended, it is calculated with the formula: deaths / cases.

But while an epidemic is still ongoing, as it is the case with the current novel coronavirus outbreak, this formula is, at the very least, "naïve" and can be "misleading if, at the time of analysis, the outcome is unknown for a non negligible proportion of patients." [8]

(Methods for Estimating the Case Fatality Ratio for a Novel, Emerging Infectious Disease - Ghani et al, American Journal of Epidemiology).

In other words, current deaths belong to a total case figure of the past, not to the current case figure in which the outcome (recovery or death) of a proportion (the most recent cases) hasn't yet been determined.

The correct formula, therefore, would appear to be:

CFR = deaths at day.x / cases at day.x-{T}
(where T = average time period from case confirmation to death)

This would constitute a fair attempt to use values for cases and deaths belonging to the same group of patients.

One issue can be that of determining whether there is enough data to estimate T with any precision, but it is certainly not T = 0 (what is implicitly used when applying the formula current deaths / current cases to determine CFR during an ongoing outbreak).

Let's take, for example, the data at the end of February 8, 2020: 813 deaths (cumulative total) and 37,552 cases (cumulative total) worldwide.

If we use the formula (deaths / cases) we get:

813 / 37,552 = 2.2% CFR (flawed formula).

With a conservative estimate of T = 7 days as the average period from case confirmation to death, we would correct the above formula by using February 1 cumulative cases, which were 14,381, in the denominator:

Feb. 8 deaths / Feb. 1 cases = 813 / 14,381 = 5.7% CFR (correct formula, and estimating T=7).

T could be estimated by simply looking at the value of (current total deaths + current total recovered) and pair it with a case total in the past that has the same value. For the above formula, the matching dates would be January 26/27, providing an estimate for T of 12 to 13 days. This method of estimating T uses the same logic of the following method, and therefore will yield the same result.

An alternative method, which has the advantage of not having to estimate a variable, and that is mentioned in the American Journal of Epidemiology study cited previously as a simple method that nevertheless could work reasonably well if the hazards of death and recovery at any time t measured from admission to the hospital, conditional on an event occurring at time t, are proportional, would be to use the formula:

CFR = deaths / (deaths + recovered)

which, with the latest data available, would be equal to:

16,490 / (16,490 + 101,584) = 14% CFR (worldwide)

If we now exclude cases in mainland China, using current data on deaths and recovered cases, we get:

13,220 / (13,220 + 28,881) = 31.4% CFR (outside of mainland China)

The sample size above is limited, and the data could be inaccurate (for example, the number of recoveries in countries outside of China could be lagging in our collection of data from numerous sources, whereas the number of cases and deaths is more readily available and therefore generally more up to par).

There was a discrepancy in mortality rates (with a much higher mortality rate in China) which however is not being confirmed as the sample of cases outside of China is growing in size. On the contrary, it is now higher outside of China than within.

That initial discrepancy was generally explained with ahigher case detection rate outside of Chinaespecially with respect to Wuhan, where priority had to be initially placed on severe and critical cases, given the ongoing emergency.

Unreported cases would have the effect of decreasing the denominator and inflating the CFRabove its real value. For example, assuming 10,000 total unreported cases in Wuhan and adding them back to the formula, we would get a CFR of 12.9% (quite different from the CFR of 14% based strictly on confirmed cases).

Neil Ferguson, a public health expert at Imperial College in the UK, said his “best guess” was that there were 100,000 affected by the virus even though there were only 2,000 confirmed cases at the time. [11]

Without going that far, the possibility of a non negligible number of unreported cases in the initial stages of the crisis should be taken into account when trying to calculate the case fatally rate.

As the days go by and the city organized its efforts and built the infrastructure, the ability to detect and confirm cases improved. As of February 3, for example, the novel coronavirus nucleic acid testing capability of Wuhan had increased to 4,196 samples per day from an initial 200 samples.[10]

A significant discrepancy in case mortality rate can also be observed when comparing mortality rates as calculated and reported by China NHC: a CFR of 3.1% in the Hubei province (where Wuhan, with the vast majority of deaths is situated), and a CFR of 0.16% in other provinces (19 times less).

