'Listen To The Science': CDC Declares Teachers do not need to be vaccinated in order to safely reopen schools


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Teachers unions across the country — including in places such as Los Angeles and Chicago — have balked at the idea of teachers returning to the classrooms without proper precautions in place, including vaccinations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now says that teachers do not need to receive COVID-19 vaccines before schools can safely reopen.

"There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated. Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite of reopening schools."


"Teachers unions across the country — including in places such as Los Angeles and Chicago — have balked at the idea of teachers returning to the classrooms without proper precautions in place, including vaccinations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now says that teachers do not need to receive COVID-19 vaccines before schools can safely reopen.

"There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated. Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite of reopening schools."


If I was a teacher, I would want the vaccine. Raised kids 13 years apart in age. Usually managed to catch something during the year they picked up in school, just nothing with the potential of Covid. Love kids, but that said, they can be nasty little creatures or are in close proximity to those that are. Have heard some teacher do not want back into the in-class classroom even after having the vaccine. Those teachers qualifications that make them ready for top flight jobs in the house keeping or fast food industries.
I think it would be good for any teacher above the age of 50 to get the vaccine to be safe teaching the kidlings.
I think it would be good for any teacher above the age of 50 to get the vaccine to be safe teaching the kidlings.

It might be NICE...but the CDC has stated Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite of reopening schools
Not according to Democrats.

Oh. Heh heh. Well. The politicisation of science offers short term benefits to the political scientist. So, then, science is to asking more questions as political science is to saying "oh, just listen to our load of horse pucky and don't ask any questions"

Political scientists, by their nature and actions, are effectively destroying the public's trust in the actual sciences.
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I love how the propaganda media and government have gas lit everyone into believe these, "vaccines" are the same as the ones that went before.

They have not undergone animal testing. They have not undergone phase four clinical trials.


Why is everyone treating them as if they are some magic bullet, or proven way to create herd immunity better than our natural T-cell immunity? :dunno:

Follow the money folks, it is the agenda of the world economic forum, the global capitalists, and big pharma and the vaccine alliance.

. . . now, if you have stock options in those folks, I can understand your rhetoric. Otherwise, stop lapping up the BIg Gov, Big Media propaganda.

Natural Citizen is right, there is no, "Established Science," when it comes to these experimental mRna "vaccines," they are little more than gene therapy. . who the hell knows what the long term results will be. . .
"Teachers unions across the country — including in places such as Los Angeles and Chicago — have balked at the idea of teachers returning to the classrooms without proper precautions in place, including vaccinations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now says that teachers do not need to receive COVID-19 vaccines before schools can safely reopen.

"There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated. Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite of reopening schools."


Many elementary teachers of the younger grades meet their students at the door with hand sanitizer at the ready. Many schools have installed hand sanitizers on the walls for students to use, and a smart thing to do well worth the expense. Kids also carry hand sanitizer that helps, but many kids still forget to use it often enough to be effective.

I am not planning to get the vaccine. It should not be a forced issue as this is a respiratory virus with a similar death rate as influenza. I would say I am almost a germaphobe and like many, take precautions that are just smart when at work or anytime out in public. Yes, this virus is real but the current tactic of wearing some thin cotton, often one layered, mask helps nothing since the virus particles are smaller than the mask holes.

People should have the choice and no forced governmental (federal nor state) mandates; as others have mentioned businesses will have the right to require a mask or not. I'm counting on the freedom of choice to work for Americans over the next year or so.
"Teachers unions across the country — including in places such as Los Angeles and Chicago — have balked at the idea of teachers returning to the classrooms without proper precautions in place, including vaccinations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now says that teachers do not need to receive COVID-19 vaccines before schools can safely reopen.

"There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated. Vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite of reopening schools."


More evidence of Democrats denying science. As if we needed more...

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