Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 Committee Claims Bernie Kerik Attended Jan. 5 Mtg in DC — When He Was Hundreds of Miles Away in NYC


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 Committee Claims Bernie Kerik Attended Jan. 5 Mtg in DC

When He Was Hundreds of Miles Away in NYC

23 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
What a clown show.
Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 witch hunt committee released a damning letter that claimed former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik attended a meeting on January 5th at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC where Trump advisors discussed how to overturn the recorded November 2020 election results.
But there is only one problem with their assertion, Bernie Kerik was in New York City at the time.
This is fake news.
And for the record, discussing the fraud in the 2020 election is not a crime – even if Bernie would have been there.
Just The News reported:

I'm not an attorney nor I have stayed at a Holiday Hotel in years and I don't play one on TV but maybe someone can tell me what was illegal about the meeting that Mr. Kerik was alleged to have attended.
I'll wait.
In the meantime, Tucker Carlson's "Jan 6th special" is making a real impact, Chris Hayes, Johana Goldberg, Jim Acosta and the nut wings in the media are losing the minds over it.
So now.... the Jan 6th Congressional Committee are losing their cool. Carlson's very low tone, systematic dismantling of the social media narrative has hit some raw exposed nerves...
Anyone with an IQ over 90, is well aware that Jan 6th witch hunt is for political purposes only. The partisan, biased committee heads exist to give the mainstream media fodder to bash President Trump and his supporters. The FBI already came to the conclusion that there wasn't any organized group of people planning, executing or attending the Jan 6th "insurrection". If this was a real investigation? Jim Jordan and Jim Banks wouldn't have been removed from the investigative committee by Pelosi.
Liz Cheney in her hatred for Trump has relinquished her place in the Republican Party. Even those in her home state are seeking to remove her from the Party.
We swill see how she fairs when election for Congress in Wyoming come...
I doubt she'll even be able to make the primaries.
Last edited:

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 Committee Claims Bernie Kerik Attended Jan. 5 Mtg in DC

When He Was Hundreds of Miles Away in NYC

23 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
What a clown show.
Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 witch hunt committee released a damning letter that claimed former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik attended a meeting on January 5th at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC where Trump advisors discussed how to overturn the recorded November 2020 election results.
But there is only one problem with their assertion, Bernie Kerik was in New York City at the time.
This is fake news.
And for the record, discussing the fraud in the 2020 election is not a crime – even if Bernie would have been there.
Just The News reported:

I'm not an attorney nor I have stayed at a Holiday Hotel in years and I don't play one on TV but maybe someone can tell me what was illegal about the meeting that Mr. Kerik was alleged to have attended.
I'll wait.
In the meantime, Tucker Carlson's "Jan 6th special" is making a real impact, Chris Hayes, Johana Goldberg, Jim Acosta and the nut wings in the media are losing the minds over it.
So now.... the Jan 6th Congressional Committee are losing their cool. Carlson's very low tone, systematic dismantling of the social media narrative has hit some raw exposed nerves...
Anyone with an IQ over 90, is well aware that Jan 6th witch hunt is for political purposes only. The partisan, biased committee heads exist to give the mainstream media fodder to bash President Trump and his supporters. The FBI already came to the conclusion that there wasn't any organized group of people planning, executing or attending the Jan 6th "insurrection". If this was a real investigation? Jim Jordan and Jim Banks wouldn't have been removed from the investigative committee by Pelosi.
Liz Cheney in her hatred for Trump has relinquished her place in the Republican Party. Even those in her home state are seeking to remove her from the Party.
We swill see how she fairs when election for Congress in Wyoming come...
I doubt she'll even be able to make the primaries.

Doc, I know you may not believe this, but the Left is in serious trouble. They have always had the initiative in modern politics, and the GOP has constantly gone along with........well, if we play by the rules, the truth will eventually come out.

The GOP has been correct on most accts, but by the time the truth does arrive, the elections are long over, and the Left has moved on to new targets they want to destroy. Basically, the Left has been at least 2 or 3 steps in front of the GOP................until just recently that is!

The GOP is fighting back, and the Left doesn't know how to handle it. As long as they could hit people over the head and the GOP said, "thank you sir, can I have another," they were in the political drivers seat. Now that the GOP has become more involved in not only instant defense along with counter attack, you see the numbers you do across America; and remember, these numbers are created with the Left controlling almost 75% of media, AND 85% of tech giants.

Now then, the Lefts answer to this is.......TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP and our love of him as a dictator along with cult of personality. At 1st blush, if you took what their excuse was as fact, they might be able to make a case!

But then, logical reality must set in for us, and the Left, lol. If their case was accurate, then the election across the board was STOLEN! Hey, they claim, no way, Jose!

Ok then, it was not stolen Leftists, so then what do the numbers we see now mean then?