Finally, we shall remember that while the 2003 SARS epidemic was still ongoing, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported a fatality rate of 4% (or as low as 3%), whereas the final case fatality rate ended up being 9.6%.

you lied.

Post #300
Fake news generated hysteria. It's no worse than the Swine flu.

why did you tell that lie?
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#364 reply to #361
YAWN.........those are death rates of ONLY THOSE REPORTED..........The best sample case for statistics was the Cruise liner..........it's rate was 1.2%.........and there were a lot of old there.

What are you yawning about?

You provide a perfect example of why TrumpOroids are perfectly hideous idiots when they have to distort reality and bring up the First Black President’s handling of H1N1 during the first year of his presidency.

The mortality rate from C19 infected passengers on the cruise ship was 1.2%.

But what would be the rate be now if (the Government) did not hysterically order all passengers to remain in isolation in their quarters and from the crew? What would the death rate be if all those seriously infected had to be treated in the ships hospital with insufficient medical staff and a shortage of ventilators?

But let’s say 1.2 it is.

Here is what BriPat wrote that caught my eye in Post #300.
Fake news generated hysteria. It's no worse than the Swine flu.

There are several factors as to why COVID19 is worse, more contagious, and more of a strain on the healthcare infrastructure, but the best evidence that it is true is to compare the mortality rate of COVID19 to that of H1N1.

BriPat tried to push a BS Swine Flu CFR at 0.1%.

Post #345
Wrong, asshole. The death rate for the Swine flu is 0.1%, about the same as for the Wuhan flu.

When called on his BS BriPat confessed:

Post #349
I’ve been researching the issue, and the numbers are all over the place. 13,000 is the lowest number I've found for the number of deaths in the United States out of 60,000,000 cases, which comes to a death rate of 0.02%

So Eagle wants to set COVID19 CFR at 1.2%
And BriPat has revised H1N1 to 0.02%

That‘s fine because that means COVID19 would be 60 times as deadly as H1N1.

10,000 cases x .012 = 120 dead

10,000 cases x .0002 = 2 dead

Post #300
Fake news generated hysteria. It's no worse than the Swine flu.

Quit lying about the fake news generated hysteria.

. Yeah over 12,000 have died...oh wait no that was Obama's H1N1 pandemic. Only 250 people have died in the pandemic Trump is fighting. The vast majority of deaths and infected are in liberal cities run by liberals

The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.

Wrong, moron. There is no evidence that this virus will get anywhere near as bad as the Swine flu.

Yes there is evidence unless you lie about what the evidence is.
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#365 reply to #361
Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.

SARS .............funny thing about it.............we didn't shut down the entire world for it..........Hell we didn't shut down the world for MERS..........

People stayed at work...........some got sick........some died.......and life went on............But we didn't have the media......and BS we have today......

We have proof now that ignorant TrumpO voters/ Obama haters can directly lead to sickness and death outside of the ignorant population.

The example of ignorance shown by Eagle14... above is something to worry about.

Read what he wrote about the CDR of previous pandemics - 2003 SARS and 2012/2014 MERS .

And then read up on those two Coronaviruses :

An epidemic of SARS affected 26 countries and resulted in more than 8000 cases in 2003. Since then, a small number of cases have occurred as a result of laboratory accidents or, possibly, through animal-to-human transmission (Guangdong, China).​

Transmission of SARS-CoV is primarily from person to person. It appears to have occurred mainly during the second week of illness, which corresponds to the peak of virus excretion in respiratory secretions and stool, and when cases with severe disease start to deteriorate clinically. Most cases of human-to-human transmission occurred in the health care setting, WHO | SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
MERS IN THE United States
MERS represents a very low risk to the general public in this country. Only two patients in the U.S. have ever tested positive for MERS-CoV infection—both in May 2014—while more than 1,300 have tested negative. CDC continues to closely monitor the situation.​

In May 2014, CDC confirmed two unlinked imported cases of MERS in the United States—one to Indiana, the other to Florida. Both cases were among healthcare providers who lived and worked in Saudi Arabia. Both traveled to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia, where scientists believe they were infected. Both were hospitalized in the U.S. and later discharged after fully recovering.https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/mers/us.html​
There are two epidemics going on in America right now
  • One related to a highly contagious infectious viral disease that can lead to pneumonia,
  • One directly connected to the emergence of Trumpism that infects it’s followers with extreme ignorance.
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Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!

