lol, O'Reilly kills me with this lie


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
O'Reilly vs. Coburn: The Video Evidence (VIDEO)

No, I don't read the Huffpo, I got this from another forum, BTF.

Shit's good for some giggles.

O'Reilly challenges Senator Coburn to name "just one" FOX personality that said you'd be jailed for not getting Health Insurance.

He couldn't name any, and Bill said there aren't any, declared himself a winner.

Then came the research by the opposition media.

aaahahaha. Even on Bill's own show it was said. Oops! Good for a giggle.
O'Reilly vs. Coburn: The Video Evidence (VIDEO)

No, I don't read the Huffpo, I got this from another forum, BTF.

Shit's good for some giggles.

O'Reilly challenges Senator Coburn to name "just one" FOX personality that said you'd be jailed for not getting Health Insurance.

He couldn't name any, and Bill said there aren't any, declared himself a winner.

Then came the research by the opposition media.

aaahahaha. Even on Bill's own show it was said. Oops! Good for a giggle.

I didn't watch your silly clip, but I have heard O'Reilly and others say that if you fail to pay the fine instituted for failing to purchase health insurance you may go to jail. It's a bit different than saying if you don't buy health insurance you go to jail. Technically Bill was right.
They CAN put you in jail if you don’t or can’t pay the health care mandate “penalty.” Here’s how:

In the HC bill, the IRS is the enforcement arm, as you know. The IRS uses the TAX CODE to enforce this, and under the TAX CODE they CAN seize your wages, tax return, property and/or prosecute you and jail you for unpaid federal liabilities!

Happens all the time.

Therefore anyone saying they can jail you for not paying this “penalty” is absolutely correct! However if they say that’s IN THE HC BILL, they are really, technically wrong.

Hope this clears the fog for you.
They CAN put you in jail if you don’t or can’t pay the health care mandate “penalty.” Here’s how:

In the HC bill, the IRS is the enforcement arm, as you know. The IRS uses the TAX CODE to enforce this, and under the TAX CODE they CAN seize your wages, tax return, property and/or prosecute you and jail you for unpaid federal liabilities!

Happens all the time.

Therefore anyone saying they can jail you for not paying this “penalty” is absolutely correct! However if they say that’s IN THE HC BILL, they are really, technically wrong.

Hope this clears the fog for you.

But the penalty is that you don't receive a tax credit that those who purchased health insurance are all receiving, so if you went to jail it's because you didn't pay your regular taxes to begin with, not because you didn't buy health insurance. You can say it the other way but it sounds to me like an attempt to obfuscate things and fear monger.
They CAN put you in jail if you don’t or can’t pay the health care mandate “penalty.” Here’s how:

In the HC bill, the IRS is the enforcement arm, as you know. The IRS uses the TAX CODE to enforce this, and under the TAX CODE they CAN seize your wages, tax return, property and/or prosecute you and jail you for unpaid federal liabilities!

Happens all the time.

Therefore anyone saying they can jail you for not paying this “penalty” is absolutely correct! However if they say that’s IN THE HC BILL, they are really, technically wrong.

Hope this clears the fog for you.

But the penalty is NOT receiving a tax credit that those who purchased health insurance are all receiving, so if you went to jail it's because you didn't pay your regular taxes to begin with, not because you didn't buy health insurance. You can say it the other way but it sounds to me like an attempt to obfuscate things and fear monger.

Read the tax code.

If you don't or can't pay this "penalty" they CAN prosecute you. Whether they will or not is up to the IRS, not Congress. Most likely they will seize your income tax return, and if there isn't one, they CAN go after your property. And if no property, they CAN prosecute and jail you.

Exactly as if you didn't pay your taxes.

However the most likely scenario is, they will let you pay out your extra liabilities over several months. This is if you're cooperative.

Generally the IRS tries really hard not to prosecute or do seizures.
They CAN put you in jail if you don’t or can’t pay the health care mandate “penalty.” Here’s how:

In the HC bill, the IRS is the enforcement arm, as you know. The IRS uses the TAX CODE to enforce this, and under the TAX CODE they CAN seize your wages, tax return, property and/or prosecute you and jail you for unpaid federal liabilities!

Happens all the time.

Therefore anyone saying they can jail you for not paying this “penalty” is absolutely correct! However if they say that’s IN THE HC BILL, they are really, technically wrong.

