Look at the Fear on this Woman's Face as Cuomo Makes Unwanted Sexual Advances


May 23, 2014
What a jerk. What is it aboutt Democratic office holders and sexual harassment? Clinton, Biden, Cuomo? They seem to be over the top with their advances or complete flamers like Buttplug and Bawney Fwank.
BTW Conservatives and Republicans should stand down in this battle. As some of us think this is an attempt to sweep Cuomo's horrible, possibly murderous order forcing nursing homes to take in COVID patients, under the rug
The bio-bomber may actually be in trouble! I am totally amazed. I still think he is going to wiggle out of it. I have faith in the corruption of our government and media.
No. The democrats have already written him off. I doubt he is going to see any actual charges even though it has already been shown he was obstructing a federal investigation but his political career is done.

The political class never pays, they just lose their position.
BTW Conservatives and Republicans should stand down in this battle. As some of us think this is an attempt to sweep Cuomo's horrible, possibly murderous order forcing nursing homes to take in COVID patients, under the rug
This + China Virus nursing home murder should be the end of Cuomo. Hope he takes his CNN fucking brother with him as they fade away.
What a jerk. What is it aboutt Democratic office holders and sexual harassment? Clinton, Biden, Cuomo? They seem to be over the top with their advances or complete flamers like Buttplug and Bawney Fwank.
HE even Admitted his father used to do the same.
Look at the fear on the face of the man kissed by Mario Cuomo.
BTW Conservatives and Republicans should stand down in this battle. As some of us think this is an attempt to sweep Cuomo's horrible, possibly murderous order forcing nursing homes to take in COVID patients, under the rug
1)is the deadly decisions said to be motivated by politics and money
But 2)was his coverup and lies used to
"obstruct justice"
At minimum his obstruction proven by his ordering of the obstructed figures, is in itself enough for removal of office.
The sad thing is, Trump can brag about grabbing women by the pussy and pay off porn stars he was fucking while his third wife was home pregnant with his fifth child, and "The Party of Family Values" will back him right off the cliff....

Meanwhile, the Democrats will eat their own at the most minor offenses.
The sad thing is, Trump can brag about grabbing women by the pussy and pay off porn stars he was fucking while his third wife was home pregnant with his fifth child, and "The Party of Family Values" will back him right off the cliff....

Meanwhile, the Democrats will eat their own at the most minor offenses.
Nope the word was "could" grab (referring to star struck groupies) not saying he did.
Notice his behavior coming out of the Trailer after stating a mere fact of human behavior, meeting the pretty reporter he shook her hand not grabing or kissing or sniffing her hair like creepy Biden. Nothing innappropriate which makes for media to need to imply it's own new wording and tabloid narrative like Schiff did with that phone call.
When you have nothing, you resort to lying which makes you the creep for implying such behavior.
BTW Conservatives and Republicans should stand down in this battle. As some of us think this is an attempt to sweep Cuomo's horrible, possibly murderous order forcing nursing homes to take in COVID patients, under the rug
Using the sexual harassment of adults to hide murder? Same thing that Clinton lying about blow jobs from Monica was used to hide the clintons other more serious crimes.
Nope the word was "could" grab (referring to star struck groupies) not saying he did.
Notice his behavior coming out of the Trailer after stating a mere fact of human behavior, meeting the pretty reporter he shook her hand not grabing or kissing or sniffing her hair like creepy Biden. Nothing innappropriate which makes for media to need to imply it's own new wording and tabloid narrative like Schiff did with that phone call.
When you have nothing, you resort to lying which makes you the creep for implying such behavior.

Oooh, look, more Gaslighting.


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