LOLOLOLOL, it means that many of THEIR voters along with independents, have switched sides for self preservation after seeing how they govern as a party. Therefore, now you know why they are in such disarray! As soon as logic sets in with people, they will understand what you and I know, that it is not TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP and his supposed cult of personality, but rather THEM-THEM-THEM and their screwing everything up that has caused them to start shrinking into oblivion!

Of course on this board, here, there, and everywhere, they will try and blame everyone/anyone but themselves, while trying racism, or the ole Right wing Conspiracy as the excuse, lol. Our job, is to insure their feet stay in the fire, laugh and enjoy refuting their phony claims, and smile while doing it while we watch them flounder worse, and worse, every, damn, day!
Doc, I know you may not believe this, but the Left is in serious trouble. They have always had the initiative in modern politics, and the GOP has constantly gone along with........well, if we play by the rules, the truth will eventually come out.

The GOP has been correct on most accts, but by the time the truth does arrive, the elections are long over, and the Left has moved on to new targets they want to destroy. Basically, the Left has been at least 2 or 3 steps in front of the GOP................until just recently that is!

The GOP is fighting back, and the Left doesn't know how to handle it. As long as they could hit people over the head and the GOP said, "thank you sir, can I have another," they were in the political drivers seat. Now that the GOP has become more involved in not only instant defense along with counter attack, you see the numbers you do across America; and remember, these numbers are created with the Left controlling almost 75% of media, AND 85% of tech giants.

Now then, the Lefts answer to this is.......TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP and our love of him as a dictator along with cult of personality. At 1st blush, if you took what their excuse was as fact, they might be able to make a case!

But then, logical reality must set in for us, and the Left, lol. If their case was accurate, then the election across the board was STOLEN! Hey, they claim, no way, Jose!

Ok then, it was not stolen Leftists, so then what do the numbers we see now mean then?

LOLOLOLOL, it means that many of THEIR voters along with independents, have switched sides for self preservation after seeing how they govern as a party. Therefore, now you know why they are in such disarray! As soon as logic sets in with people, they will understand what you and I know, that it is not TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP and his supposed cult of personality, but rather THEM-THEM-THEM and their screwing everything up that has caused them to start shrinking into oblivion!

Of course on this board, here, there, and everywhere, they will try and blame everyone/anyone but themselves, while trying racism, or the ole Right wing Conspiracy as the excuse, lol. Our job, is to insure their feet stay in the fire, laugh and enjoy refuting their phony claims, and smile while doing it while we watch them flounder worse, and worse, every, damn, day!

The PM/DSA Democrat Left used the protest to claim insurrection which it was not. Their propagandist arm the Quisling Media is going along with them. Meanwhile the Dem majority is playing it to the hilt and RINO's like Cheney say me to, me to. They believe that this helps them personally, but it doesn't.
Joey Xi Bai Dung has proven to be incompetent and a detriment to the national Health and Security of the U.S.
As another incompetent move, or rather move toward the national security and welfare to America he's now tapping our Strategic Petroleum Reserves.
Joey just got through telling us this is to alleviate the sharp raise of fuel prices while this is a ploy. Every move he's made is to shut down oil production and the means to transport it to the refineries. This is all in the efforts to promote his "Green Deal".
What will be he answer to Americans when the elderly are not able to pay for their heating bills this coming winter? How many will have to freeze to death?
The PM/DSA Democrat Left used the protest to claim insurrection which it was not. Their propagandist arm the Quisling Media is going along with them. Meanwhile the Dem majority is playing it to the hilt and RINO's like Cheney say me to, me to. They believe that this helps them personally, but it doesn't.
Joey Xi Bai Dung has proven to be incompetent and a detriment to the national Health and Security of the U.S.
As another incompetent move, or rather move toward the national security and welfare to America he's now tapping our Strategic Petroleum Reserves.
Joey just got through telling us this is to alleviate the sharp raise of fuel prices while this is a ploy. Every move he's made is to shut down oil production and the means to transport it to the refineries. This is all in the efforts to promote his "Green Deal".
What will be he answer to Americans when the elderly are not able to pay for their heating bills this coming winter? How many will have to freeze to death?