Hope this clears the fog for you.

But the penalty is NOT receiving a tax credit that those who purchased health insurance are all receiving, so if you went to jail it's because you didn't pay your regular taxes to begin with, not because you didn't buy health insurance. You can say it the other way but it sounds to me like an attempt to obfuscate things and fear monger.

Read the tax code.

If you don't or can't pay this "penalty" they CAN prosecute you. Whether they will or not is up to the IRS, not Congress. Most likely they will seize your income tax return, and if there isn't one, they CAN go after your property. And if no property, they CAN prosecute and jail you.

Exactly as if you didn't pay your taxes.

However the most likely scenario is, they will let you pay out your extra liabilities over several months. This is if you're cooperative.

Generally the IRS tries really hard not to prosecute or do seizures.
Which all has nothing to do with health insurance. The "penalty" is not receiving a CREDIT. So, by not receiving the CREDIT, you then either pay your original taxes owed, or you don't, but that's General Tax Law not "jail for not buying health insurance." <--that's an obfuscation.
O'Reilly vs. Coburn: The Video Evidence (VIDEO)

No, I don't read the Huffpo, I got this from another forum, BTF.

Shit's good for some giggles.

O'Reilly challenges Senator Coburn to name "just one" FOX personality that said you'd be jailed for not getting Health Insurance.

He couldn't name any, and Bill said there aren't any, declared himself a winner.

Then came the research by the opposition media.

aaahahaha. Even on Bill's own show it was said. Oops! Good for a giggle.

I didn't watch your silly clip, but I have heard O'Reilly and others say that if you fail to pay the fine instituted for failing to purchase health insurance you may go to jail. It's a bit different than saying if you don't buy health insurance you go to jail. Technically Bill was right.

No he wasn't. No one on the left ever suggested you might go to jail. This is the same as "death panels" and "kill grandma" and "socialism".

Just more shit lies piled on more shit lies.

Then Republicans look all dewy eyed and innocent, "Who me? It was all a very slight and inconsequential misunderstanding", when we all know, it's another white wing lie. It's what they do best. What they are good at.

But the penalty is NOT receiving a tax credit that those who purchased health insurance are all receiving, so if you went to jail it's because you didn't pay your regular taxes to begin with, not because you didn't buy health insurance. You can say it the other way but it sounds to me like an attempt to obfuscate things and fear monger.

Read the tax code.

If you don't or can't pay this "penalty" they CAN prosecute you. Whether they will or not is up to the IRS, not Congress. Most likely they will seize your income tax return, and if there isn't one, they CAN go after your property. And if no property, they CAN prosecute and jail you.

Exactly as if you didn't pay your taxes.

However the most likely scenario is, they will let you pay out your extra liabilities over several months. This is if you're cooperative.

Generally the IRS tries really hard not to prosecute or do seizures.
Which all has nothing to do with health insurance. The "penalty" is not receiving a CREDIT. So, by not receiving the CREDIT, you then either pay your original taxes owed, or you don't, but that's General Tax Law not "jail for not buying health insurance." <--that's an obfuscation.

Those receiving the CREDIT do NOT get the penalty!

ONLY those who can afford health care insurance and DON'T BUY ANY get the "penalty."

The Insurance companies are required under this new law to issue a form to the IRS verifying you have coverage. For those individuals they don't get the form on, whose income is high enough, they get flagged and fined.

You don't understand this provision of the HC bill at all.
not true. and further, if you did your due dilligence:

For most violations, like failure to pay taxes, the IRS can enforce penalties by imposing liens on taxpayers and by garnishing wages. But for health coverage penalties, according to the Joint Taxation committee, there is currently no provision for collection under health care reform, other than reminder letters or subtracting a penalty from any refund a taxpayer is owed.

And regardless, O'Reilly lied. He said that noone ever said "you'd go to jail for no health insurance"

--they did

= he lied.
not true. and further, if you did your due dilligence:

For most violations, like failure to pay taxes, the IRS can enforce penalties by imposing liens on taxpayers and by garnishing wages. But for health coverage penalties, according to the Joint Taxation committee, there is currently no provision for collection under health care reform, other than reminder letters or subtracting a penalty from any refund a taxpayer is owed.

