
What "con"

Smallest government president in well over a hundred years.

I know he's no Quid Pro Joe, but still.....

You're hatred of Trump made you insane and made you run into the embrace of the statists. Have you even considered that maybe YOU are being conned by the statists you've chosen to adore?
So, not one single actual position. not one single act. Plenty of accusations of being a Trumpism apostate. Lies and false declarations but nothing on Trump. What a surprise.
Reality is strictly optionally in Trumplandia. You just need to repeat stuff over and over again. Then it magically becomes true.
Anyone who doesn't like orange man evil, obviously.

You guys are a fucking sad joke. Go suck on your dear leader off. He loves you.

Nah, we just question your motives.

I mean Trump defended "liberty" as a great example. Trump supports the right of individuals to to speak, worship, protect themselves.

Then there are property rights, the right of people to be secure in their person and papers, the right of the people to seek redress of grievance without becoming political prisoners and being thrown in gulags for questioning tainted elections.

And of course Trump is a free market advocate who stood up for fair trade rather than being a slave of the CCP.

I know this doesn't meet with the "to each according to his need" views of Xi's Biden regime, but it does match the ideals of Rothbard. Browne, et al. , not that you have any connection to such ideals.
Chomsky is an unqualified genius in the realm of linguistics and semantics.....He's a 100% fraud and poseur in the political sphere.
He has had some good notions on the workings of propaganda in regards to the establishment on the affects on the masses, but, it is important to remember, given his background, as a professor from Princeton, MIT, and noted CIA hotbed Columbia, HE IS THE ESTABLISHMENT. His landmark work, Manufacturing Consent is not to be ignored. He of course, would be the expert on this.


But, he knows who butters his bread. When the chips are down, he would, and always has been, a sell out in an instant. For he understands more than most, how the game is played.

He tops the list here;

Go fuck yourself troll.
truth hurts when it presented huh? Look fool, it is you who wish to debate using the schmuck in the white house looking to take over the government as to who you follow. And me, I'm for liberty and government by the people. You're working the Hitler line, not me.

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