Live in NJ and want to cut in line for a covid shot? Take up smoking cigarettes

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
TRENTON, N.J. (NEXSTAR) — New Jersey made millions of people eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, including smokers, a move that prompted gripes about them skipping to the front of the inoculation line.

The decision has prompted a backlash since it allows residents who smoke cigarettes to get the vaccine before some front-line workers, such as teachers and public transit employees.

Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy made people 65 and older and those 16 and older with medical conditions eligible to get the vaccine, beginning Thursday. New Jersey’s list of conditions mirrors that of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and includes cancer, kidney disease and other illnesses.

Smokers are on the list because they’re at “significant risk” from COVID-19.

“Smoking puts you at significant risk for an adverse result from COVID-19. And there are 2 million smokers in New Jersey that fit into this category,” said the state’s health commissioner, Judith Persichilli at a Wednesday press conference with Gov. Phil Murphy.

Well, well, well. A number one enemy of liberals are smokers, but how do they feel about smokers now? Makes me wonder if smokers will be attacked on the sidewalk like people who wear MAGA hats. The price of cigarettes in NJ is about $80.00 a carton. For those who don't smoke, a carton is ten packs of cigarettes. Most of that money are sin taxes at the federal, state, county and city levels combined. Given the taxes smokers have paid all these years, why shouldn't they get preferential treatment for once?
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.

I think that's the ploy. If smokers die, so does all that tax money. Keep those smokers alive and revenue flowing.
TRENTON, N.J. (NEXSTAR) — New Jersey made millions of people eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, including smokers, a move that prompted gripes about them skipping to the front of the inoculation line.

The decision has prompted a backlash since it allows residents who smoke cigarettes to get the vaccine before some front-line workers, such as teachers and public transit employees.

Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy made people 65 and older and those 16 and older with medical conditions eligible to get the vaccine, beginning Thursday. New Jersey’s list of conditions mirrors that of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and includes cancer, kidney disease and other illnesses.

Smokers are on the list because they’re at “significant risk” from COVID-19.

“Smoking puts you at significant risk for an adverse result from COVID-19. And there are 2 million smokers in New Jersey that fit into this category,” said the state’s health commissioner, Judith Persichilli at a Wednesday press conference with Gov. Phil Murphy.

Well, well, well. A number one enemy of liberals are smokers, but how do they feel about smokers now? Makes me wonder if smokers will be attacked on the sidewalk like people who wear MAGA hats. The price of cigarettes in NJ is about $80.00 a carton. For those who don't smoke, a carton is ten packs of cigarettes. Most of that money are sin taxes at the federal, state, county and city levels combined. Given the taxes smokers have paid all these years, why shouldn't they get preferential treatment for once?

Freakin' Washington state raised the taxes BIGTIME on tobacco products & paid the price for it with a massive decline in tobacco sales. Folks are NOT stupid in Washington state anymore than other American folks are in other states, MAYBE even smarter! Tobacco users in Washington travel over into IDAHO which wa$/i$ INTELLIGENT enough to DROP their price$ on tobacco product$ $UB$TANTIALLY which they knew would attract tobacco user$ by the drove$ from Wa$hington. I mean tho$e Idaho di$count tobacco $hops that are located CLO$E to the Idaho-Wa$hington border welcome the Wa$hington tobacco purchaser$ with big smile$ & star$ In their eye$!!!

Ga$oline price$ are also lower in Idaho by a GENEROU$ amount! Then there are the ever present Idaho CA$INO$($trategically located)with their own tobacco shop$. Idaho is ca$hing in on the Wa$hington tobacco purchaser$, ga$oline $ale$ & the ca$ino$ revenue$ from the out of $tater$!!! One would think that the narcissistic power & control(PC) profe$$ional politician$ in Washington state would have learned their lesson by now, but as my dad once told me so loooong ago; "Kid, there are two kinds of people in this world. Those that learn the hard way, & those that never learn at all."
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.

I think that's the ploy. If smokers die, so does all that tax money. Keep those smokers alive and revenue flowing.
Do you really think taxes from tobacco amount to a great deal of money for the state of NJ?

Cons and their kooky thinking.:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.