And regardless, O'Reilly lied. He said that noone ever said "you'd go to jail for no health insurance"

--they did

= he lied.
You're NOT reading for context. Read the bolded part again, then read what I have said.

There IS no such provision "under health care reform" because it is under the TAX CODE.
Yea, I somehow doubt they were lying by omission there.

ETA: back to the point: O'Reilly lied, and it was funny.
Yea, I somehow doubt they were lying by omission there.

ETA: back to the point: O'Reilly lied, and it was funny.
In other versions of this bill, the jail provision WAS in the bill! They re-worded the enforcement provision.

The bottom line is, you can STILL be prosecuted for not paying the "penalty." The IRS would decide that, not Congress and would decide it completely independently of this HC bill.

Whether O'Reilly "lied" or was simply mistaken is an open question. Because before this final bill was passed, Jail WAS in it, and it was hammered. The hammering stopped after the final bill didn't include the jail provision.

That's why they removed it. But under the tax code, it still applies.
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If you're for the health care law, you'll probably call it a tax credit and if you don't like the health care law, it's a penalty.

It's a penalty to enforce the mandate.
Yea, I somehow doubt they were lying by omission there.

ETA: back to the point: O'Reilly lied, and it was funny.
In other versions of this bill, the jail provision WAS in the bill! They re-worded the enforcement provision.

The bottom line is, you can STILL be prosecuted for not paying the "penalty." The IRS would decide that, not Congress and would decide it completely independently of this HC bill.

Whether O'Reilly "lied" or was simply mistaken is an open question. Because before this final bill was passed, Jail WAS in it, and it was hammered.

That's why they removed it. But under the tax code, it still applies.

He lied, because he made a declaration. He also should have been prepared for the interview with his facts, as he clearly was not.

Regardless, jail was taken out.


I wish it WAS in there. People who don't have insurance effect my Dollar Bills. They are not denied, someone pays. Since the poor are going to effect my dollar bills either way, I'd rather have a universal system where jackasses who actually COULD afford it aren't also leeching off of my dollar bills.
If you're for the health care law, you'll probably call it a tax credit and if you don't like the health care law, it's a penalty.

It's a penalty to enforce the mandate.
The CREDIT is for people with low incomes who cannot afford to buy HC insurance.

The penalty is for people who CAN afford it, but don't buy it.

It's two totally separate things, not the same thing.
Yea, I somehow doubt they were lying by omission there.

ETA: back to the point: O'Reilly lied, and it was funny.
In other versions of this bill, the jail provision WAS in the bill! They re-worded the enforcement provision.

The bottom line is, you can STILL be prosecuted for not paying the "penalty." The IRS would decide that, not Congress and would decide it completely independently of this HC bill.

Whether O'Reilly "lied" or was simply mistaken is an open question. Because before this final bill was passed, Jail WAS in it, and it was hammered.

That's why they removed it. But under the tax code, it still applies.

He lied, because he made a declaration. He also should have been prepared for the interview with his facts, as he clearly was not.

Regardless, jail was taken out.
In answering Coburn, O'Reilly was correct. SINCE THE REAL BILL WAS PASSED no one's talked about jail time. And that was the context of the discussion.

I wish it WAS in there. People who don't have insurance effect my Dollar Bills. They are not denied, someone pays. Since the poor are going to effect my dollar bills either way, I'd rather have a universal system where jackasses who actually COULD afford it aren't also leeching off of my dollar bills.
It's still there friend. The IRS decides what to do if someone doesn't obey this new law. But they use the TAX CODE, not the HC bill itself, to enforce.
I wish it WAS in there. People who don't have insurance effect my Dollar Bills. They are not denied, someone pays. Since the poor are going to effect my dollar bills either way, I'd rather have a universal system where jackasses who actually COULD afford it aren't also leeching off of my dollar bills.
I'll tell you the next shoe that's dropping:

This bill isn't funded yet, and the funding for this bill won't come up until the next Congress goes in session.

IF the repugs get control of either the House or the Senate, or both, they will de-fund this bill. Therefore it will never go into effect. Then if they can they will try to repeal it. Obama will veto that. If a repug gets in the WH in 2013, that POTUS will sign a repeal.

This is all IF this bill survives the court challenges first.

Obama and his brain trust, and the Congressional leadership know all of this. Passing the bill, no matter how impotent it is, was all that mattered.

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