Um, that's actually kind of pathetic.

Carter had a 61% approval rating after the Hostages were taken in Iran.
Baby Bush had a 93% approval rating after 9/11.

That Trump can't get a majority to trust him on a crisis says a lot.. give it a couple more weeks of people being locked in their homes with CNN and see where it goes.
55% approval of Trump on three MSM polls yesterday.

America will not succumb to Communism, Liberals, MSM Propaganda. There is no hope in that thought process.

We demand Freedom, and we will not allow our way of life to be disrupted. We will not be contained.

We will work so we can provide for own own, so our children can have a better life than us.

Americans will go forth and we will raise our flag, showing the way, we will not be put down, we will stand.

We will endure, because it is within our character. No oppression of laws will stop our demeanor.

I say to you, Americans, fight off any thoughts of depression, lack of hope, the world will be different.

The world will change, but we will shape it, in OUR FAVOR.

God bless Trump! Great leader in a time of crisis.
Can you imagine pushing 30,000 on the stock market a few weeks before election?......I CAN!!!!
Start to call Trump the DemonRAT/KUNG FLU GIANT KILLER!.....Now I wonder how the Surrender Monkey can claim HE DID THAT.....I KNOW.....LIE AND HAVE THE LAPDOG MEDIA AGREE WITH HIM!!!!

Um, that's actually kind of pathetic.

Carter had a 61% approval rating after the Hostages were taken in Iran.
Baby Bush had a 93% approval rating after 9/11.

That Trump can't get a majority to trust him on a crisis says a lot.. give it a couple more weeks of people being locked in their homes with CNN and see where it goes.

TrumpO should have quit while he was up to 55. . Starting to drop already - he’ll be underwater again soon.

A Monmouth University poll released Monday reports that 50 percent of respondents believe Trump has done a “good job” dealing with the outbreak, while 45 percent say he has done a “bad job.” Three percent of those surveyed said they had a mixed review of Trump’s performance, and 1 percent did not have an opinion.​

Dumbass couldn’t keep the virus out of Mar-A-Lago let alone defend the entire.

TrumpO is starting to pull away from the medical professionals in the stage.

I thinkhis approval rating only went up when he let them tell the truth when he was on the stage with them.

when he replaces Dr Fauci with idiot Son in Law Kushner Watch his poll numbers drop
#364 reply to #361
YAWN.........those are death rates of ONLY THOSE REPORTED..........The best sample case for statistics was the Cruise liner..........it's rate was 1.2%.........and there were a lot of old there.

What are you yawning about?

You provide a perfect example of why TrumpOroids are perfectly hideous idiots when they have to distort reality and bring up the First Black President’s handling of H1N1 during the first year of his presidency.

The mortality rate from C19 infected passengers on the cruise ship was 1.2%.

But what would be the rate be now if (the Government) did not hysterically order all passengers to remain in isolation in their quarters and from the crew? What would the death rate be if all those seriously infected had to be treated in the ships hospital with insufficient medical staff and a shortage of ventilators?

But let’s say 1.2 it is.

Here is what BriPat wrote that caught my eye in Post #300.
Fake news generated hysteria. It's no worse than the Swine flu.

There are several factors as to why COVID19 is worse, more contagious, and more of a strain on the healthcare infrastructure, but the best evidence that it is true is to compare the mortality rate of COVID19 to that of H1N1.

BriPat tried to push a BS Swine Flu CFR at 0.1%.

Post #345
Wrong, asshole. The death rate for the Swine flu is 0.1%, about the same as for the Wuhan flu.

When called on his BS BriPat confessed:

Post #349
I’ve been researching the issue, and the numbers are all over the place. 13,000 is the lowest number I've found for the number of deaths in the United States out of 60,000,000 cases, which comes to a death rate of 0.02%

So Eagle wants to set COVID19 CFR at 1.2%
And BriPat has revised H1N1 to 0.02%

That‘s fine because that means COVID19 would be 60 times as deadly as H1N1.