I think that's the ploy. If smokers die, so does all that tax money. Keep those smokers alive and revenue flowing.
Do you really think taxes from tobacco amount to a great deal of money for the state of NJ?

Cons and their kooky thinking.:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

I'm trying to get into the minds of the Far Left governor of New Jersey on why he is pushing chain smokers to the front of the vaccine line. Actually, if the guv wanted to increase tobacco tax revenue, he'd decrease the tax and attract people from other states to pick up their coffin nails in the garden state.
TRENTON, N.J. (NEXSTAR) — New Jersey made millions of people eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, including smokers, a move that prompted gripes about them skipping to the front of the inoculation line.

The decision has prompted a backlash since it allows residents who smoke cigarettes to get the vaccine before some front-line workers, such as teachers and public transit employees.

Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy made people 65 and older and those 16 and older with medical conditions eligible to get the vaccine, beginning Thursday. New Jersey’s list of conditions mirrors that of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and includes cancer, kidney disease and other illnesses.

Smokers are on the list because they’re at “significant risk” from COVID-19.

“Smoking puts you at significant risk for an adverse result from COVID-19. And there are 2 million smokers in New Jersey that fit into this category,” said the state’s health commissioner, Judith Persichilli at a Wednesday press conference with Gov. Phil Murphy.

Well, well, well. A number one enemy of liberals are smokers, but how do they feel about smokers now? Makes me wonder if smokers will be attacked on the sidewalk like people who wear MAGA hats. The price of cigarettes in NJ is about $80.00 a carton. For those who don't smoke, a carton is ten packs of cigarettes. Most of that money are sin taxes at the federal, state, county and city levels combined. Given the taxes smokers have paid all these years, why shouldn't they get preferential treatment for once?

Yeah makes you wonder. Seems better to flock to some states during pandemic just to get a shot. I have family and friends in their 70's with all kinds of health conditions like diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, they are smokers, and in the state I am in they still can't get a shot. They called no openings, all locations have time slots and closed until further notice. I told them they should think about taking a vacation to Florida just so they can get a shot.

I got my 2 shots because I work in healthcare setting. I don't think my immune system is very good, I felt absolutely nothing from 1st shot and felt nothing after I got my 2nd shot, no side effects .... that means my immune system sucks if it doesn't react to the shot. No side effects for 2 weeks after 1st shot and no side effects after my 2nd shot, not even a sore arm...but I never get sick from a flu shot either. 2 shots and I feel absolutely nothing.
And who is whining about who gets the vaccine first?

People who don't believe the pandemic is real

Claim the virus isn't deadly

Won't wear face coverings

Don't practice social distancing

Fuck off
And who is whining about who gets the vaccine first?

People who don't believe the pandemic is real

Claim the virus isn't deadly

Won't wear face coverings

Don't practice social distancing

Fuck off

No one is "whining" , just observing. And whether someone is a devout adherent of mask mania or not, that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to an opinion.
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.
Actually not true, indeed over 40% of the price of cigarettes is excise tax, but that only accounts for less than half the increase in price.
In my opinion, that tx needs to be at minimum twice as high. With all of the excise proceeds going to the treatment of lung cancer/heart disease.
Not just the government pot.
And who is whining about who gets the vaccine first?

People who don't believe the pandemic is real

Claim the virus isn't deadly

Won't wear face coverings

Don't practice social distancing

Fuck off

No one is "whining" , just observing. And whether someone is a devout adherent of mask mania or not, that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to an opinion.
Bullshit it's whining by people who don't take the damn virus seriously in the first place.

Fuck their opinion
And who is whining about who gets the vaccine first?

People who don't believe the pandemic is real

Claim the virus isn't deadly

Won't wear face coverings

Don't practice social distancing

Fuck off

No one is "whining" , just observing. And whether someone is a devout adherent of mask mania or not, that doesn't mean they aren't entitled to an opinion.
Bullshit it's whining by people who don't take the damn virus seriously in the first place.

Fuck their opinion

The reason why a lot of people are skeptical of the virus is that Tony Fauci et al have done such a shitty job informing the people and explaining the science of requiring patrons to buy food in a restaurant before they can buy booze. And explaining why abortions, grass and cigarettes are "Essential" and worshipping Almighty God isn't and spreads the virus.
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.