Ohhh, I don't think that many, or any will freeze to death, but I bet if they voted Democrat last time, it will be the LAST time they ever will-)

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 Committee Claims Bernie Kerik Attended Jan. 5 Mtg in DC

When He Was Hundreds of Miles Away in NYC

23 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
What a clown show.
Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 witch hunt committee released a damning letter that claimed former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik attended a meeting on January 5th at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC where Trump advisors discussed how to overturn the recorded November 2020 election results.
But there is only one problem with their assertion, Bernie Kerik was in New York City at the time.
This is fake news.
And for the record, discussing the fraud in the 2020 election is not a crime – even if Bernie would have been there.
Just The News reported:

I'm not an attorney nor I have stayed at a Holiday Hotel in years and I don't play one on TV but maybe someone can tell me what was illegal about the meeting that Mr. Kerik was alleged to have attended.
I'll wait.
In the meantime, Tucker Carlson's "Jan 6th special" is making a real impact, Chris Hayes, Johana Goldberg, Jim Acosta and the nut wings in the media are losing the minds over it.
So now.... the Jan 6th Congressional Committee are losing their cool. Carlson's very low tone, systematic dismantling of the social media narrative has hit some raw exposed nerves...
Anyone with an IQ over 90, is well aware that Jan 6th witch hunt is for political purposes only. The partisan, biased committee heads exist to give the mainstream media fodder to bash President Trump and his supporters. The FBI already came to the conclusion that there wasn't any organized group of people planning, executing or attending the Jan 6th "insurrection". If this was a real investigation? Jim Jordan and Jim Banks wouldn't have been removed from the investigative committee by Pelosi.
Liz Cheney in her hatred for Trump has relinquished her place in the Republican Party. Even those in her home state are seeking to remove her from the Party.
We swill see how she fairs when election for Congress in Wyoming come...
I doubt she'll even be able to make the primaries.
Kerik was Giuliani's bodyguard, driver, was criminally indicted and spent 4 years in prison. Obviously, he was tump's kind of guy, was probably involved in some way and should have been subpoenaed. The Jan 6 committee is hardly a "witch hunt", and Tuckums is the clown in all of this.
Kerik was Giuliani's bodyguard, driver, was criminally indicted and spent 4 years in prison. Obviously, he was tump's kind of guy, was probably involved in some way and should have been subpoenaed. The Jan 6 committee is hardly a "witch hunt", and Tuckums is the clown in all of this.
The committee is a Clown Show, Dumbass.

If they get something this easy to verify wrong they have zero credibility

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 Committee Claims Bernie Kerik Attended Jan. 5 Mtg in DC

When He Was Hundreds of Miles Away in NYC

23 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
What a clown show.
Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 witch hunt committee released a damning letter that claimed former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik attended a meeting on January 5th at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC where Trump advisors discussed how to overturn the recorded November 2020 election results.
But there is only one problem with their assertion, Bernie Kerik was in New York City at the time.
This is fake news.
And for the record, discussing the fraud in the 2020 election is not a crime – even if Bernie would have been there.
Just The News reported:

I'm not an attorney nor I have stayed at a Holiday Hotel in years and I don't play one on TV but maybe someone can tell me what was illegal about the meeting that Mr. Kerik was alleged to have attended.
I'll wait.
In the meantime, Tucker Carlson's "Jan 6th special" is making a real impact, Chris Hayes, Johana Goldberg, Jim Acosta and the nut wings in the media are losing the minds over it.
So now.... the Jan 6th Congressional Committee are losing their cool. Carlson's very low tone, systematic dismantling of the social media narrative has hit some raw exposed nerves...
Anyone with an IQ over 90, is well aware that Jan 6th witch hunt is for political purposes only. The partisan, biased committee heads exist to give the mainstream media fodder to bash President Trump and his supporters. The FBI already came to the conclusion that there wasn't any organized group of people planning, executing or attending the Jan 6th "insurrection". If this was a real investigation? Jim Jordan and Jim Banks wouldn't have been removed from the investigative committee by Pelosi.
Liz Cheney in her hatred for Trump has relinquished her place in the Republican Party. Even those in her home state are seeking to remove her from the Party.
We swill see how she fairs when election for Congress in Wyoming come...
I doubt she'll even be able to make the primaries.
More fake "evidence" from this clown show.
The committee is a Clown Show, Dumbass.

If they get something this easy to verify wrong they have zero credibility

"House Resolution 503 created the January 6, 2021, Select Committee, Meadows’s argument begins, then stressing that Section 2(a) of that resolution requires House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “appoint 13 Members to the Select Committee, 5 of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.” But “Speaker Pelosi has appointed only nine members to the Select Committee: seven Democrats and two Republicans,” the complaint alleges. “None of these members was appointed from the selection of five GOP congressman put forth by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy,” Meadows’s lawsuit continues.​
Because Speaker Pelosi failed to appoint the requisite number of members, as mandated by House Resolution 503, it was “not a duly constituted Select Committee,” Meadows’s lawsuit argues. Without establishing a duly constituted Select Committee, as mandated in the Resolution, the nine members lack the authority to act under House Resolution 503, the argument continues, including by issuing subpoenas under Section 5(c)(6) of House Resolution 503.​
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ignored the problem caused by Pelosi’s unprecedented refusal to seat Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, which led to only two representatives with Rs behind their names, Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, agreeing to serve on the committee.​
Further, while House Resolution 503 provides for business to be conducted by a quorum of members, the problem here is not the number of members participating but the number of congressmen appointed to the committee. Also, because House Resolution 503 requires the appointment of 13 members, Pelosi’s failure to appoint the requisite number of committee members means the select committee was never properly constituted. That failure, Meadows’ lawsuit argues, renders the Select Committee invalid and without the authority to issue subpoenas".​
Doc, I know you may not believe this, but the Left is in serious trouble. They have always had the initiative in modern politics, and the GOP has constantly gone along with........well, if we play by the rules, the truth will eventually come out.