10,000 cases x .012 = 120 dead

10,000 cases x .0002 = 2 dead

Post #300
Fake news generated hysteria. It's no worse than the Swine flu.

Quit lying about the fake news generated hysteria.

. Yeah over 12,000 have died...oh wait no that was Obama's H1N1 pandemic. Only 250 people have died in the pandemic Trump is fighting. The vast majority of deaths and infected are in liberal cities run by liberals

The Wuhan flu is no more deadly than any other flu, and Trump treated it just like any other flu. He's treating it far more seriously than Obama treated the Swine flu.

Get used to having Obama's record thrown in your face every time you attack Trump.

Wrong, moron. There is no evidence that this virus will get anywhere near as bad as the Swine flu.

Yes there is evidence unless you lie about what the evidence is.
Your data is INFLATED..........I posted the ship because basically it was a controlled experiment..........and your assumptions that it would have been worse is worthless to me........That was a controlled test..........whether you like it or not........and another issue that I think is being downplayed............the ventilation systems on that boat causing a spread .............

1. Reporting today and rates are based on ONLY THOSE TESTED......They have NO CLUE HOW MANY GOT IT AND NEVER GOT TESTED......or just beat the dang virus at home.
2. South Korea did high testing there........had a rate of 0.7% but ONLY THOSE TESTED......again.......how many there didn't get tested and beat this thing on their own.

YOU ARE FEAR MONGERING posting HIGHER NUMBERS.........WHO World Health Orgs did the same dang thing.

And on here you report those numbers.........on age groups and data from Wuhan China.....even there as you get lower ages .......it didn't have those numbers.........in the upper ages it was much higher.

People seeking PANIC always use the HIGHER NUMBERS OUT OF CONTEXT.. and that is YOU.
nd then read up on those two Coronaviruses :

An epidemic of SARS affected 26 countries and resulted in more than 8000 cases in 2003. Since then, a small number of cases have occurred as a result of laboratory accidents or, possibly, through animal-to-human transmission (Guangdong, China).

I've read these cases.........and you might want to look at articles where air currents spread the disease in HONG KONG........They opened the windows and it flowed building to building and spread the disease..........

Right now .....if the weather gets better.........New York is saying OPEN THE WINDOWS.......GET FRESH AIR TO FIGHT THE VIRUS.......Maybe they need to look at the SARS STUDIES......hmmmm....

SARS also proved another thing............it doesn't like HIGH HUMIDITY....and lessons learned are that HUMIDIFIERS slow the SPREAD OF THE DISEASE.........

Oh.....and a 4 year Study of SARS at UAB..........University of Alabama Birmingham used Malaria pills to deal with that viur.

Oh.........and in Israel.....years worth of Studies Of SARS and older versions of Corona virus on CHICKENS show that they KNOW HOW TO VACCINATE against the Wuhan Virus............Testing in a matter of weeks.

nd then read up on those two Coronaviruses :

An epidemic of SARS affected 26 countries and resulted in more than 8000 cases in 2003. Since then, a small number of cases have occurred as a result of laboratory accidents or, possibly, through animal-to-human transmission (Guangdong, China).

I've read these cases.........and you might want to look at articles where air currents spread the disease in HONG KONG........They opened the windows and it flowed building to building and spread the disease..........

Right now .....if the weather gets better.........New York is saying OPEN THE WINDOWS.......GET FRESH AIR TO FIGHT THE VIRUS.......Maybe they need to look at the SARS STUDIES......hmmmm....

SARS also proved another thing............it doesn't like HIGH HUMIDITY....and lessons learned are that HUMIDIFIERS slow the SPREAD OF THE DISEASE.........

Oh.....and a 4 year Study of SARS at UAB..........University of Alabama Birmingham used Malaria pills to deal with that viur.

Oh.........and in Israel.....years worth of Studies Of SARS and older versions of Corona virus on CHICKENS show that they KNOW HOW TO VACCINATE against the Wuhan Virus............Testing in a matter of weeks.


you are ignorant

Defining all pandemic viruses as equal to the current pandemic is the epitome of ignorance. Specifically when one of the two you are comparing one has a total of two cases in the US and they did not fire. And the other has 8000 cases worldwide because it only spread by medical folks working closely with patients.
nd then read up on those two Coronaviruses :

An epidemic of SARS affected 26 countries and resulted in more than 8000 cases in 2003. Since then, a small number of cases have occurred as a result of laboratory accidents or, possibly, through animal-to-human transmission (Guangdong, China).