I think that's the ploy. If smokers die, so does all that tax money. Keep those smokers alive and revenue flowing.
Do you really think taxes from tobacco amount to a great deal of money for the state of NJ?

Cons and their kooky thinking.:rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

611 million is nothing to sneeze at

Actually not true, indeed over 40% of the price of cigarettes is excise tax, but that only accounts for less than half the increase in price.
In my opinion, that tx needs to be at minimum twice as high. With all of the excise proceeds going to the treatment of lung cancer/heart disease.
Not just the government pot.

Very little of it goes to treatment for lung and heart disease. For Democrats, it's fun money. When Al Gore was VP, he placed a class action lawsuit on behalf of states that greatly increased the price of cigarettes, so in a way you can call that a tax too. Many states didn't use that money for what they said they were going to use it for. It became a slush fund for most.
And who is whining about who gets the vaccine first?

People who don't believe the pandemic is real

Claim the virus isn't deadly

Won't wear face coverings

Don't practice social distancing

Fuck off

Just making shit up as you go along again, huh Lush. You don't know who's complaining and who's not, or their political affiliation. For crying out loud, it's Democrats making the vaccine political, not Republicans. You know, that vaccine some Democrats said they'd never take because it was produced under President Trump?
Smokers do pay a lot more in taxes, I guess it does make sense to me.

$80 for a carton of pell mells, when it was less than $4 when I was a kid, and most of that money is taxes, I can see where the state is coming from.

They quit buying ciggies after they croak, got to keep them alive.

To me, the very fact we are even talking about this, shows why socialized medicine sucks.

It's like in Canada, where trans people were getting gender change surgery, while people with illnesses were waiting for years.

The moment you give government control, and demand that government provide, you politicize the system. So now we have to argue about which group, which special interest, which sub-set of people, which people deserve, or don't deserve such and such medical treatment.

And of course this is going to happen any time you give government control. Tell me, which aspect of government control, anywhere in the world, is based on science, and not political support? There is no such example.

So here we are debating if a smoker gets a shot.

Here's a thought. Let's have the free market decide? People who want the shot, pay for it themselves, and government stays out of it. Remember the Polio vaccine? A free market system, that spread across the country naturally, where people simply paid for the shot if they wanted it. No government debating which group should get it, or special interests lobbying for their people to get it first. Just you want it, come pay for it.
Yeah makes you wonder. Seems better to flock to some states during pandemic just to get a shot. I have family and friends in their 70's with all kinds of health conditions like diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, they are smokers, and in the state I am in they still can't get a shot. They called no openings, all locations have time slots and closed until further notice. I told them they should think about taking a vacation to Florida just so they can get a shot.

I got my 2 shots because I work in healthcare setting. I don't think my immune system is very good, I felt absolutely nothing from 1st shot and felt nothing after I got my 2nd shot, no side effects .... that means my immune system sucks if it doesn't react to the shot. No side effects for 2 weeks after 1st shot and no side effects after my 2nd shot, not even a sore arm...but I never get sick from a flu shot either. 2 shots and I feel absolutely nothing.

The way I understand it is the shot effects people differently. My sister works in the healthcare industry and got one the other day. The hospital said their employees had no choice. Get the shot or get another job. I have to call her to find out how she felt. As a person with some of the conditions you listed, I'm pretty high on the list. After healthcare workers, the elderly, I'm next in line, so I'm guessing I will get it before summer sometime.
Actually not true, indeed over 40% of the price of cigarettes is excise tax, but that only accounts for less than half the increase in price.
In my opinion, that tx needs to be at minimum twice as high. With all of the excise proceeds going to the treatment of lung cancer/heart disease.
Not just the government pot.

Very little of it goes to treatment for lung and heart disease. For Democrats, it's fun money. When Al Gore was VP, he placed a class action lawsuit on behalf of states that greatly increased the price of cigarettes, so in a way you can call that a tax too. Many states didn't use that money for what they said they were going to use it for. It became a slush fund for most.

A lot of states decided to dedicate taxes of ciggies to "free" medical insurance for kids, so they could explain to their voters that they wouldn't have to pay for this new welfare program- only if they decided to buy smokes.

Of course, it all turned out to be bullshit, funding a program that will cost more and more every year with a tax on a product that is declining in popularity.

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