List black people's privileges here.

I see that blacks do not have anymore privies than anyone else.
quotas.....guaranteeing an African American is not screwed over I get. Guranteeing potential bums to get so many hired or put into a college or whatever is a disgrace. This is the same for any privileged group and to the detriment of our nation as we are seeing against our real future enemy...China!
Lol. 188 years of white racial quotas that guaranteed whites privilege seems to be something those like you choose to ignore.
At some point making excuses means that someone needs to be a sucker. Most people on this planet to some degree has their shit really stinking. It is to degree and it affects opportunities to improve ones self. The real issue is the margin of error each of us has.
It is funny how whites try telling us about privileges were are supposed to have based on them never being black.
Whites have an advocacy group-it's called the United States government. Blacks don't get 700 poijnts added to exams but whites pay top dollar to get their unqualified children into college. There are words blacks can't say and we aren't whining about why we can't call whites, wops, micks, guineas, pollacks, limeys, or degos.

There are words blacks can't say and we aren't whining about why we can't call whites, wops, micks, guineas, pollacks, limeys, or degos.

When is the last time you, or anyone you know, use those terms?

Did a fight, or a protest, break out?
I've heard plenty of whites use those terms. We don't think about wanting to use them. For some reason whites like you are butthurt because you can't call somebody black the n word.

For some reason whites like you are butthurt because you can't call somebody black the n word.

Whites like me?

are you going out of your way to prove you're a moron again?

The n word has never been a part of my vocabulary.

Even before 1965.
Yes, whites like you who whine about some perceived privilege we are supposed to be getting because we are black.
Facts speak for themselves-------college entrace, government jobs, hell even loans and grants for businesses are given because of extra pigmentation and whininess. Military promotions are largely based on color as well and so much more.
How about this - and I'm being fairly serious here - If you are Black and you play by the rules, and you are reasonably intelligent, you can have the world by the ass.

"Playing by the rules" equals,
  • making the most of your free public education, as well as,
  • taking advantage of scholarships and whatnot that are geared to People of Color,
  • getting an education or a trade that actually has economic value in the real world,
  • speaking good grammatical (American) English, at least when speaking to people outside your inner circle,
  • dressing like a normal person,
  • grooming yourself like a normal person,
  • avoiding unemployment (it's easy if you try) and working diligently at your job,
  • not looking for reasons to be offended,
  • engaging with a Christian Church,
  • not having children outside marriage,
  • strictly obeying the law and avoiding people who do not,
  • avoiding substance abuse,
  • making prudent decisions with your own finances (live within your means and avoid unnecessary debt), and finally,
  • if college ain't for you, considering military service as a springboard to adulthood.
You will be fine. Employers will covet your resume and your presence. Life will be good.
IM2 thinks "yeah, all things the white man expects of us, and that we should do because the white man says so". You can't win with IM2, even if your intent is good, and you're just trying to be helpful.

Maybe for those who are like IM2, the nation should do what it did for the Indian's back in the day, and offer them an expansive territory to settle on like a (reservation), or something like that ??

All American Indians don't live on the reservation, but many choose to do so, and that is A-ok.

What say you IM2 ? Would that make you happy ?
It is funny how whites try telling us about privileges were are supposed to have based on them never being black.
Whites have an advocacy group-it's called the United States government. Blacks don't get 700 poijnts added to exams but whites pay top dollar to get their unqualified children into college. There are words blacks can't say and we aren't whining about why we can't call whites, wops, micks, guineas, pollacks, limeys, or degos.
And a black lady was accepting the bribes.
It is funny how whites try telling us about privileges were are supposed to have based on them never being black.
Whites have an advocacy group-it's called the United States government. Blacks don't get 700 poijnts added to exams but whites pay top dollar to get their unqualified children into college. There are words blacks can't say and we aren't whining about why we can't call whites, wops, micks, guineas, pollacks, limeys, or degos.
Stfu. You have never been white
I see that blacks do not have anymore privies than anyone else.
quotas.....guaranteeing an African American is not screwed over I get. Guranteeing potential bums to get so many hired or put into a college or whatever is a disgrace. This is the same for any privileged group and to the detriment of our nation as we are seeing against our real future enemy...China!
Lol. 188 years of white racial quotas that guaranteed whites privilege seems to be something those like you choose to ignore.
At some point making excuses means that someone needs to be a sucker. Most people on this planet to some degree has their shit really stinking. It is to degree and it affects opportunities to improve ones self. The real issue is the margin of error each of us has.
There are excuses and then there are facts. Learn the difference.
I love how you white racists try enumerating privileges we as black people are supposed to have. But not one of you will turn yourselves black and try living facing the things we face.
1. There is a word blacks can say and others cant. There no word whites can say that others can't.
Blacks don't give a fuck if I say the N-word. Remember Huckleberry Finn and Negro(?) Jim from the Tom Sawyer series by Mark Twain?
2. They can have black advocacy groups like the NAACP. Whites can't any advocacy groups
So why don't you head on over somewhere like Stormfront - White Nationalist Community and advocate for the white race to your heart’s content?
3. They can have black only dating services and whites can't.
4. Mainstream media bias.
5. They get 700 points added to their college entrance exam.
What's the difference between a college and a dating service again? These three points are total rot. Like we need more libtard lawyers out of George Washington Law School.
I love how you white racists try enumerating privileges we as black people are supposed to have. But not one of you will turn yourselves black and try living facing the things we face.
If it's like that, why don't you just turn yourself white?
I love how you white racists try enumerating privileges we as black people are supposed to have. But not one of you will turn yourselves black and try living facing the things we face.
If it's like that, why don't you just turn yourself white?
It is like that and there is over 244 years of proof at minimum that shows it.
2. They can have black advocacy groups like the NAACP. Whites can't any advocacy groups

Whites have had the most powerful advocacy group there is-the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
3. They can have black only dating services and whites can't.

Most dating services are white dating services.

4. Mainstream media bias.

The media has been pro white forever.

5. They get 700 points added to their college entrance exam.

And whites must get 1400 then because they are the majority of student in Americans historically white colleges.
These guys are so oblivious to white racial preference because it's a natural way of life in America. Therefore they can whine about Howard being a Historically Black College, while ignoring that Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Penn, Dartmouth and nearly every college/university in America are historically white Colleges.
2. They can have black advocacy groups like the NAACP. Whites can't any advocacy groups

Whites have had the most powerful advocacy group there is-the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
Oh really now..... And when was this advocating taking place - 1800s, 1900s, 1920s, 1930s, 40s, 50s when ???

From 1960 onward, black's have had unpresedented specialized support from the federal government. To suggest otherwise is being dishonest.

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