I've read these cases.........and you might want to look at articles where air currents spread the disease in HONG KONG........They opened the windows and it flowed building to building and spread the disease..........

Right now .....if the weather gets better.........New York is saying OPEN THE WINDOWS.......GET FRESH AIR TO FIGHT THE VIRUS.......Maybe they need to look at the SARS STUDIES......hmmmm....

SARS also proved another thing............it doesn't like HIGH HUMIDITY....and lessons learned are that HUMIDIFIERS slow the SPREAD OF THE DISEASE.........

Oh.....and a 4 year Study of SARS at UAB..........University of Alabama Birmingham used Malaria pills to deal with that viur.

Oh.........and in Israel.....years worth of Studies Of SARS and older versions of Corona virus on CHICKENS show that they KNOW HOW TO VACCINATE against the Wuhan Virus............Testing in a matter of weeks.


you are ignorant

Defining all pandemic viruses as equal to the current pandemic is the epitome of ignorance. Specifically when one of the two you are comparing one has a total of two cases in the US and they did not fire. And the other has 8000 cases worldwide because it only spread by medical folks working closely with patients.
I posted factual information......and I've backed them up on many threads........WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

Do you doubt that the studies in Hong Kong.........hmmmm.......they proved that it spread via the air....in High Rises...........

So go ahead and OPEN THE WINDOWS IN NEW YORK........or .......hmmm........using a Humidifier is BS.................LOL

You inflate the numbers.............and even after these weeks of minimizing this.....it's gonna come back......again and again until we get the vaccines ..........or better treatments......

And destroy the economy........come November you'll be going LOOK WHAT TRUMP DID.....HE SHUT DOWN THE ECONOMY.........and you will forget what you are saying now.

History of virus spreads DON'T LIE.......we are minimizing it now to a degree ........IT'S GONNA COME RIGHT BACK.............We can't stay out of work forever.
#373 reply to #372
I posted factual information......and I've backed them up on many threads........WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

You voiced a complaint that Hysteria from the Media and Liberals have blown everything out proportion. You complained we didn’t shut the Governnent down over a virus that had two cases in the US and no deaths

Anyway right now the Coronavirus worldwide has a death rate of 4.44.

This is not a liberal fake news media driven panic.
#373 reply to #372
I posted factual information......and I've backed them up on many threads........WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

You voiced a complaint that Hysteria from the Media and Liberals have blown everything out proportion. You complained we didn’t shut the Governnent down over a virus that had two cases in the US and no deaths

Anyway right now the Coronavirus worldwide has a death rate of 4.44.

This is not a liberal fake news media driven panic.
BS..........you are pulling those numbers out of your ass or from sites that are WAY OVERSTATING the death rates...........

It's not that high..........and they HAVE NO CLUE HOW MANY GOT IT and are not recorded.........They GUESS...........and in the final numbers they use only those tested versus deaths.............and in that aspect......the DEATH RATE is FALLING because of NEW TREATMENTS..............

Or shall I say............NEW.....OLD TREATMENTS.

Here..........take a look.
Did you miss “of the WORLD’S POPULATION” In your calculation, not of those infected?


yes I did., but I did NOT lie. A simple mistake. BriPat lied when he wrote The death rate for the Swine flu is 0.1%”

It’s 0.02.

Comparison with other viruses

For comparison, the case fatality rate with seasonal flu in the United States is less than 0.1% (1 death per every 1,000 cases).

Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.

VirusDeath Rate
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)2%*
Swine Flu0.02%


Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer
YAWN.........those are death rates of ONLY THOSE REPORTED..........The best sample case for statistics was the Cruise liner..........it's rate was 1.2%.........and there were a lot of old there.

South Korea had better testing than anyone.........and showed a 0.7% rate............

SARS .............funny thing about it.............we didn't shut down the entire world for it..........Hell we didn't shut down the world for MERS..........