The GOP has been correct on most accts, but by the time the truth does arrive, the elections are long over, and the Left has moved on to new targets they want to destroy. Basically, the Left has been at least 2 or 3 steps in front of the GOP................until just recently that is!

The GOP is fighting back, and the Left doesn't know how to handle it. As long as they could hit people over the head and the GOP said, "thank you sir, can I have another," they were in the political drivers seat. Now that the GOP has become more involved in not only instant defense along with counter attack, you see the numbers you do across America; and remember, these numbers are created with the Left controlling almost 75% of media, AND 85% of tech giants.

Now then, the Lefts answer to this is.......TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP and our love of him as a dictator along with cult of personality. At 1st blush, if you took what their excuse was as fact, they might be able to make a case!

But then, logical reality must set in for us, and the Left, lol. If their case was accurate, then the election across the board was STOLEN! Hey, they claim, no way, Jose!

Ok then, it was not stolen Leftists, so then what do the numbers we see now mean then?

LOLOLOLOL, it means that many of THEIR voters along with independents, have switched sides for self preservation after seeing how they govern as a party. Therefore, now you know why they are in such disarray! As soon as logic sets in with people, they will understand what you and I know, that it is not TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP and his supposed cult of personality, but rather THEM-THEM-THEM and their screwing everything up that has caused them to start shrinking into oblivion!

Of course on this board, here, there, and everywhere, they will try and blame everyone/anyone but themselves, while trying racism, or the ole Right wing Conspiracy as the excuse, lol. Our job, is to insure their feet stay in the fire, laugh and enjoy refuting their phony claims, and smile while doing it while we watch them flounder worse, and worse, every, damn, day!

Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 Committee Claims Bernie Kerik Attended Jan. 5 Mtg in DC

When He Was Hundreds of Miles Away in NYC

23 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
What a clown show.
Liz Cheney’s Jan. 6 witch hunt committee released a damning letter that claimed former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik attended a meeting on January 5th at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC where Trump advisors discussed how to overturn the recorded November 2020 election results.
But there is only one problem with their assertion, Bernie Kerik was in New York City at the time.
This is fake news.
And for the record, discussing the fraud in the 2020 election is not a crime – even if Bernie would have been there.
Just The News reported:

I'm not an attorney nor I have stayed at a Holiday Hotel in years and I don't play one on TV but maybe someone can tell me what was illegal about the meeting that Mr. Kerik was alleged to have attended.
I'll wait.
In the meantime, Tucker Carlson's "Jan 6th special" is making a real impact, Chris Hayes, Johana Goldberg, Jim Acosta and the nut wings in the media are losing the minds over it.
So now.... the Jan 6th Congressional Committee are losing their cool. Carlson's very low tone, systematic dismantling of the social media narrative has hit some raw exposed nerves...
Anyone with an IQ over 90, is well aware that Jan 6th witch hunt is for political purposes only. The partisan, biased committee heads exist to give the mainstream media fodder to bash President Trump and his supporters. The FBI already came to the conclusion that there wasn't any organized group of people planning, executing or attending the Jan 6th "insurrection". If this was a real investigation? Jim Jordan and Jim Banks wouldn't have been removed from the investigative committee by Pelosi.
Liz Cheney in her hatred for Trump has relinquished her place in the Republican Party. Even those in her home state are seeking to remove her from the Party.
We swill see how she fairs when election for Congress in Wyoming come...
I doubt she'll even be able to make the primaries.
1. She will run as an independent like Murkowski had to do in Alaska, if the Rs don't let her run.

2. The article linked is a LIE. The 1/6 committee DID NOT say in their subpoena that Bernie Kerick ATTENDED the 1/5 war room meeting at the Willard hotel in Washington dc.

The subpoena said he PARTICIPATED in the 1/5 Willard Hotel meet up...and 3 other meetings they are inquiring about....and provided subpoenaed records that SHOWED Kerick paid for several of the hotel rooms for the group attending.

Your article and John Soloman author and article in Just the News, MADE UP SHIT that you believed because he KNEW Trumpers would NEVER follow the link he provided for the House subpoena that never claimed he ATTENDED.


3. No one claimed any meet up was illegal...they are seeking information.
I have "participated in" facetime meetings and phone conference meetings with people in California from NY.

FAIL here

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