People stayed at work...........some got sick........some died.......and life went on............But we didn't have the media......and BS we have today.............

a lot of people have died from these things..............just can't remember the BAT SHIT CRAZY that went with them...........

Funny thing SARS or MERS didn't spread worldwide.

#373 reply to #372
I posted factual information......and I've backed them up on many threads........WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

You voiced a complaint that Hysteria from the Media and Liberals have blown everything out proportion. You complained we didn’t shut the Governnent down over a virus that had two cases in the US and no deaths

Anyway right now the Coronavirus worldwide has a death rate of 4.44.

This is not a liberal fake news media driven panic.
BS..........you are pulling those numbers out of your ass or from sites that are WAY OVERSTATING the death rates...........

It's not that high..........and they HAVE NO CLUE HOW MANY GOT IT and are not recorded.........They GUESS...........and in the final numbers they use only those tested versus deaths.............and in that aspect......the DEATH RATE is FALLING because of NEW TREATMENTS..............

Or shall I say............NEW.....OLD TREATMENTS.

Here..........take a look.

No he's not the worldwide death rate is 4.35

Did you miss “of the WORLD’S POPULATION” In your calculation, not of those infected?


yes I did., but I did NOT lie. A simple mistake. BriPat lied when he wrote The death rate for the Swine flu is 0.1%”

It’s 0.02.

Comparison with other viruses

For comparison, the case fatality rate with seasonal flu in the United States is less than 0.1% (1 death per every 1,000 cases).

Mortality rate for SARS was 10%, and for MERS 34%.

VirusDeath Rate
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)2%*
Swine Flu0.02%


Coronavirus Mortality Rate (COVID-19) - Worldometer
YAWN.........those are death rates of ONLY THOSE REPORTED..........The best sample case for statistics was the Cruise liner..........it's rate was 1.2%.........and there were a lot of old there.

South Korea had better testing than anyone.........and showed a 0.7% rate............

SARS .............funny thing about it.............we didn't shut down the entire world for it..........Hell we didn't shut down the world for MERS..........

People stayed at work...........some got sick........some died.......and life went on............But we didn't have the media......and BS we have today.............

a lot of people have died from these things..............just can't remember the BAT SHIT CRAZY that went with them...........

Funny thing SARS or MERS didn't spread worldwide.

I never said it did..........I said it has similar issues..........the very Malaria drugs of today were used as Studies on SARs...........they are similar.........but NOT AS DEADLY..........

More Deadly diseases don't spread like this one......because they kill the hosts or they become ill VERY QUICKLY..........

What is SO FUNNY about FACTS..........

Israel company may have a vaccine test in weeks............they were STUDYING SARS.

UAB was studying SARs for 4 years under a Gov't Grant that has a possible Treatment for this virus.

You have a problem with TDS as you pick and choose what you want for YOUR NARRATIVE.....I don't.........OH WELL.
#373 reply to #372
I posted factual information......and I've backed them up on many threads........WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

You voiced a complaint that Hysteria from the Media and Liberals have blown everything out proportion. You complained we didn’t shut the Governnent down over a virus that had two cases in the US and no deaths

Anyway right now the Coronavirus worldwide has a death rate of 4.44.

This is not a liberal fake news media driven panic.
BS..........you are pulling those numbers out of your ass or from sites that are WAY OVERSTATING the death rates...........

It's not that high..........and they HAVE NO CLUE HOW MANY GOT IT and are not recorded.........They GUESS...........and in the final numbers they use only those tested versus deaths.............and in that aspect......the DEATH RATE is FALLING because of NEW TREATMENTS..............

Or shall I say............NEW.....OLD TREATMENTS.

Here..........take a look.

No he's not the worldwide death rate is 4.35

And as I STATED.......they are ONLY USING those tested.........How many are getting the disease and they don't know.

That is AN INFLATED RATE..............I don't care that they are a medical org............It's MATH.....and you have a SERIOUS UNKNOWN in the equation.

I'll stay with the DATA that has BETTER STATISTICS for my evaluation on this...........in controlled circumstances..........Best one the Cruise ship......and second best South Korea.....

History will prove who's right.

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